Welcome to Your Success Frequency Podcast
March 17, 2021

How to Take the Fear Out of Raising Your Prices

How to Take the Fear Out of Raising Your Prices

In this episode of The Breakthrough Babe Podcast, I’m showing you how to take the fear out of raising your prices. One question I get asked a lot is how to tell your clients you’re raising your  prices. I get that it feels scary. You might...

In this episode of The Breakthrough Babe Podcast, I’m showing you how to take the fear out of raising your prices. One question I get asked a lot is how to tell your clients you’re raising your  prices. I get that it feels scary. You might worry that if you raise your prices, clients will leave you. Or you might feel a level of imposter syndrome, like you’re not worth what you’re charging. But I really want to crush those fears with you in today’s episode. Your time and your services are valuable, and you deserve to charge what you’re worth!


Some points we’ll discuss include:

  • The price you pay for keeping prices low
  • Raising prices based on perceived value
  • Taking yourself on your client’s journey


If you’re afraid of losing clients because your prices are too high, think of this way: If you charge twice as much and get half as many clients, guess what? You’re still making the same amount of money. And for LESS work! So trust me, it’s WORTH IT to raise your prices! It’s still a win for you. 


For all the details, be sure to tune in to episode 45 of The Breakthrough Babe Podcast. 

If you have enjoyed this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to Instagram, and share your IG stories and tag me, @jengitomer.






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