Aug. 30, 2019

127: Luck Retires - Betsy Mills & Chase are Back!

127: Luck Retires - Betsy Mills & Chase are Back!

Episode 127 of Boss Hog of Liberty.
Jeremiah Morrell and Dakota Davis are your hosts.
Chase Peyton is 3rd chair after a VERY long absence.
Betsy Mills is running for County Council and her heart is BROKEN over Andrew Luck's retirement. Hopefully Birthday Cake fixes everything.
Producer Chris dresses like a flyboy for a major ceremony; makes the paper.

Episode 127 of Boss Hog of Liberty.
Jeremiah Morrell and Dakota Davis are your hosts.
Chase Peyton is 3rd chair after a VERY long absence.
Betsy Mills is running for County Council and her heart is BROKEN over Andrew Luck's retirement. Hopefully Birthday Cake fixes everything.
Producer Chris dresses like a flyboy for a major ceremony; makes the paper.

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