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Is the Sky falling? -- The Daily Beaver Morning Show

#Diagolon is trending at this writing.
We understand that it was all meant as a joke, when it was first floated as an idea, here's the thing, sometimes, and this being one of those times, a joke can become reality to a true believer. There are some dangerous, nasty, ill intentioned people within that bowel movement. We've some video that Rachel Gilmore has dug up, and to say that these people are REAL believer's... yeah, that would be a very LARGE stretch. Many of the "Diagolon" stalwarts are on watch lists of multiple agencies. Take this "joke" seriously.

I hope we don't have to discuss Pierre Poilievre today, really, seriously, we're tired of him and his antics, alas...

Episode 373, Thurs May 2, 2024, Here, We, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!