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Aug. 25, 2023

Episode 66: Creating Harmony and Balance through Feng Shui with Danijela Saponjic

Episode 66: Creating Harmony and Balance through Feng Shui with Danijela Saponjic

Welcome back, Pathfinders to another interview series episode. This week, meet Danijela Saponjic. Danijela is owner of Unfolding Space, a company designed to help individuals use Feng Shui to unbox lives & align your environment with your life and vision. Join Eric as he asks Danijela all our burning questions & tune in to learn more about the importance of Feng Shui & how it can elevate your life.

Follow Danijela on YouTube:  @DSaponjic
Follow Danijela on Instagram: @unfolding_space_en
Follow the link here to learn more about her & Unfolding Space at

- Ellie Brown's The Secret of the Side Hustle Podcast HERE
- The Surrender Experiment by Michael A. Singer HERE

Purchase your copy of The Pathfinder's Journey: The Key to Your Dream Life Through Real Estate Investing at

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We are real estate investors Tiffany and Eric Vogel, founders of  Four years ago we began our real estate investment journey together after just one year of dating – before we even got married! We bought our first property with an FHA loan and zero equity.  Each of us has a unique set of strengths that we bring to our partnership.  

Join us each week for another episode full of tips, tricks, and methods to find your path and make it happen.
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00:00 - Transforming Spaces With Feng Shui

15:03 - Space Healing and Feng Shui Advantage

21:26 - Harnessing Positive Energy in Real Estate

33:47 - Subscribe and Support the Podcast

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the On Purpose Investor podcast. My name is Eric Vogel. I'm a real estate investor mastermind, coach, husband to an amazing woman and often my co-host, tiffany, and father to two incredible boys. I'm on a mission to help you become a real estate investor and not only achieve seven figure success, like my wife and I did, but to do so with intention, direction and clarity. If you want to transform your financial and personal goals, become the version of yourself you've always wanted, and reach your dream life ASAP, then you're in the right place. Thank you for deciding to hit that play button today. Now let's begin. Hello, everybody, and welcome back to the On Purpose Investor. We are here with another great interview with a guest who is in Europe. Her name is Daniella Sapinich. Daniella is an esteemed feng shui and space healing master with over 20 years of experience as the founder and CEO of Unfolding Space and the Space Healing Method. In her School of Spiritual Design, she teaches aspiring practitioners to tap into their intuitive abilities and create balanced spaces. Without further ado, please, let's welcome Miss Daniella. Hello and good morning. Daniella, it's morning here in America. I know it is evening where you are. Welcome to the podcast.

Speaker 2:

Hello and thank you so much for having me. I'm very excited to be here with you today.

Speaker 1:

Yes, ma'am, I am very excited to have you as well when your requests came in to join our podcast. We have been on a pathway to making sure that our hyperintentionality message that we are delivering is paired with a lot of things that help to build a better, stronger, more spiritually aligned person. It just made sense to bring in someone that is teaching something on spiritual centering and doing something to help people move forward with intention. I'm excited for you to tell your story and to tell about what you teach.

Speaker 2:

I might start by calling them and what I'm doing, especially how I do this really good. I'm a feng shui master and I, if you do feng shui and you go into healing spaces, this is something you will look into. I always say the masses of life. They were the ones who were guiding me my whole life. So when I finished studies at a university here in Munich, I studied business administration and my goal was to get somewhere into a marketing company or do marketing projects. So this was my life and as I finished it, I was cut off this road. I couldn't find anything in this field. Nobody wanted me. This is what I felt like then and I was really devastated. And there was a moment where I was reading an article about a clutter cleaned home. If you change something in your space, that your life can change. And I said this is no way, I don't believe this and I just put it away. I couldn't believe this. So after things didn't get better, because there is nothing to move. So we had a little apartment back then Our first son was born and we decluttered our space and the thing is, you know, it wasn't messy, everything was like in fine order, but still we let go of so many things that I couldn't believe that we stored this in our apartment. And two days after this, two things happened which really, really changed the direction of our lives. The first one was that we got a new apartment in a much nicer area of the city which we were waiting for to be, I don't know, signed. I moved away into a bigger apartment. I didn't believe this, but my state of mind back then was not spiritual, I was, and this was my first interaction with things which there is something behind it, and this is how the pathway to Feng Shui opened up. So it's not appearing. Let me go to Feng Shui, and I remember having a conversation with a friend and she's like, oh, there is a Feng Shui master coming to Munich. You should join. I'm like, yeah, okay, let's go. And Eric, I was sitting at this, even in this in the speech, and I was looking at him like I was at a Christmas tree. I was like, oh, this is so good. And I came back home, it was 26. And I told my husband, this is what I want to do and he said, well, then do it. And I'm like are you really? Yeah, so I think a month later I did the Lord Shui Dismaster in the City of Switzerland and since then I have been not only practicing Feng Shui and I've been deep into this matter because I want to know the mechanics. How does it work? I was always looking to experience Feng Shui in a way which is very individual to them, not to work with things which have to be done or things which we have to place in a corner in order to make a relationship work or something, because I don't believe I mean, feng Shui is 5000 years old and when it was developed, I don't believe that the masters had a Feng Shui shop around the corner to buy something, to put it somewhere. So there must be something behind it, and this is what I was exploring now for 20 years, and it's a lot of fun.

Speaker 1:

So the idea of you're not buying something from a Feng Shui shop. You're not buying something in particular to help bring energy to your space. You're taking things in your space and arranging them in a way that will channel the energy within your space. Now, is that correct?

Speaker 2:

Yes, you start even one step further no, not further before looking into your space and really examining what is not in alignment, if you're really conscious about this question, because how often do we just put something somewhere because it's around, or we just bought it and we got a present or whatever, and we just put it around and then we are not thinking about it. But if you take a step back and examine your space and see what is not in alignment with me, with my energy, my focus, this is the first thing and you take the next step and not only look for things you like right now. But the latest concept I developed, I took the future selfing method right, both like your mind and your vision and everything. Why not create like this, we can say like a 3D vision board, but not by putting some crazy things or I don't know, like pictures or paintings which are not really aligned with us in our space, but creating the feeling of how do I want to feel when I have arrived where I want to go, when I am living my vision. And we can make it really simple by, for example, what's the pen I will be holding and writing signing my contract when I'm there, where I want to be. I have this little story about crystal glass. I love luxury things. I really like them. I love them a lot, the energy behind it. So when we are at a hotel or a beautiful restaurant, all these beautiful glasses, they give us, you know, a third of the dreams. And then I went home and I had these IKEA glasses yeah, for children. So you look for something really simple and easy and then you think, well, why not bring them? So every time when I drink out of my glass, I have this connection to the vision, without having to visualize, without having to think about it, because in so many parts during the day you know, but if you create an invite, it's going to give you a lot of energy.

Speaker 1:

I love that we do in what we teach, we do a lot of trying to visualize where your future is and making sure that our real estate investors that we're trying to reach that when they do reach this pinnacle of their investing career, when they have the cash flow that they're desiring, they're living in the house they want, they have a rental portfolio, that when they get there, that their life is also in alignment with what that would bring. That way they don't get to where they're going and be unhappy or unfulfilled, or you know just, I like to call it just full, like spiritually full. That is where you know you wake up every day and you're not wanting for other things, you're not wanting for more, you're satisfied with where you live, you're satisfied with who you're with and you're satisfied with what you do and that just brings you a fullness. So when you're talking about the visualization, you know imagining not just that you are successful, but breaking it down even one step further into. I am holding this pin, signing this contract that gets me to this place in my life and, like you said, holding the crystal glasses. You know you're transported to that, that vision. And that vision comes to life through by planning on the front end of you know I want to be holding this pin, I want to be drinking out of this cup and I know I will have made it when I'm doing that. But I'm going to see it happening now and I like to think that when you do that and you visualize that and you are moving in that way, you are manifesting that into reality and you are manifesting it in a way of you know it's the be, do, have mentality, you're being that future version of yourself and you're visualizing having those things. So I love that you're bringing a way of adapting Feng Shui into the same ideas. And you're so right, we often just go to the store and buy something and just put it in the room and we're not really. I mean, I'm looking right now in my studio and I kind of see there's some pictures that I haven't hung up on the floor over there and there's a lamp that I kind of just brought down here and it's distracting, honestly, like it's subconsciously distracting and it's not really bringing like this energy to me of creation and of fullness. So can we speak a little bit more to the art of how does someone know, like, where to place something, how do we know when it's spiritually and energetically aligned with what we need?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I believe that we can establish. I believe that every space has a soul and connecting with our space, our space tells us. Of course, there's so much information about Feng Shui, and I could also dive into what ifs and through Feng Shui, you should put this here, this there. But there is so much available information about this. I'd rather start at the point of really deep spirituality, which is the. You know, feng Shui is a philosophy of life. It's not just how to place the furniture in a space, it's following how is to feel, to hear, feeling, feel the energy of the space. So why not tune into seeing our homes or even our offices as a partner, even as a part of our family? And then I always say many times when I go, leave my home, I say bye, sweet home, I'll see you tonight. Or when I come home, like hey, I'm here. Or when we go for holidays, then I tell my home listen, I'm coming back, don't worry, we are all coming back. Just, you know, take care that everything is good. So, and when you start doing it, when you come home or with your office, you start getting energy back. It feels like an embrace. And this is so valuable because it's not just walls built around us to protect us from snow and rain and whatever. It's a space where we unfold our lives or our businesses, and even the shift in the mindset of how we see the space where we work and live in is going to shift the energy of your home, even though you haven't touched anything in your home or office, of course.

Speaker 1:

That's beautiful. My wife is sitting over here and I told you this earlier. She's sitting down here kind of listening in. She's like wow, like we've really been diving into the human design stuff and to Tiffany's been to an acupuncture. We've been trying to really get centered on ourselves and our energy and the things that are in our lives. And I think it was the moment that you said once you approach your home not just as sticks and bricks, but as this is an environment of unfolding, this is the place where you create your family, this is a place where you create your business and your ideas unfold and your life unfolds and it has an energy. And when you said that, my wife was like wow, and I was too. It's just, I've often really loved my space in my basement where I podcast and I write and the family comes down here and we play guitar and we sing. And Tiffany has a beautiful sunroom where she has a lot of windows and that's her space. She has beautiful little pendants that hang from the windows with stars and stones and moons and butterflies and whatnot, and the sun it rises over and it hits each little stone differently throughout the day and that's a very protected space for her where that's where she is unfolding in herself and what you said just really resonated and for our listeners out there. I think and I've seen it happen in our lives and the way Daniela just said it make sure the space that you have for the deals that you're making, for the phone calls that you make, for the relationships that you're building, that you give it the attention and the respect so that it can create this energy, this energy that will compound and grow. What do you say to those that have negative experiences in a space that they once loved and now they have this love-hate relationship with a space? Like, say, a bad conversation happened in my office and I'm trying to come back into this office and get rid of that bad energy? Is there anything that could be done to eliminate those bad energies?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's really interesting. So when things like this happen, we anchor a feeling at the space and this is then remembering oh, this is very good place. And then I have this bad feeling, which is not always also the bad energy of the space. This is something we need to just take like divide, or what is the right word. Eric, I'm not a native speaker so I have the word in my mind, but you don't see me have to be energy of the space, so it's separate. Yes, that's it. This is how I learned English, by the way, when I was an old pair in Philadelphia. I would go on and describe, describe, until somebody told me that and I was in writing medicine there. So, OK, so let's get back to the topic, so you separate those two feelings. So if you go into a space and you feel you're wrong, this is the energy of the space. This is where space healing comes in. This is where it's necessary to look into the energy of the property of the house. What happened there, not only the last five or six years, but what happened there during the last decade or the last 100 years, because the Earth is also storing information. So this is one piece and the other one is when we have a connection to a bad experience, then it's good to see the space. It's blank. A space is always the energy of the space. It's like the energy of a space, it's not judgmental. So when things happen in a space where you feel uncomfortable, it's good to see. Ok, well, dear space, this thing just happened here. How can we resolve it? Go into a short meditation. I have a meditation I have developed. It says how to connect with the soul of your space. Instead of thinking what could the space need, when you connect to the soul of the space, your space is telling you what it needs. So maybe you just play high frequency music or you just put up an altar or you smudge or just like feel into it and see what do you need, what does space need? And then I love to make a ritual where you like, really like, pull the anchor of the end of those and release it for transformation. There is so much of work we can do with the space just through being there Just a moment. We don't need rituals ongoing and ongoing. You just make a decision and the energy flows where attention goes right. So when you make it, when you decide what you want to let go and what you want to invite in your space, the energy of the space is going to follow. This is the reason why it's important to be very clear on your visions, and this is where we you know the space and all the vision work we do on a personal level, where they come together.

Speaker 1:

So I loved when you said the energy goes where the attention goes, or the energy flows where the attention goes. Was that correct? Right, if we put our attention and our flow of life, like where we're headed, into positive thoughts, positive energy, and have a direction, where it's traveling, and we give it those feelings of where it needs to go and we give it the attention it so desires and we give it space and we give it the meditation and we give it the respect it needs, you know, there's no reason why, you know, the soul of your room, the soul of your space and everything about you cannot flow as well. You know, so often people get so wrapped up with the day to day things, of everything that's going on they gotta make the phone call, they gotta make the meeting, they've gotta clean the house for visitors, they've gotta do all this and that and they get very task oriented and I think people miss an opportunity to live a little more in alignment with their current position because they're so focused on the tasks. And if people often took moments of self reflection and moments of reflection for their space and their things and what they're doing, that, like you said, the energy will flow where the attention goes. You know, give it that attention, give it that rest, give it that meditation and it will flow. A lot of people don't trust that. You know a lot of people that they want it now. They want things to happen right now and there's a huge benefit to delayed gratification and just give it the healing it needs, give it the space and then it will take care of itself.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and you know, sometimes I love myself and also visualizations and very much clarity, and yet sometimes their days are just like ugh, just an awful day, right. And then the great thing if you have set up your space to support your vision, even when you have a let's call it just a bad day where you're just not focused, your space going to pick you up, right. If you have future self through space drive away from your vision, you hop back so much faster than when your space is kind of pulling you back because it's still on the same frequency by where you are right now and that's where you want, not where you want to go. So it's a lot about changing also the frequency of the space. And this is, you know, feng Shui is just expressed in how you furnish your home, what colors you use, what are the items you surround yourself. It's just the expression of the whole Feng Shui philosophy. But Feng Shui works in between your thought and then how it's so much work done before it's expressed in the space.

Speaker 1:

Yes. So, danielle, I want to ask you about the Feng Shui advantage and how you delivered the message of how to get ahead in business and Life. What is the Feng Shui advantage?

Speaker 2:

Okay. So it depends in business. So, if you, I also work with no state investors, and in United States as well as in Germany, and the benefit for them is very often marketing, that's a very like business oriented benefit. But another one is the consciousness of how you sell the pretty, like it's the piece of what you do, how you pay it forward, doing Feng Shui and healing for the properties which are going to be sold to other people and Already they're taking care for the buyers or the tenants. To be successful is paying forward. It's kind of conscious Building, but not in in the sense of what materials you use. But what's the energy behind the work piece? Another do you get? Even you tap into the power your space is holding for you, then you don't need to have all the energy on your personal level. So you will be more energy, I feel, have more focus because your space is working with you and not against you. So these are, for my experience, the biggest advantages you have because you can relax. You just get so much more energy back and you can relax a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

That's lovely, I love that you know. So the presentation of the property or the building of the property, or the interactions of Real estate investors as landlords, and the tenants, approaching them with positive energy, that is quite an advantage because you're harnessing positive energy. Like I said, people don't give enough credit to this positive energy thing. I I used to think it was, you know, a little woo-woo, but I just see it unfold more and more. I see it deliver more and more. You know I mean it's just you know the golden rule. You know treat others as you want to be treated. And just the in spirituality can come from from anywhere. I can come from your religion, it can come from you know your belief system, no matter where, and usually they all have a Really good message of love. People Give people grace. You know give people unconditional love and grace. So the function advantage of that. You know giving that energy to where you are and the space around you. I don't think it should ever stop with just people, right.

Speaker 2:

No, no, it's really, really interesting this piece of. Very often Feng Shui is viewed as things don't work. Let's do some Feng Shui and make it work. I can't sell a property. Can you do a healing or Feng Shui so that I can sell it fast? Yes, of course we can do it. It's, it's fine, but it's a philosophy of life. It's not like. For me, feng Shui is not now I'm a Feng Shui expert and now I'm Daniela. No, it's me. And when I cook it's with me. When I'm with my children it's with me. When I talk to my clients with me, it's always. The philosophy is carrying me. So when I do real estate projects for myself or, well, for my clients too Then Feng Shui is always a piece of it. If they book it or not, I just have to have the Feng Shui view, because otherwise it's not complete for me. So it's just much more than just, oh, we have the Feng Shui element or we don't. It's bringing it into the philosophy. You do and even therefore, you know, eric, sometimes I'm asked by my students Well, sometimes you know Feng Shui. They think it's who and I don't know. I don't know how to explain it. And we say, well, it's been around for more than 5,000 years. There must be something about this that it's like still around and still used by the biggest companies in the world.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think you know that that speaks for itself. Whether they want to say it's woo, woo or who do voodoo, there's obviously benefits and if people didn't see the benefits of it and the ability to grow from it, it wouldn't be in the largest companies in the world, you know. You know they wouldn't bring people like Daniela and to help them harness positive, growing energy. It's there, like you said, it's, it's with you every step of the day. That's a beautiful thing to say that you have it with you and I want to get it with me. So I'm gonna try to figure it out for me as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely. And you know, there is one thing which came to my mind and I'd love just to voice it here. Very often, especially business world, I'm asked like, okay, what's the cost? Like, what is it going to cost me? And it's usually less than one percent of the worth of the property. So when you think about it, it's around, like, let's say, around one percent. And what you create, like everything what we talked about is Is going to give you so much more return on investment. But the return Will be measured maybe also in dollars or euros, but measured in life quality and energy and all the things you get back, I think it's priceless.

Speaker 1:

I agree, and the more that my wife and I get into spirituality and energy, the more I see. This one Exercise or this one reading or this one stone may cost $40 or it may cost $100. The Energy it provides is never ending. It grows and compounds and, like you said, so it eventually makes it priceless because, if you allow it to, it can change and shift your whole life's approach to what energy is and how to harness it and how to foster it. And that compounds and, like you said, it becomes very priceless because you unlock so much of your future potential. Absolutely yes, ma'am. Well, daniela, it has been amazing to hear about what you do in your business Unfolding space. I do have our fast five, our fast five questions we're gonna ask you. Our listeners love to hear these answers. So, without anything further, let's dive into the fast five. What advice would you give to entrepreneurs Getting started today in regards to their spirituality or Feng Shui?

Speaker 2:

to turn routines into rituals.

Speaker 1:

Could you give a an example of turning a routine into a ritual?

Speaker 2:

Yes, it starts with doing the routine with more mindfulness and more intention and more energy behind it. It's not just oh, let's get it done so I can check it off my list. It's when you're already doing it. Why not being mindful about it? Why not setting an attention behind it? It gives so much more quality to the routine you're doing and it's not like I have to do the routine it turns into. I can't wait To do my ritual for today.

Speaker 1:

So I'm gonna give you an example and you tell me if it's right. Yeah, so getting the coffee ready for the next day. So it's either I'm gonna pour the grinds in, I'm gonna pour the water in, I'm gonna set the timer. Coffee is gonna be ready tomorrow. Instead, approach it as this is going to be what I am going to love in the morning. It's going to give me life, it's going to give me energy, it's going to propel me into having a positive day. Is that more or less?

Speaker 2:

Oh, absolutely, because you know, especially with food and water and everything, it stores energy. So water stores energy and when you have your glass and or your glass of water, oh, you prepare your coffee and the energy you give to the water and the mindfulness, it will change the structure of the water and this is what you will then drink the next day. So it's a win-win situation.

Speaker 1:

That is a beautiful approach to monotonous tasks, like you can do that with any task you know, and it's just a great approach to it to bring more energy to your life. I love that, all right. Number two, do you have any YouTube or podcast shows? They could be German or English, so you could do both, one of each that you would recommend to our listeners?

Speaker 2:

I love to listen to Ellie Brown. She is also a business mentor and a female leader, and I love her because she's completely taking out of the box, and I love podcasts who are bringing me to think out of the box. Just today, I talked to a lady and I was just referencing to the podcast. I said you know in Germany I dare to say this Then what you are doing, for example, eric, with your podcast, it's for real estate investors, but but you bring in people on mindfulness and spirituality, so, and you are creating this new energy of bringing two worlds together and opening up the space for people to look further, to look out of the box and to see solutions in different angles, different views, different perspectives. This is something what I missed a little bit in Germany, and so I'm very excited to really connect with people like you or your podcast and, for example, also Ellie Brown, so she could also talk just about strategy that she's setting, also so many things which are very valuable for female entrepreneurs.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for that, and I got a little chill when you said that, because I'm like that's what we're trying to do. We're trying to bring real estate investing to this intentional life. You know, design and marry them together. I got chills. All right, number three if you had to pick one book that you feel has made the biggest impact on your life, what book would that be?

Speaker 2:

Well, it's the surrender experiment for Michael Stinger. I don't know if you have a right. I guess you have, probably you haven't it's. Oh my god, yes, please, please. And so Through this book, I have learned that I'm saying yes is Just saying yes, without thinking about what you want or what your protocol or your conception is, can lead you to an amazing, amazing life. A following synchronicities and following coincidences can make a huge, huge difference. You don't have to know how the path is going to unfold, you just should know where you want to go. This is what they learned from this book.

Speaker 1:

That is lovely. Just so y'all know, listeners, all of the things that we talk about today, any links, any books, any you know suggestions, those will be in the show notes. All right, I look forward to reading that. Thank you, and number four what do you feel has been the secret sauce to your success?

Speaker 2:

not take myself too seriously and Not believe into the possibilities which are around. So I think I have to just tell a little Short story. And so I'm a mom of four children, my husband and me, we're both entrepreneurs. We are living a really really crazy busy life, and we also got the German Shepherd two years ago because, in case it could, we could get bored. You know it's.

Speaker 1:

For kids. I'm sure you're.

Speaker 2:

So I think the secret sauce because I get asked very often how do you handle it all? Like I always handle one thing at a time. How do I handle for kids? Well, they came one after the other. They didn't come like I didn't have this life from One day to the other. It, it created, it unfolded itself, and so it was always taking one step at a time and not Going into my drama. Oh, my god, I'm going to do it, it's like, okay, that's my life, let's do it, let's have fun, let's not take myself too seriously. And then, along the way, I learned to let go of wanting to be perfect and get everything perfectly done. And this was the finesse, and yes, I love that.

Speaker 1:

That's a great approach and one of the better answers I've ever heard. I love that. And Last question before we wrap things up today when is the best place for our listeners to get in touch with you to learn more about what you teach?

Speaker 2:

So it's definitely my Instagram account. This is where I love to be, it's Unfolding space and and then on my website, of course, there are quite some resources where you can connect to me, to my newsletters and read my blogs and everything else.

Speaker 1:

Well, amazing stuff today. It was very enlightening to speak to you today about Feng Shui and what you teach. I am super excited to dive in your blog posts and to to see how I can bring that into my space, our space, our home, and Build a more positive energy experience in the tasks and the environment in which we live. So thank you for sharing today. Miss Daniela, I, on the intro, tried to make sure I said your last name correctly, so I hope it. I hope it goes well, but I did my best.

Speaker 2:

It sounded perfect. Thank you so much, eric, for having me. It was a pleasure being here with you and also sharing. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Yes, ma'am. Thank you for joining us on the on purpose investor podcast, where our goal and mission is to get people to live with Hyperintentionality to chase their dream life. Thank you for joining us today. We are immensely grateful for you joining us today. If you haven't already done so, we invite you to join us today. We invite you to subscribe to our show. We understand that many of you tune in regularly, but perhaps haven't had the chance to hit that subscribe button yet. Don't worry, it's effortless Takes about three seconds to follow or subscribe on your platforms like Spotify, apple podcast or wherever you're enjoying the show. Your support is invaluable to us and has played a crucial role in the tremendous growth of our podcast. We sincerely appreciate your assistance in any way, shape or form. Together, we can launch this podcast to even greater heights.