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Romance Episodes

July 24, 2023

EP 210: Interview with Author Peggy Payne

Today, co-host R.N. Roveleh interviews author Peggy Payne about her books. She asks Peggy the following questions: 1) You’ve just released a new novel entitled, “My Life of Earth and Elsewhere”, a Young Adult story with a 16-...

Episode page
June 26, 2023

EP 206: Are you writing for escapism? Tips for not letting that show

Today, host Fortunus Games and co-host R.N. Roveleh list 10 tips for determining whether you're writing for escapism. This is an important topic because I think all of us have struggled to balance escapism and writing. Our 10...

Episode page
March 27, 2023

EP 193: How to stop sexualizing your characters

Hi, everyone! Today, me and Tete talk about a topic that is extremely important to both of us: how to stop sexualizing our characters. For the longest time, Tete and I have been sexualizing several of our male characters. For...

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Feb. 14, 2023

EP 187: Valentine’s Day Special - How To Write Non-Escapist Romance

Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you are having a great time with those you love, which can be your significant other, parents, children, and other family members and friends. We will be talking about a subject that me and the oth...

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Oct. 11, 2021

EP 90: Developing Malka's Sexuality (1): Is She Like a Bodice Ripper …

In this episode, Tete and I, Fortunus Games, talk about my character, Malka Spitzer, from my graphic novel, "The Book of Joel" (which you can read here: https://www.fortunusgames.com/current-projects ). Artwork in thumbnail i...

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