You Are Good

man. dads.

i tend to scribble sarah quotes. today’s was “emotional intimacy allows us to become greater than the sum of our parts.” my dad died 1.6 years ago and i’m so so so messed up and processing—probs forever—i judiciously avoid any media about dads. i never would’ve heard this podcast, but i love (love, love) sarah on You’re Wrong About, & they played the first episode there. not only did this keep me listening (just one moment longer!) the whole time, but it made me cry in the good way, laugh in the pure-happy way, and then write my first-ever review on the podcast app, despite the fact that i love, uncomplicatedly or not, like, 70 other podcasts. very recommended. (hey sarah & alex—just fyi—you’re not at peace with them after death! ack. sorry.💔)

Aug. 28, 2020 by embarassinglyprivileged on Apple Podcasts

You Are Good

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