Everyone has great stories...lets share them
Noreen and Kirk OldfieldProfile Photo

Financial Consultants

Noreen Oldfield is a Senior Consultant with IG Wealth Management and runs an advisory practice with her husband Kirk Oldfield, an accountant by trade, turned financial advisor in 2003. Together they’ve built the Oldfield Team into a thriving practice, providing full-service advice throughout Ontario. With Kirk’s expertise we are uniquely positioned to provide in-depth tax advice and detailed tax planning in addition to all the key pillars of financial planning.

The best way to describe us is to provide some insights into why we do what we do and are passionate about the “boring” topic of personal finances. Finances impact every area of our lives and are an important aspect to overall well-being and yet so many people do not have their finances in order. Or don’t know what they don’t know. When we review through everything with a new client the confidence and sometimes sense of relief is almost palpable. Investments are important, but its about so much more. One of our clients put it nicely when she said, “What has been the most valuable learning for me is that the advice doesn't start with the money, it starts with your hopes, and aspirations and does a dance around life events.” Being there for someone to provide advice in any situation, knowing we can help them get through is very rewarding.

Our goal in starting a new client relationship is a relationship for life.

June 7, 2023

Ep. 42 - Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with. .. Noreen and Kirk Oldfiel…

Ep. 42 - Storybooks, Gregg Jorritsma with. .. Noreen and Kirk Oldfield. Kirk and Noreen join the show to discuss leaving comfortable corporate jobs to build their own financial services practice.

Episode page