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The 110 Nation Sports Show - September 6, 2016


Mike and Mr. C.J. Sports have one hell of a show planned for you. They will be getting the #1 night on The 110 Nation Sports Radio Network kicked off with all the latest going on in sports. They will be joined by our very NHL expert, Izzo, to get you caught up on all things hockey (8:30 PM EST). Then they will be joined by a returning guest and a new guest. Joining the studio first will be ARCA and K&N Pro Series driver Dominique Van Wieringen (9 PM EST). Dominique will be returning to the show to let us know how the season is going, the high and lows and what she is focused on for the rest of the season. Then making his debut to The 110 Nation Sports Show is Clint King (9:30 PM EST). We will learn a little about this ARCA and K&N Pro Series driver, where he came from and what made him decide to be a race car driver. We will also catch up with how the season is going, what he has learned this year and what adjustments he plans to make moving forward. Show kicks off at 8 PM EST, so DON'T BE LATE!!