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Private Citizen -- The Daily Beaver Morning Show

From @AndrewTumilty:

Mark Carney is a private citizen.

Conservatives think they can use the authority of a parliamentary committee to force a private citizen to justify his political beliefs.

That’s a troubling sign of what’s to come if they form government.

According to Andrew Sheer, "Mark Carneywants to take over from Justin Trudeau.

He should appear in Parliament and explain his policies.

How high would he hike the carbon tax? How much new debt will he rack up?

Cdns deserve to know.

Will the NDP support our call to have him testify? Or protect him?"

Se. the tweet from Andrew Tumilty above this one and then you know all you need to about the Cons.

They will pillory a private citizen for speaking out against the opposition party. If they were ever to form Government... say goodbye to freedom.

Episode 371, Tues Apr 30, 2024, Here, We, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!