Oct. 10, 2022

Kundalini Energy and How it Works

Kundalini Energy and How it Works

Do you want to know what Kundalini is?

How can Kundalini energy affect us?

In this episode Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love talks about Kundalini energy and   how this energy affects us in our physical body.  How we transform our life and take us to Ascension.

About the Host:

Monica Ramirez/ Warrior of Love is a Transformational Belief Coach, I help support you to awaken to happiness and personal power from the struggle and confusion to feeling free, happy, and powerful.

I am a Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programmer (N.L.P.) I am a Certified Beyond Quantum Healer (B.Q. H.) Certified Life Coach, Certified Reiki Master, Multidimensional Energy Healer, Galactic Akashic Record, Psychic Channeler from the Family of the Light and my Higher Self Maia, Tarot Reader, Channel Readings, and artists.

The founder of "Path to the Heart", my signature Transformational System. I work with people coaching them one on one and in groups.


Soul Talk is every Monday at 7 Pm CT. https://www.facebook.com/Soultalkbywarrioroflove


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ST Intro/Outro:

Welcome friends, to the Soul Talk podcast, a show where whisper uncover the path of the heart, amplifying your conscience. Join me, as we meet incredible souls who are in this journey and learn from their experience and different methods that will make you vibrate your heart. Let's get into it.

Monica Ramirez:

Hi, everyone. This is Monica Ramirez, this Warrior of Love and we're in Soul Talk. And I would like to talk to you about Kundalini today. Well, Kundalini Irisa is that energy as a feminine energy that we all have. And let me explain you a little bit more about it. Because I bet you have felt that many times. And you're going to the process of probably you're already passing through that, or in this moment is waking up. And you're going to recognize some of the symptoms that we're going to be talking about, of the Kundalini and what to do with it. And well, like I was mentioning, is a family is a feminine energy, that is that we're creating it is our evolutionary force, where you have infinite wisdom that comes from the same source, eradicates in each human being as us like a snake, and is called three times in our Kocsis. It is in our base of our spine. It is connected to all our bodies that we are at the same time we have and along us, our chakras and our meridians. So it will work with our chakras. It is awesome, but they have different symptoms.

Monica Ramirez:

This one, it is involved with airbrushing at the same time, like number one, you have felt emotional recklessness and your process of always think in your style of thinking in your past experience that you missed. And you feel that sadness, and you feel like a mourning part that you've been continue going and going and going and going, why these things happened, how will happen. And many of us were in that process in this moment.

Monica Ramirez:

Two, this time packing all the years of representative repressed energy and all the blocks at the same time. Spending a little time thinking about your past. What happened? What did you wish were different? I have many times I have passed through this, the these emotions, where I wish my life was different that I can not make the same choices that I did in the past. But I did it.

Monica Ramirez:

Three, do you feel the same time physical symptoms when you're waking up at random times at night, I don't know I you have the spirits this at three o'clock in the morning, four o'clock in the morning, two o'clock in the morning, and you're sweating. At the same time you're crying, or you've been literally feeling and indeed surge of energy going up up of your body knows your spine and don't even know what is happening to you. Apparently, the Kundalini.

Monica Ramirez:

Four. You feeling suddenly the need to make radical changes in your life. You let go jobs you've let go relationships friends, you start new that is you started dieting in a different way. And most of anything, you realize what doesn't work anymore for you. I did this to heal myself when I have lupus or am Fibromyalgia like many of you already know, I did all these changes because I wanted to heal myself. And I thought this like past life doesn't work anymore. So I was needing to go through this process. And then use this booster was I was trying to heal myself. I was trying to heal myself, but also the Kundalini was waking up in me. So it was the need to let go all that all that junk, like put it like that in that time.

Monica Ramirez:

Five. You become aware in your mind. That's the only force that prevent you to be your mind is being your own enemy is being your thoughts who have put attention to all those thoughts that have prevented to be happy. Your ego had to keep have keep you trapped, trapped in in that state and help prepare you for the worst and the best thing is the state. So you cannot go and actually transform but do be aware of your own thoughts and your own emotions finally, and you started leaving now instead of in the past. Now just started leaving in the present because Remember, it's a process versus start with the past, and you're dwelling in the past, and you've really mourning the past. But now in the process of the Kundalini awakening, it is now you're starting to become in the present moment.

Monica Ramirez:

Six, you start realizing that everything is a synchronicity. Things start appearing in your life doors start opening for you, problems that you don't know how to solve. Finally, they're getting resolved now. But you're becoming so aware of that.

Monica Ramirez:

Seven. You become an empathetic skills are getting strained. Now, just start thinking, what is the other person is feeling, what is the other person is how I can help someone else, you start experiencing more of, of helping others in same time. And your third eye start opening at the same time, because now your intuition is starting to work better. To become familiar more into true nature during connection with the same source.

Monica Ramirez:

Eight, you feel strong need to be outdoor, you have you want to connect your ground, you want to connect with the trees, with the flowers, with the air with the wind, with everything around you.

Monica Ramirez:

Nine. You have an order in your life that was possible. However, put it like this cover order your life as many ways as possible broken relationships, the disorder in your home, the whole rabbits habits that you have, everything has to go away, whatever, it doesn't help you serve you anymore. Just want to let it go. It doesn't matter if you have to let go a relationship that has been married for 2030 years, it may happen this moment.

Monica Ramirez:

Ten, beginning to be seriously questioning everything that exists in your system is structures, like religion, like politics, they transition, everything that do not, you start questioning everything that doesn't resume late anymore inside of you, you're going to see the selfish part, the egoistic part, what it helps you or helps the collective at the same time because this time you're thinking in the quality. You stay in defining the fundamentals, while helps the human beings, the politics, the schooling, religion, let's have it was a struggle for me. Your spirits and random influxes of emotions you're actually dealing with, they're all things that it was never addressed, the things that you were pushing down, because you didn't want to deal with that before. Now, finally are coming again. But this time you're you're actually working with them.

Monica Ramirez:

Eleven. You stand me having the need to serve others, dedicating your life to helping others you have that sense that you want to help you want to change the world.

Monica Ramirez:

Twelve, you'll be feeling angry for who you were, you start judging yourself very hard for the things that you did not face before, that you are not allowed to do do not become responsible before your actions and thoughts like things that you did. But at the same time, a little bit, time pass, you started setting assets that you acted with information that you carry that moment, and you start forgiving yourself. And you start seeing that as a lesson. And then you understand that that was part of your journey to become the person that you are now

Monica Ramirez:

Thirteen. Lives never happened to you. It was it was happening for you. Now bringing your stuff bring it out into the world precisely what we're needing to be receiving.

Monica Ramirez:

Fourteen, is that this is a more mystical part of connection with the Divine. You see yourself as a god. But you also see every single human being as God in all the human beings in everything and you can see and feel it in everything that surrounds you. So don't worry about your ego, because we are all the same. And we're all one at the same time.

Monica Ramirez:

Fifteen. You can't wait any longer to start leaving because finally you realize that you were not leaving before but this time you're leaving now. And lovely this happened for you in this moment, but in the past and not in the future, just in this moment. And I will recommend you to the one exercise that you will helped me tremendously. I want you to do to look into each chakra and write it down in your journal. And what do you feel in each one of them? And you want to know about more about chakras. I will do a video about chakras too. But start looking into start writing down. Why did you feel in your root chakra, and your first chakra in your second chakra and your third chakra, and you know, and we will be talking about the chakras in the other video, this is about Kundalini. But I started writing down about what do you feel in each one and describe how you sense them. If there is a story, that is that moment is popping into your head, well write it down it might be related to to the same Kundalini. You want to know more about how to deal with a Kundalini emotions and so forth. Because there is going to be very emotional, because you're going to be you can get stuck. You do forget yourself, you're ours, too judgmental yourself, because now you're going to realize what things that you wanted to change to in change. We didn't have the perfect family. Not many of us we can perfect families is Why do I have to leave that don't get stuck in there, move forward, let it go. Remember, you became now the person who you are now. Thanks for everything that you have lived before. There were just lessons and you acted with information that you had in that moment. That's why I would never want it to be 21. Again, because I if I was 21, again, I will have a will have to have the information that I have now, when I was 21. Okay, and I'm going to be teaching a program, activating your multi dimensional energy. In September 22. registrations are open, you're interested and we're going to be talking about these and many other themes that we're we're going to be talking later on. And you can book a discovery call with me for free if you have any questions about it.

Monica Ramirez:

This is Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love. And I'm here to serve, and I'm here to help and they can feel you. Thank you.