Aug. 16, 2021

Wellness Part 8: Self-Awareness and Self-Care

Wellness Part 8:  Self-Awareness and Self-Care

Part 2 of the Sonic Gravity Singularity Lab Discussion.  

The trouble with bipolarity is that when you're up, you're way up, and then when you're down, you're down.  I've spent the last 3 months or so manic, and now I'm on the downswing, so I'm going to need a minute to get my mind right.  So I'm going to spend some time on the beach with the family and refocus.

So I'm going to be out for a bit, I've got some really good stuff planned for when I come back.  In the meantime, Mike, from The Singularity Lab YouTube Channel, who interviewed me last month, sent me a copy of the interview so I could share it with you while I'm taking a knee.

Just remember, even though you're probably not a madman, at some point, you might want to consider taking a breather too . . . and that is a fact.