The Life Shift Podcast

Great New Perspective - Thank you!

Matt, I want to thank you for making your podcast. Thank you! While I’ve been aware of my various life shifts, which I’ve had many. I’m not sure I’ve looked at them as life shifts until listening to your podcast. On some level I knew they were but hadn’t fully placed the significance on them that they deserve. Listening to your podcast has made it really interesting looking back on them now seeing how they all line up in various ways. It also makes me look at what I’m currently experiencing as being in the middle of a massive shift that has been in the works for more than a decade and I’m not sure I would have fully been aware of it otherwise. So again thank you. I appreciate you creating the Life Shift podcast, sharing your story, creating a space for others to share their stories, and for sharing those stories with the world so we can all learn and grow together. Thank you!

Nov. 29, 2022 by AuzBaum on Apple Podcasts

The Life Shift Podcast

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