July 26, 2019

122: Wind is DEAD? McAfee Arrested - Trump Trolls Hard

122: Wind is DEAD? McAfee Arrested - Trump Trolls Hard

Jeremiah Morrell and Dakota Davis are your hosts. Kade Koger plays co-host; Mason Rottinghaus is your intern, Chris Guffey does his best as a producer.

First show back in studio after the remote episode for the County Fair. We talk John McAfee’s strange arrest at sea, Jeremiah’s government sewer saga, and the big report on the Big Blue River Wind Farm.

Kade and Chris attended the planning commission hearing that may have ended the project in a 4-4 tie? We explain it all!

To get Mason to try an X Rated pepper, we need to get the Patreon feed over $600 / month.
Do your part by chipping into the cause by donating monthly at any level at www.patreon.com/bosshogofliberty

Jeremiah Morrell and Dakota Davis are your hosts. Kade Koger plays co-host; Mason Rottinghaus is your intern, Chris Guffey does his best as producer.

First show back in studio after the remote episode for the County Fair. We talk John McAfee’s strange arrest at sea, Jeremiah’s government sewer saga, and the big report on the Big Blue River Wind Farm.

Kade and Chris attended the planning commission hearing that may have ended the project in a 4-4 tie? We explain it all!

To get Mason to try an X Rated pepper, we need to get the Patreon feed over $600 / month.
Do your part by chipping into the cause by donating monthly at any level at www.patreon.com/bosshogofliberty

Support The Boss Hog of Liberty