A podcast for those who are different and want to make a difference.

Predator Pastors and Darvo Tactics: Seeing Through the Fog of Gaslighting with Lori Adams-Brown

Uncover the shocking truth behind a pastor's arrest and the toxic systems in faith communities. Join me as we delve into a Twitter thread that reveals the dark underbelly of abuse, manipulation, and cover-ups within religious institutions. You won't believe the tactics used to protect the abuser and silence the whistleblowers. This eye-opening discussion will leave you with a newfound understanding of the challenges survivors face and the importance of dismantling toxic systems. Stay tuned to unravel the unexpected truths and be part of a community where your voice matters.

In this episode, you will be able to:

• Recognize signs of abusive pastors within faith communities to protect vulnerable members.
• Uncover tactics used to silence victims and empower them to speak out.
• Center survivors and support whistleblowers to create a culture of trust and accountability.
• Identify patterns and toxic systems in faith communities to foster healing and change.
• Learn how to create safe spaces for victims within faith communities to promote healing and restoration."It's heavy. It's a lot to take in. And if you're in a faith environment right now, listening to this, where things seem not right, things seem like there's a lot of red flags. You're not sure how to process it. Maybe a pastor has been accused of abuse or even arrested for crimes, and you're hearing these narratives. I just want to say, I'm sad with you that that's happening, and I hope you get to a place of safety." -Lori Adams-Brown

Uncovering tactics used to silence victims is a critical part of creating safer faith communities. These strategies may include deflecting blame onto whistleblowers, encouraging unification around the abuser, and invoking notions of spiritual warfare to foster loyalty. Awareness of these tactics can encourage conversations about abuse and discourage the protection of abusers.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

• Join the Difference Maker community on Patreon at www.patreon.com/aWorldofDifference to access deeper episodes and discussions with guests.
• If you need to talk to a professional, consider signing up for therapy with Betterhelp at www.betterhelp.com/difference for 10% off your first month.
• Take a deep breath, look around the room, and notice five things that you see to use grounding techniques for processing heavy emotions.
• The Twitter/X thread where Lori lists the common statements she hears from churches with "predapastors" who have abuse allegations and even at times crimes: https://x.com/loriadbr/status/1753526994979934418?s=20

"Centering survivors should be number one. But I just almost never hear it in these cases." - Lori Adams-Brown

Recognizing signs of abusive pastors can be challenging due to their position of authority. However, patterns often emerge including the protection of the pastor over the well-being of the congregation. This emphasis on shielding the pastor can lead to harmful practices like silencing victims, minimizing the severity of the abuse, and even blaming those who speak out.

Survivors of abuse should be treated with respect and care. Instead of centering the narrative around the abuser in times of crisis, communities should prioritize listening to and supporting survivors. Creating a culture that truly supports survivors can help dismantle toxic systems and create an environment in which truth and transparency prevail.

"I hope you get to a place of safety. I hope you get to a place where your voice matters. And I hope you can find the freedom and the love that you deserve to thrive with your spirituality in a place where it's safe to be you and to speak the truth out loud."-Lori Adams-Brown

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:02 - Introduction to World of Difference Podcast

00:01:40 - Processing News of Pastor Arrest

00:03:52 - Grooming and Gaslighting in Faith Communities

00:07:14 - Patterns of Abusive Leadership

00:13:57 - Distracting from Abuse with Grandiosity

00:14:46 - Downplaying Abuse and Crime

00:15:30 - Unifying Around the Abuser

00:16:41 - Spiritual Warfare and Manipulation

00:18:07 - Silencing and Control

00:19:55 - Finding Safety and Support

Timestamped summary of this episode:

00:00:02 - Introduction to World of Difference Podcast

Lori Adams-Brown introduces the podcast as a platform for those who are different and want to make a difference, sponsored by Betterhelp for therapy and personal growth.

00:01:40 - Processing News of Pastor Arrest

Lori shares her personal experience of processing the news of a pastor's arrest on 35 counts of sexual assault and how it resonated with many listeners on Twitter.

00:03:52 - Grooming and Gaslighting in Faith Communities

Lori discusses how faith communities often groom their members to protect abusive leaders, focusing on the abuser rather than the victims, and using p...

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