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Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Self-Realization: Justin B. Long | The Life Shift Podcast

Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Self-Realization: Justin B. Long | The Life Shift Podcast

Host Matt Gilhooly invites you to this inspiring episode of The Life Shift Podcast featuring Justin B. Long, an accomplished author, entrepreneur, and podcast host. Justin courageously opens up about his past, sharing his journey from a childhood overshadowed by perfectionism and neglect to his present state of success and self-awareness. His story emphasizes the resilience of the human spirit, the power of self-discovery, and the importance of confronting and overcoming negative self-perceptions.

Episode Highlights:

Impact of Childhood Experiences: Justin shares his childhood experiences, dominated by his father's unattainable standards and his mother’s emotional neglect, and how these experiences shaped his self-perception.

Journey Towards Self-Discovery and Healing: Justin recounts his transformative journey, which began when he embraced sobriety at age 32. He highlights the importance of understanding oneself and addressing past trauma to realize one’s full potential.

Power of Sharing Personal Experiences: Justin's brave decision to share his life story underscores the strength inherent in overcoming adversity. His experiences can inspire listeners to confront their personal challenges and seek growth and healing.

About Justin B. Long:
Justin is a celebrated author, business owner, and podcast host. His popular podcast, Straight from the Horse Doctor’s Mouth, which he co-hosts with his wife, Dr. Erica Lacher, and his best-selling book series, The Adventures of the Horse Doctor’s Husband, have resonated with audiences worldwide. His latest book, The Righteous Rage of a Ten-Year-Old Boy, provides a raw, intense examination of his early life, his negative self-image, and his path toward healing.

Connect with Justin:

- Business Website: http://jboydlong.com/audio/
- Personal Website/Blog: http://jboydlong.com/
- Book Link: http://jboydlong.com/the-righteous-rage-of-a-ten-year-old-boy/
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/justin.long.906/
- Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/jboydlong/
- YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/SpringhillEquineVet


00:00 Introduction and Background
02:08 Childhood Experiences and Family Dynamics
21:07 Coping Mechanisms: Alcohol and Relationships
26:51 Recognizing the Need for Change
31:50 Attending Alcoholics Anonymous
33:59 Transition to Self-Awareness and Impact on Relationships
35:48 Giving Yourself Permission to Sit and Think and Feel
38:01 Rejecting Parts of Yourself to Seek Approval
39:43 Breaking Generational Trauma
40:30 The Impact of a Mentor
41:38 Examining and Changing Belief Systems
42:37 The Process of Self-Examination
43:59 The Steakhouse Moment and Challenging Beliefs
46:00 Resilience and Moving Forward
46:55 The Impact of Trauma Therapy
48:08 Reframing Childhood Experiences
52:24 Providing for Your Inner Child
58:08 Recognizing Intrinsic Value
59:41 Helping Others Through Therapy

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#JustinBLong, #Resilience, #PersonalGrowth, #PodcastInterview, #SelfDiscovery, #OvercomingAdversity, #TheLifeShiftPodcast, #SelfRealization