Aug. 11, 2023

310:; Betsy Mills; Eurorpe Trip; John Green's books "banned"

310:; Betsy Mills; Eurorpe Trip; John Green's books

Episode 310 of Boss Hog of Liberty is out!

Jeremiah Morrell and Dakota Davis are your hosts tonight. Zach Burcham is the show’s producer. Henry County Councilwoman Betsy Mills is our guest. She had just returned from a few weeks in Europe, by way of Toronto. England, Poland, and Prague were highlights of the trip. Betsy updates us on the county budgeting process, and the difficulties counties face with the design of government in Indiana. Hoosier Author John Green is in a fight with the Hamilton County Library board, Jeremiah makes it about racing. Betsy talks World Cup, and is it time to replace a lawn mower?

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