The Inner Circle with Carrie Doll

Beautifully Authentic, Relaxed & Real

I have been listening to podcasts within all different kinds of genres for years now and while I do quite enjoy most of them, I’ve NEVER felt compelled to write a review for one (I actually had to google where/how one would leave a review, terrible!). For some reason, Carrie Doll’s Inner Circle podcast - after listening to just two episodes - seems different to me than all the rest. There is something oddly peaceful and beautiful about her podcasts and communication style as she manages to provide the listener with new information but does so in a manner that truly seems to have no ulterior motive other than simple “goodness”. She is not selling anything or promoting certain ideas and getting lost in the political weeds, or trying to dissect how a company came to life; she is just having what I can only describe as one of the most pure and genuine conversations with her guests that reveal so much than what we typically get in other podcasts. I just felt her podcast (specifically the one with Jennifer Coll) was one of the most honest and pleasant conversations I’ve come across in a long time, if ever, so thank your for bringing something not only special but GOOD to the table the stands out in a big way without trying to hard at all 🧡

Oct. 17, 2019 by Odet Eve on Apple Podcasts

The Inner Circle with Carrie Doll

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