Oct. 18, 2018

Extra Drama #17: Natural and Unnatural Disasters

Extra Drama #17: Natural and Unnatural Disasters

Marissa and guest Jeremy talk about the diverse lessons of LOVE LETTERS, from "be yourself," to "once you have a boyfriend everything will be okay," to "San Francisco is a cesspool." To top it off, Marissa reads a love letter of her own...kind of....

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Sweet Valley Diaries

Marissa and guest Jeremy talk about the diverse lessons of LOVE LETTERS, from "be yourself," to "once you have a boyfriend everything will be okay," to "San Francisco is a cesspool." To top it off, Marissa reads a love letter of her own...kind of.


Info about the Transcontinental Railroad in California

1989 Bay Area Earthquake KGO TV News Report (This is several years after LOVE LETTERS was first published, but it's both a weirdly nostalgic historical artifact and genuinely a bit frightening -- be forewarned!)