Sept. 27, 2022

What If Today Became The Greatest Day Of Your Life? EP:38

What If Today Became The Greatest Day Of Your Life? EP:38

Struggle with moving forward?  Circumstances keep you down?  What if today became the greatest day of your life?  How would things change?  Who would you become?  Sounds fun for a minute, but then you realize all the work it takes to do anything different.  That’s were I come in!  This episode will give you a feeling of possibility!!! It will spark something inside of you to want more.  I invite you to click the link and message me. Where do you need the most support or help. 

I am here for you, and I believe in you, reach out to me at @soul_insipred_decisions

About the Host:

When we are inspired by our own thoughts, we feel a true sense of joy, creativity, and the energy of infinite potential or possibilities that are available to us. Then someone needs a snack and the thoughts have gone. I am here to say YOU matter. My name is Carrie Lecuyer, I am an empowerment coach for moms with a feeling that there is more on their hearts and I want to help you reconnect and re-align with your soul's purpose and passion and remain a great MOM.

As a mom of two little boys who love mud, I have visions, goals, ideas, and thoughts. Sometimes they only lasted for seconds, and the rest of the day I spend cleaning up after my kids. 

Over the past 20 years, I spent 15 years in a fast-paced career development and personal development environment. I have completed 26 half marathons, crossed the finish line at Ironman Canada, and became a mom. It has been the most amazing journey with so many lessons. I know for a fact that the moment I made a decision, clarity in all directions appeared.

I am here to help you connect with what lights you up, through 1:1 coaching.

You can learn more & connect with Carrie at:


Instagram: Inspiredcoachingbycarrie 

Facebook: inspired@inspiredbycarrielecuyer

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Carrie Lecuyer:

Hello, my friends and welcome. You're listening to soul inspired decisions, a podcast for ordinary moms living extraordinary lives. My intention with this podcast is to teach, motivate and inspire by sharing stories, tools and strategies to help you unlock your greatest fears, annoying habits and old stories and make a move towards the things that have been on your heart. If you have been a little lost, or in a funk, and want to reconnect with your purpose, your passion and feel empowered again, then this is the best place for you to be hanging out. My name is Carrie Lecuyer. And I'm an ordinary mom making extraordinary decisions. This is me putting one foot in front of the other, moving towards my next goal, and hoping to inspire you along the way. Let's get started.

Carrie Lecuyer:

Today's episode is dedicated to you, my friends. So welcome. My name is Carrie Lecuyer, and I am a certified career development and life coach, I have two big designations behind what I do. And it was brought through inspiration and following my heart's desires on why I pursued and went after these two. Two things I didn't know at the time why. But I'm so glad that I followed. And my question to you today, because I'm going to start you off with the big one is, what if today became the greatest day of your life? And you knew exactly what you were meant? Or supposed to do? Moving forward? What kind of freedom? But that gives you? What kind of power would that give you? What if today seem like any other morning, but it became the greatest day of your life? How would everything change? Because it was the moment you chose to move forward on the thing is the moment that everything changes. We all struggle throughout life. We work hard, we have difficult times we have obstacles, we have challenges, we have circumstances. And they bring us to our knees at times. And sometimes when we're not aware, it's a pattern. And you might be ready to break that pattern, you might be ready to break free of this hole, the last two years is hard on us. Because some powers come through, the world's shutting down. And that power comes from feeling all the things in those two years of you know, the we wanted to fight or, or freeze or or fly and those feelings come through all the things based on our past experiences on how we should handle or what we should do. And in one of those moments in the past two years, you truly wanted more. But you physically couldn't do anything because the world would not let you. So what is the thing that gives you your power, it's automatic power. But it's fear that keeps us living in one place. We've had two years of the unknown times where we had felt like there was no way out. And here is our chance as we discover that. Okay, it's true. We can keep moving forward. There should be no hold this winter on us to keep us back. And we can allow ourselves to step forward and and know that it's meant for us the journey that was planned for our souls. Where would you go? What would you do? Where would you lead? How do we change anything? When we fear everything? Those are the questions that we don't really think about. But it takes just one thing to change your relationships, your money, your career, your health, happiness, your entire life. At this point, you have experienced so much happiness in different things in different circumstances. But somewhere, our brains as we get older, as being an adult, the overpower us and our hearts. And I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about because our brains get in the way of all sorts of things. And we live in fear instead of love.

Carrie Lecuyer:

And that becomes our norm because it's easier to protect ourselves than to move forward and go after something that might stretch us or might move us out of our comfort zone. There are so much for you, my friends to know about the secret of life. But if you're not willing to explore it, if you're just stuck, but you're not happy, you're not willing to bend. But you don't feel like going outside for a walk. There's your obstacle, it's you. Knowledge is power. But applied knowledge is life changing. It's beyond its excitement that you can't even explain, if you haven't experienced, I've blessed been blessed to experience pockets. And in those pockets, which become years of fast moving paces of moving towards the things that I want, when I look back, it seemed like it took forever. When I looked back, it seemed like it took years, which in most cases, it was anywhere from two to seven years that things happened. But I kept pursuing them for a reason. And when I look back, it was just a moment of time. But I stuck with them all. I at one point, had seven major goals. And by the year five, they started to get checked off the list. And I remember when the last one was checked off, I was thinking, well, but next, because I had done all those things. And it took such a long time. They were mine, they were nobody else's. And I had a lot of them on the go. And I had to let some go. But I knew the moment that I set those things that I wanted to do, they became part of my life, they kept me moving forward, even through the hard times and the obstacles and for you to understand and know that there is something for you out there that you are meant to do. Or you're meant. You're meant to live a different way you're meant to be happy, you are meant to feel joy, you are meant to be do and have all the things that you want, you are meant to be who you want, you're meant to have what you want, you are meant to do what you want. The power is in the confidence, the confidence, this deep inner knowing you're of your soul of yourself. And it's held there for you in this deep in your heart. And it's just blocked by all sorts of things of life. And somewhere along the line, your vision of true happiness for your soul yourself has become blocked by all the things in life. And we get comfortable. And I want to show you the way to an amazing life, the people that I've worked with for the past three years, I really got into coaching and can through COVID, which was kind of amazing on how that worked. But the last three years of moving people forward and building businesses, they are women and men moving towards their goals and dreams even when they felt like nothing was moving for them. Nothing was possible. But it's always possible. You have to allow yourself to have a desire. Have a wish you are not meant to be born to just live with limitless pneus that's true that brings you tired and exhaustion and being afraid and and suffering and living paycheck to paycheck and you are meant to have all the things. What would be the point, if we just lived a life of suffering. There are people who will live in a life of suffering, it's like victims, it's a victim state. And that's how they will live and that's what they choose to live in. They can't see past but that's not you. If that were you what you would not be here listening to me that is not you. You are meant to live your fullest desires

Carrie Lecuyer:

and dreams and wishes. They're yours and not anyone else's just you. You are powerful. And I want to help you and I want to show you the way and I want to show you the way to an amazing life. And it's not doesn't come easy. It comes with some work and you are going to want to be frustrated with me but the one person who can hold you through your time in your space is myself. I can be your study your constant and that is what makes coaching so powerful. That I'm here Hear For You 100%. And I believe in what you believe in, because you would not work with someone like me, if you didn't have the desire, if you didn't have a vision to build something, create something, change something, move towards something. And that might just be to feel better. You can discover your soul, you can rediscover your soul. And why I say that is because in a state of pure joy, as a child, as a young adult, we live that way. And then we become adults. And we feel heavy and bogged down, and it's just, in a sense, reigniting the flame. And it's there. And we just want to give it some air, we just want to give it a spark. I was just asked, what brought us to where we live now, what are we doing in the middle of nowhere. And I said, Well, I can't promote career change, life change. Without helping myself or my husband. In those moments of identifying, there's something more, something bigger, it might be hard, it might change your whole life. But I can't promote and work with others, if we can't have lived it, or been through it ourselves. And that is where I connect so powerfully with clients is that we've taken big action steps and movement towards big career changes, big moves. And it's scary, and it's hard. But I fully believe that once we have an idea when we have a thought, and we take one action step towards it, we put everything in motion. The most people is just a thought, a wish. And that's all it ever is. But I know with the hard work and having the vision and talking about who we want to be and why we want to do it and the values behind it. Things are possible. We have things that are we are capable of. If we weren't, we would know it full heartedly. But there's a very big difference between us being stopped and US stopping ourselves. And every single one of us knows the difference. So if you want to show up, raise your confidence. Get back into this life of moving forward and finding joy. It is really incredible. And of course we all get stuck in these moments. But we got to keep reaching for more, we got to reach out to people who love the things we love to talk about. And find the connection because that's where you grow. And that's where you discover your inner power, your inner deep knowing. And then that's where the magic begins. And life begins to magically change. You still might be in that difficult job. But that difficult job might be serving a purpose for you that I can help you discover. It exists for you in steps, it exists for you with support, it creates clarity of moving forward with confidence. It creates a connection to what you want it to life and gives you direction, and then everything else starts to fall into place. I can't tell you how magical it is. It's just this magical feeling. It has to do with nobody else. It has nothing to do with your friends, your parents, it has to do with your immediate family and how it works for your core. That's the amazing part is when you let everything else go and focus on you and your core. It all changes. Everything shifts for the better. Everything shifts to your favor. It's simply the law of attraction. And it's magical. But it all becomes your decision quite simply.

Carrie Lecuyer:

And in the moment of speaking your wishes and desires out loud you create this magical possibility of believing in yourself when maybe you haven't Believe in yourself for a really long time. Your relationships your friends, you're meant to have good relationships and friends. You are meant to have hopes and dreams and be happy you are meant to have money. If you want to travel you were meant to travel. It just might look different right now but if you don't even have a passport, heck Alexa, get you Moving towards the passport because that opens up possibilities. Because the moment you decide to get a passport, you send a signal a message, you raise your vibration to the next step of Where might I go. If you want to start a business, you are meant to start a business. And the moment you decide that I'm going to start a business and say out loud, there's accountability and power in that. If you want to go back to school, you're meant to go back to school. If you want to find out about your past life, maybe you were adopted, you're meant to find that out. If you want to study a language, you are meant to study a language. If you are meant to find your soulmate, your soulmate will come as soon as you shift the door and the possibilities to being there for you. It's excitement that creates this opportunity in your soul. And it's so much fun, and I have so much fun with my clients, even though we go through lots of hard conversations. In every conversation we have there is clarity, and always moving towards what you want. I can't tell you when or where it will happen. I can't tell you how to make it happen. But I truly believe and hold space and accountability for all my clients who have this desire. And so for some they think it's career and it's actually building their family. For some it's changing careers, but it's actually just leaving their jobs. Being the man that they've been wanting to be, for some, it's building an at home business, because they see how beneficial it would be for their family. For most men, it's been changing careers, doing something thing they love, and feel good about themselves for. And in that I say all the power to you, because you're teaching everyone else around you that it's possible, you're showing your kids that when life gets tough, you can shift and you can change and you can still go after the things you want as an adult, it doesn't have to be an ad or it can be all the things it just looks different. As a 48 year old to an 18 year old. But it's possible. There will always be challenges in your life, there will always be things that we need help with the need to grow. 100% You know that? So what if you could discover your true power. I can show you the way I can give you tools and help you move through questions, burials, barriers set, get your confidence back up, find your confidence. Peck, maybe you don't even have enough confidence to have a conversation with any about having a desire or a dream. There is nothing more powerful than saying yes, because it moves you forward instantly. It's almost like creating magic. My husband doesn't believe in magic, I believe it's very magical. He's very logical thinker perfectly fine. I can still point out the moments where he's created clarity and fast tracked and manifested. And he just calls it logical behavior. And I totally think it's the power within us that creates what we want. Why is it important to you? And then how might we get that? This fall, my schedule opens up for you, for groups for courses. And that's where I want to go with everything because I still believe in helping people become who they were truly meant to be.

Carrie Lecuyer:

And if you need an invite here is your invite. come my way. Let's see what we can do. If you have a team that you need some leadership with if you have a vision that you need to redirect, it's still your vision, you just need some help with clarity, creating a new vision towards your goal. Just shifting it is an amazing way to start. So I ask for you today. Two times this question and that is What if today was the greatest day of your life? And you didn't even know it was today. But you can look back and pinpoint. That was the moment that I decided to do something different. That was the moment I gave myself permission to have power. What if you knew it was possible? What if you allowed yourself to say yes, and you did say yes. How would everything change for you? I know it would change for you. And you were here for a reason. Thank you for joining me here today. Thank you for showing up. If you're here for a reason, send me a DM, send me a DM and share this podcast with a friend. I am here for you. I believe in you. And I believe all that you are possible of doing something to think about. Have a great day.