Aug. 16, 2019

125: Councilman Clay Returns! - Tax Increases or Bankrupt?

125: Councilman Clay Returns! - Tax Increases or Bankrupt?

Boss Hog of Liberty episode 125 is in the books!
Jeremiah Morrell and Dakota Davis are your hosts. Mason Rottinghaus is third chair before he heads back to Purdue. Councilman Clay Morgan is back!

Jeremiah’s in laws have moved to Henry County. Mason helped them move...Is that intern abuse?
Councilman Clay breaks down the county budget, will they raise our taxes? If they do, will they ever go down (no).

And Clay makes his BIG announcement about the commissioner’s race. Is he in or out??

Our show is on the air because of the incredible GENEROUS support of our monthly donors. To help keep things running join at

Boss Hog of Liberty episode 125 is in the books!
Jeremiah Morrell and Dakota Davis are your hosts. Mason Rottinghaus is third chair before he heads back to Purdue. Councilman Clay Morgan is back!

Jeremiah’s in laws have moved to Henry County. Mason helped them move...Is that intern abuse?
Councilman Clay breaks down the county budget, will they raise our taxes? If they do, will they ever go down (no).

And Clay makes his BIG announcement about the commissioner’s race. Is he in or out??

Our show is on the air because of the incredible GENEROUS support of our monthly donors. To help keep things running join at

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