Sept. 27, 2018

79: League of Women Voters Restarts - The Expo Center Explained

79: League of Women Voters Restarts - The Expo Center Explained

Episode 79 of Boss Hog of Liberty is now available!

Jeremiah Morrell and Dakota Davis are re-joined by Sara Morrell in the co-host chair. Somehow this became teacher night on BHOL. As retired teachers Nan Polk and Cathy Hamilton have joined us, along with Sara’s retirement from teaching. Each of them have continued their service to the community through a number of roles!

Nan Polk is leading the newly re-started Henry County League of Women Voters organization. They have been behind a voter registration drive, candidate forums, and advocacy for voting district sensibility.

Cathy Hamilton works with the Hope Initiative, and is working as the fundraising campaign chair for the new Expo Center inside of Memorial Park. We talk about the future of the park, the prospects for the new facility, different programming that will be available, including Purdue Extension, and the recently announced Henry County Community Foundation.

Donations to the Henry County Expo Center are fully tax deductible as a 501c3 group, and the first $10,000 each individual donates will be matched 100% by the Community Foundation.

Checks may be sent to:

Expo Center
PO Box 137
New Castle, IN 47362

Finally, Dakota and Jeremiah detail the upcoming candidate series between now and Election Day. Get ready for PLENTY of local coverage on Boss Hog of Liberty!

Support us on Patreon at

Episode 79 of Boss Hog of Liberty is now available!

Jeremiah Morrell and Dakota Davis are re-joined by Sara Morrell in the co-host chair. Somehow this became teacher night on BHOL. As retired teachers Nan Polk and Cathy Hamilton have joined us, along with Sara’s retirement from teaching. Each of them have continued their service to the community through a number of roles!

Nan Polk is leading the newly re-started Henry County League of Women Voters organization. They have been behind a voter registration drive, candidate forums, and advocacy for voting district sensibility.

Cathy Hamilton works with the Hope Initiative, and is working as the fundraising campaign chair for the new Expo Center inside of Memorial Park. We talk about the future of the park, the prospects for the new facility, different programming that will be available, including Purdue Extension, and the recently announced Henry County Community Foundation.

Donations to the Henry County Expo Center are fully tax deductible as a 501c3 group, and the first $10,000 each individual donates will be matched 100% by the Community Foundation.

Checks may be sent to:

Expo Center
PO Box 137
New Castle, IN 47362

Finally, Dakota and Jeremiah detail the upcoming candidate series between now and Election Day. Get ready for PLENTY of local coverage on Boss Hog of Liberty!

Support us on Patreon at

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