Welcome to This Next Song's About!
May 20, 2020

Cocktail Hour ft Lake Street Dive's Akie Bermiss

Cocktail Hour ft Lake Street Dive's Akie Bermiss

Last week, my friend Akie Bermiss joined me for cocktail hour to regale me with songs and stories and plan our next nerd endeavour together! A good time was had by all!

Akie Bermiss with his affable disposition, glasses, and healthy do of cascading drea...

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This Next Song‘s About - A Songwriter‘s Podcast
Last week, my friend Akie Bermiss joined me for cocktail hour to regale me with songs and stories and plan our next nerd endeavour together! A good time was had by all! Akie Bermiss with his affable disposition, glasses, and healthy do of cascading dreads that drape down to his shoulders, is unabashedly a self-professed nerd to the nth degree. Since early childhood Akie has been an obsessed science fiction aficionado. Yet he does have an artist-friendly façade and has managed to cultivate and live a double-life as a thriving music protégé, pianist, singer/songwriter, composer, arranger and emerging solo artist and currently playing keys for the award-winning Lake Street Dive. Join our inner circle on Facebook as a super music fan or singer-songwriter and be part of our community! https://www.facebook.com/groups/619728222098700 Our podcasts are live on Facebook Wednesday nights at 8PM EST so watch it as it happens and join the conversation! https://www.facebook.com/Newyorkartistscollective