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Oct. 7, 2023

AFTERWORDS: Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)

AFTERWORDS: Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)

No matter how much things change, history is sure to repeat itself. Exorcist: Believer is receiving a complete backlash of hatred from horror fans. Shockingly, I enjoyed Believer and I think as time passes it will only grow in popularity.

Exorcist II was blacklisted and hated for one simple reason: It’s a “bad Exorcist sequel”. You can’t top the original and its impact. However John Boorman made a truly daring film by all accounts. Not a sequel but a spiritual successor.

Some days, I hate the movie. Other days I’m defending the score or it’s beautiful cinematography. I’m torn. More so than any other film that I’ve covered on the show.

Exorcist II: The Heretic is only guilty of one sin. That sin being that it had to follow William Friedkin’s masterpiece. I think we can now finally forgive that transgression and appreciate what the film brought to the table as a whole.

Forgiveness is divine.

6/10 🍿

(For the record, I gave Exorcist: Believer the same exact score)