March 21, 2021

Wellness Part 3: Psychopathic Forgiveness

Wellness Part 3:  Psychopathic Forgiveness

Enter my mind and see what I see.

When people do us wrong, what do we do?  

It's a certainty that people will hurt us and do wrong by us; we can't stop that hurt from coming, but we can stop it from staying with us and polluting our lives.

And when we allow someone who hurt us, to poison our lives, we know from the Physics of Leadership, that we are changing everyone in our orbit--and if we allow the poison to infect us as we are changing the people orbiting in our gravity, we are allowing the poison to infect them too.

So we don't forgive to justify or excuse what they did--we forgive so that we can move on and resist the persisting damage that they'd inflict on us if we held on to that offense and held that grudge.  And, whenever we ask for someone's forgiveness, their answer doesn't matter--we're already getting on with our lives, and we're doing them a favor, because we're giving them the opportunity to move on with theirs too.