This podcast marks a special milestone as we celebrate our one-year podcast anniversary.
This episode features recordings from our first gig of 2025 at the Nova Scotia pub, where we unveiled some new songs to a very enthusiastic audience. We also have a delightful segment called "Ahoy There Matey," where we hear from other shanty crews across the globe. So, grab your headphones and get ready for some shanty-filled fun as we look forward to another year of music and camaraderie!
Join our Facebook crew
Donate to Teenage Cancer Trust
Theme song provided by Kale A. Dean
Cover composite illustration - Clifton Suspension Bridge; Shanty Crewmates ©
Matt Jeanes Professional Artist
Copyright © 2024 Port of Bristol Shanty Crew - All Rights Reserved
Speaker A
Hi, this is Skip and you're listening.
Speaker B
To Shipshape and Bristol Fashion.
Speaker B
Ship Shape and Bristol Fashion Boys along the harder side from evil gods to wonderful Heat up all the line Secure the barrels down below Find the tie and jump this vessel she is certified Shipshape and Bristol Fashion.
Speaker C
Hello there shipmates and welcome to Shipshape and Bristol Fashion.
Speaker C
Hi, I'm Oggy and I'm a member of the Port of Bristol Shanty Crew.
Speaker C
And this podcast is all about covering what we get up to and how to find us in the future.
Speaker C
Hello and welcome to episode 13.
Speaker C
It's really great that you can join us.
Speaker C
You are in for an audible delight in this episode.
Speaker C
Now, if you are a regular listener, thank you for coming back and joining us.
Speaker C
And if you're brand new, then please do ensure that you don't miss out on all the previous episodes.
Speaker C
And so whatever platform that you're listening this episode on, there are many different ways where you can find our previous episodes.
Speaker C
And that's a great reminder that this is a podcast available on all good podcast apps, on your phone and of course on your PC.
Speaker C
Now, episode 13 is ironically our year anniversary.
Speaker C
This podcast has now been going on for a whole year.
Speaker C
Can you believe it?
Speaker C
Time flies when you're having fun.
Speaker C
This podcast started with the idea of covering the great work of the Port of Bristol Shanty Crew and ensuring that more and more people could hear about the crew itself.
Speaker C
And of course, over the last year I've joined as a crew and we've managed to raise a lot more money, so clearly something is working.
Speaker C
Thank you for sticking with us.
Speaker C
It's certainly a great way to catch up with us and kind of get a behind the scenes look of what goes on within the crew.
Speaker C
And of course, we look forward to another year moving forward.
Speaker C
Now on this episode we have.
Speaker C
It's kind of a long episode, so you've got a whole month to listen to it, so take your time.
Speaker C
But we've got two sets of audio that we captured at our first gig of 2025 in the pub called the Nova Scotia in Bristol.
Speaker C
It's now going to be one of our kind of permanent bases.
Speaker C
More information about that later on in the but we thought you would appreciate some audible delight with some of our songs, some of which we've not sung in public before.
Speaker C
So it was a great opportunity to air them out in front of a very, very receptive audience.
Speaker C
We also had a very special guest who joined us who you will hopefully hear a little bit later in the episode so, but before we jump into that audio, let's hear from the signaller.
Speaker A
Yo ho ho, you lovely listeners out there, it's the pegged leg signaller here.
Speaker A
Back after our Christmas break and a dry January and a rebuild for me with a new knee with news of all things shanty from the Port of Bristol Shanty Crew.
Speaker A
January was a very quiet month.
Speaker A
We didn't have any gigs, but allowed us to recharge and get ready for the coming season.
Speaker A
We have four gigs coming up in February and we are delighted that there are two new gigs and two repeat gigs.
Speaker A
And repeat gigs are always quite an amazement to the shanty crew because we can't think why on earth anybody would have us back.
Speaker A
But it's always lovely when we do them.
Speaker A
And I'll tell you little bit more about them in a moment.
Speaker A
January also gave us a bit of time to recover from the trauma caused by the publication of our calendars.
Speaker A
There are just a few left, so if anybody would want them, please get in touch.
Speaker A
I'm sure they are available for a.
Speaker A
A knockdown price from the original price that we, we charged them out at.
Speaker A
So if anybody wants them for friends, enemies or family members, please be in touch.
Speaker A
So the first gig is actually happening as we speak tonight.
Speaker A
It's on the Nova Scotia, that great pub down on the dockside in the harbour side in Bristol.
Speaker A
I think this is the first of what we're hoping will be a regularly shanty night on a Sunday evening.
Speaker A
And I'd like to give a special shout out to my cousins Kevin and Paul, who have turned up tonight to see me join in singing with the boys.
Speaker A
Unfortunately, I'm a bit confined to my sickbed still because of this knee, so my apologies, gents, but I'm sure you'll come again for the rest of the other evenings that we do down at Nova Scotia.
Speaker A
On Wednesday the 5th, the crew are singing at Snuffy Jacks, which is a great micro pub on Fishbonds High Street.
Speaker A
I think we're due to be on about 7:45.
Speaker A
It's a fantastic boozer, lots of real owls, lots of real ciders, small and intimate, so you might be a bit shouldered to shoulder shoulder if loads of people turn up.
Speaker A
But we're all looking forward to that.
Speaker A
The first of our repeat gigs is on Saturday 15th February over at Timsbury at the church there.
Speaker A
We did this last year and we didn't really know what to expect and when we turned up there was over 200 people packed into the church and it was great to sing there.
Speaker A
Amazing acoustics as you would obviously get from a church.
Speaker A
A fantastic audience and we were delighted to be able to help them raise some money for the church funds.
Speaker A
And the crew are all looking forward to going back there and singing again.
Speaker A
And then on Wednesday the 19th, it's a bit of a private gig.
Speaker A
We're entertaining the brethren on their and their families of the Lyegrove and Pur Down Mark Lodge over at Down End.
Speaker A
Again, we did this last year.
Speaker A
Very well received and very generous donations to our charity by all of the members of that lodge.
Speaker A
So, lovely listeners, this is the news coming from the Signaler.
Speaker A
I hope to be back a bit more lively and active in March.
Speaker A
We look forward to seeing as many of you as we can in February.
Speaker A
And I hope you're all fit and healthy after your January, behaving yourselves and looking forward to misbehaving as much as you can in February.
Speaker A
So that's enough from me.
Speaker A
It's over and out from the Signaller.
Speaker C
Thanks, Ash.
Speaker C
Yes, I really do hope that you start to feel better very soon.
Speaker C
There is a lot of time required to get better after a knee replacement, but we clearly are looking forward to seeing you back within the crew and singing your heart out with the many songs that you do sing for us.
Speaker C
So, like I said, we are now going to delve into the audio that we captured at the Nova Scotia.
Speaker C
Some great songs, some great giggles and of course, a little bit more about our calendars.
Speaker C
And in between, we're going to break it up with our regular feature, which is Ahoy There Matey, where we get to hear from one of the many different shanty crews from around the UK and around the world that want to promote what they're up to.
Speaker C
So, hello listeners, and welcome to this special live recording of our first gig here at the Nova Scotia.
Speaker C
And actually, it's our first gig for 2025.
Speaker C
We're looking forward to it.
Speaker C
And the reason we're here is that we are now going to be regulars here at the Nova Scotia.
Speaker C
Once every couple of months we will come along and provide a set and just be part of this beautiful pub.
Speaker C
As you can see, it's very busy already.
Speaker C
We're looking forward to entertaining them with the couple of sets that we have.
Speaker C
Two 45 minute sets that we.
Speaker C
And we've got a few songs that we've not sung before.
Speaker C
So we are looking forward to that.
Speaker C
I'm going to talk to the crew and see how they're feeling and getting ready for this evening.
Speaker C
So I'm here now with chilli.
Speaker C
We're at the bar, the best place, of course, we're about to do, obviously, a set.
Speaker B
They do multi batch as well, do they?
Speaker B
Speaker B
Speaker C
Oh, my goodness.
Speaker C
They've got everything here.
Speaker C
It's a great pub.
Speaker C
It's a great pub.
Speaker C
I'm with the bar staff.
Speaker C
What's your name, buddy?
Speaker B
Speaker B
Speaker C
Nice to meet you, buddy.
Speaker C
Tell us a little bit, a little bit about this pub because it looks very unique and very Bristolian.
Speaker B
It's a very historic pub, established in 1811.
Speaker B
So the original bar was actually built in 1908 and legend has it it was originally meant to be put on a boat, but it didn't fit, so.
Speaker C
They popped in here.
Speaker C
No better place.
Speaker C
No better place.
Speaker C
It looks fantastic.
Speaker C
There's countless spirits and I'm looking forward to doing one of them later.
Speaker C
And of course, it's great here, isn't it?
Speaker C
It seems very busy.
Speaker C
Anything more you want to let us know about the.
Speaker B
Just really like.
Speaker B
We try and keep it in.
Speaker B
Keeping these.
Speaker B
So these chart maps aren't the original ones, but they've been.
Speaker B
We've had chart maps up on the.
Speaker C
Walls for quite a while.
Speaker B
They've been redone over the while, but it just kind of ties into the kind of maritime theme that you can't.
Speaker B
Speaker C
Listeners, you obviously can't see it, but the wallpaper and the pictures are all very nautical themed.
Speaker C
There is some fantastic chart maps on the wall and of course, lots of the history of Bristol, because we're right next to the docks and would have.
Speaker C
Most ships would have passed this building back in the day.
Speaker B
Speaker C
And because of the history, I guess a lot of sailors would have come in here and have many of a story.
Speaker C
Speaker B
And still we have a lot of people who work down on the underfall yard.
Speaker B
They come in.
Speaker B
A lot of the volunteers who work down there coming in a Tuesday and have their lunch, have a drink.
Speaker C
It's really good that the sailors are still coming in.
Speaker C
It's like just an amazing tradition and keeping that generation going.
Speaker C
So it's good.
Speaker C
Really good.
Speaker C
Well, this is our first time we've been here.
Speaker C
We're looking forward to singing to your customers.
Speaker B
We're looking forward to it too.
Speaker C
I know it should be good.
Speaker C
And we'll look forward to come back again and again and again to.
Speaker C
To really enhance the nautical theme of this amazing thing.
Speaker B
Speaker C
Speaker C
Cheers, buddy.
Speaker C
Thank you.
Speaker B
Thank you.
Speaker C
Well, Nobby, how you doing, buddy?
Speaker B
Are you excited, Oggy?
Speaker B
My knees are rattling like a pair of castanets.
Speaker B
Here we are at the Nova.
Speaker B
I'm nervous.
Speaker B
Speaker B
I'm shaking.
Speaker B
Look, look.
Speaker B
Now you're an old hatter.
Speaker B
This because I need a beer.
Speaker C
I think you better get a beer.
Speaker C
There's great beer up there.
Speaker C
We've just heard that the.
Speaker C
But that the bar is actually originally designed to go on a boat.
Speaker B
Oh, I never knew that.
Speaker C
I didn't know that.
Speaker C
It's originally nice to go on a boat, but it was too big.
Speaker B
I've come here for a few years.
Speaker B
Never knew that.
Speaker C
Speaker B
You sing in the folk club upstairs.
Speaker C
There's a folk club there?
Speaker B
Used to be, yeah.
Speaker B
I don't know whether it still is.
Speaker B
And it was really great.
Speaker B
You know, we met people like Eric I lot there and the Rev knows he was here.
Speaker B
And Fish, he was a folk clubber down there.
Speaker B
Speaker C
Well, hello, Fish.
Speaker C
And what you.
Speaker B
I'm very well, thanks.
Speaker B
Speaker C
Speaker C
This is our first acting.
Speaker C
So it is to look at and say, merry Christmas, Happy New Year and hope you're well.
Speaker B
That's right.
Speaker B
It could be Happy Easter as well.
Speaker C
It could be.
Speaker B
Speaker B
Let's just put it all in one.
Speaker C
Because if you listen to this, it could be anytime.
Speaker B
Speaker B
Could be anything.
Speaker B
Speaker C
So we're just hearing that you used to sing upstairs.
Speaker B
Yeah, Used to sing upstairs in the folk tradition.
Speaker B
And Rev and I both went to the same school as we know.
Speaker B
Speaker C
Speaker B
And Eric Hylock, who is.
Speaker B
Who was a shanty men extraordinaire and played the whale bones.
Speaker C
Speaker B
Was a teacher at Cotton.
Speaker B
He taught geography and mathematics and he was rubbish.
Speaker B
But he was fantastic on the.
Speaker B
Speaker B
And he used to play upstairs as well now.
Speaker B
Long time.
Speaker B
That's right.
Speaker C
He won't listen to this podcast then.
Speaker C
It'll be fine.
Speaker B
You might be looking if you got the technology.
Speaker B
Speaker C
Yeah, I'll give it a go.
Speaker C
I'll try and spit it to the heavens.
Speaker C
Rev, Rev, how are you doing in the corner there?
Speaker B
Yeah, I'm fine.
Speaker B
Speaker B
Special day for my dear wife Caroline and I.
Speaker B
Our 22nd wedding anniversary.
Speaker C
Speaker B
Speaker B
Yeah, we chose to get married on the second of.
Speaker B
Well, I chose basically on the second of February because, of course, it is the Feast of the Presentations.
Speaker B
Of course, Candle Mass.
Speaker B
And I was the vicar of St.
Speaker B
Anne's at the time.
Speaker B
And I realized that I would never forget our wedding anniversary because it was the Feast of the Presentation Liturgical diaries.
Speaker B
And so far it hasn't let me down.
Speaker C
Oh, hallelujah.
Speaker B
Speaker B
And I was Matt.
Speaker B
We were married by my dear friend, Father Jack House, a legend in south Bristol.
Speaker B
A big city supporter.
Speaker B
Speaker B
He wore his Bristol City scarf and I wore my Bristol Rover scarf.
Speaker C
Speaker C
I'll share a picture in the championship for people to see because I've seen today that you put it on your social media.
Speaker C
People can see that you look stunning with your scarf.
Speaker B
I know a lot of people say that.
Speaker C
And he's aged well.
Speaker B
Speaker B
You're getting younger now, don't you?
Speaker C
I think so.
Speaker C
I think so.
Speaker C
So, Nova Scotia, are you looking forward to this evening?
Speaker B
Oh, Nova Scotia, absolutely.
Speaker B
We've got a good turnout.
Speaker B
Loads of crew here.
Speaker B
This is a very traditional shanty pub.
Speaker B
Yeah, Shanties have been sung here for a long, long time.
Speaker B
Nobby once or twice came down here.
Speaker B
There's a room upstairs where the.
Speaker B
The Bristol shanty men as was.
Speaker B
That's right.
Speaker B
Eric Iot used to sing and Eric Iot a legend in another legend.
Speaker B
A legend in Bristol shanty singing the best player of the bones in the whole country.
Speaker B
They used to sing upstairs and sometimes Nobby and I would go up and join in.
Speaker B
So great tradition at the Nova Scotia or as we call it, the Nova Scotia.
Speaker B
It's lovely to be here.
Speaker B
Speaker C
Well, I'm looking to singing with you lads.
Speaker C
It's going to be good.
Speaker B
Speaker B
We have a.
Speaker B
We have a virgin compare tonight.
Speaker B
We're going to make sure he stands one in front of us because he has a problem.
Speaker C
It's a bit windy.
Speaker B
I hear there seem to be a force 10 blowing from the north which is quite terrifying really.
Speaker B
Talk about storm force 10.
Speaker B
I won't but you might feel it later.
Speaker B
But it's quite a breeze in it tonight.
Speaker B
It really is so chilly.
Speaker C
You have been appointed this evening as the compare.
Speaker C
First time giving this a go.
Speaker C
Taking us through the stormy waters of the two set list that we've got.
Speaker C
How you feeling?
Speaker B
Do you know that term press gang?
Speaker C
Yeah, I do, yeah.
Speaker B
Let's move along for now.
Speaker B
But do you know it's an absolute privilege to stand at the front.
Speaker B
Obviously there's a nice little crowd growing as well, so we'll hopefully entertain them and we'll end the evening off with a sort of a fantastic sort of gig list.
Speaker B
So hopefully they'll all love the songs that we're going to sing.
Speaker B
We've got people behind us who are from all the way up from Portsmouth just to have a little listen tonight.
Speaker C
No way.
Speaker B
Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker B
And she.
Speaker B
And ladies, just saying she's.
Speaker B
She is an aficiono.
Speaker C
Speaker B
On shanties.
Speaker C
Well, that's gonna put pressure on you as the combat buddy.
Speaker B
Well, I'm a little bit terrified, actually.
Speaker C
Because I can see why I've had.
Speaker B
Frightening, actually.
Speaker B
Speaker B
As you know, I'm quiet and reserved, so I'm sure what this is going to go like at the front.
Speaker B
But let's see what we can do.
Speaker B
Let's see what fun and chaos we can bring to this end of Bristol.
Speaker C
Well, listeners, you're in for a treat.
Speaker C
Let's listen to them now.
Speaker B
We are the Port of Bristol Shanty Crew.
Speaker B
Now, we are here to entertain you with a full variety of shanties which will bring tears to your eyes, certainly.
Speaker B
When you were in the first one.
Speaker B
Thank you.
Speaker B
Thank you.
Speaker B
Keep popping it up.
Speaker B
Rears do go.
Speaker B
Speaker B
So what we'll do, we will introduce a little bit as we go along, but we get on our first song tonight.
Speaker B
Speaker B
And the first singer up tonight for the crew is Art and he's called AR for a very good reason.
Speaker B
We dished out the air.
Speaker B
Let's not elaborate on that.
Speaker B
Let's not.
Speaker B
It's all hot air.
Speaker B
And thank.
Speaker B
Thank you for that introduction to the first song that you just made.
Speaker B
Speaker B
There we go.
Speaker B
The one before the white breeze.
Speaker B
Come on.
Speaker B
And let now may that be of good cheer for the Irish coast we'll soon draw near and then we'll set sail for the old Cape Clare I come and get your ropes, my son Whip jamboree Whip jamboree A pigtail shame and come up behind Whip jamboree Whip jamboree I'll come and get your oats, my son and you'll now be lads Cap clears in sight we'll be off all the head by tomorrow night and then we'll set sail for the old captain like how come I get your roots, my son Whip jamboree Whip jamboree O pigtail, say hi Coming up behind Whip jamboree Whip jamboree oh, come get your oats, my son and now, me lads we're awfully had no morsel before We'vely bred one man in chains for two Heave the lead I'll come and get your ropes, my son Whip jamboree Whip jamboree up and tail Sing along Coming up behind Whip jamboree Whip jamboree oh, come and get your oats, my son and now, me lads, we're back in dock we'll be down to the Scotia on the spot and there we will drink a big pipe off Proper job Sparkling beer Whip jamboree oh, come and get your oats My circle ropes my come and get your oats, my son.
Speaker B
All right.
Speaker B
The next song is the Captain Shouty.
Speaker B
You know, I used to sort of push the old smokes around.
Speaker B
Some of you, I know some of you have been to see the.
Speaker B
We are known throughout the champion world as the Port of Bristol Champion crew.
Speaker B
The triumph of enthusiasm over talent.
Speaker B
Speaker B
So there we are.
Speaker B
All right.
Speaker B
Capsule championship.
Speaker B
And now we are ready to head for the horn.
Speaker B
We roll and go Our boots and our our close boys are all in the corner Lee crawling roundy dandy o Give a bow and give away way he roll and go the anchors on board and the cables of storm to me rollicking randy dandyo man the stout capstan and heave with a wheel soon we'll be driving her way down the hill to me rollicking randy Andy o K rolla the actors on board and the tables of stormy rollicking roundy Andy O Heave away bullies you parish rig bombs way hero and go Take your hands out your pockets and don't suck your thumb.
Speaker B
To me roll and gold the anchors on board and the cables of spoke Toby rod and kid roundy Andy O I soon will be whooping her down through the logs where hair all I go where the pretty young girls all come down in their frocks to me rollicking round the Andy o in the pole and dive away way hey.
Speaker B
Roll and go the anchors on board and the cables all slow to me rolling in randy dandy O Our ants were found for valley popay way he roll I go get cracking me lads this one hell of a way to me roachin Randy dandy o the anchors are more and the cables all stored to me rollicky brandy and be o so next up is Nobby.
Speaker B
Oh dear.
Speaker B
He is here somewhere.
Speaker B
I don't know where he is.
Speaker B
He has got his clothes on.
Speaker B
Oh, look at that blonde piece going through there.
Speaker B
Yeah, that's your wife actually.
Speaker B
She got back to you.
Speaker B
I put my glasses on.
Speaker B
I know it.
Speaker B
Very good.
Speaker B
Speaker B
We'll talk about those in a minute.
Speaker B
I haven't got me over team with me tonight, however.
Speaker B
Come on in, Sonia.
Speaker B
Very sad song where a bloke loses a leg.
Speaker B
I don't know whether I want to sing it really, but it's a sad song about a bloke who loses a leg and it's very sad.
Speaker B
And a bloke loses.
Speaker B
He loses his leg but he had an aubergine to replace it.
Speaker B
Oh, go for it, bro.
Speaker B
Santiana won the day in the way.
Speaker B
Santiana and General Taylor ran away all on the plains of Mexico and et away will go up and away we'll go along the plains of Mexico he was a rorty general Give away Santana a rorty snorty general all on the plains of Mexico and the sea were by the way we'll go heave away Santiana Heave her up and away we'll go all on the plains of Mexico oh Santiana was a man he go away Santiana today a man and a horse who could not stand upon the plains of Mexico and it's fever up and away we'll go Beaver way Santiana give her up and away we'll go on all the plains of Mexico Pawns on the field of Molly del Rey Eva way Santiana that Santilla lost her legs that day all on the plains of Mexico and away we'll go along the plains of Mexico I wish I was in Laguna town so do we down south in Laguna Town all on the plains of Mexico and it's clever.
Speaker B
Up and away we'll go either way Santiago.
Speaker B
All along the plains of Mexico I wish I was in Mexico either way Santiana in Mexico where the whalefish blow all on the plains of Mexico Sivaro.
Speaker B
And away we'll go Give away Santiana Give her up and away we'll go all on the plains of Mexico Next up is Fish.
Speaker B
Fish for a good reason.
Speaker B
The old ones are the best.
Speaker B
And he's the oldest.
Speaker B
Go for it.
Speaker B
God bless you.
Speaker B
It's cream tonight.
Speaker B
Right, so are we ready?
Speaker B
We ready?
Speaker B
Help me fall one bully in the alley way Bully in the alley Help me fall one bully in the alley Bully Ellis in bo now so help me fall one bully in the alley way hey bully in the alley Help me fall one bully in the alley Bully Bali's a girl down in a rally way hey bully in the alley Ball He's a girl in Shinbone alley Bully alley Shinbone alle Help me Bob I'm bully in the alley way Bully in the alley Help me ball one bully in the alley Bully dabbing oh, Sally's a girl that I love dearly hey hey bully in the alley she's the girl that always spliced Nearly pulling out a shimbo now so help me fall I'm bullying in the alley way Bully in the alley Help me fall I'm pulling in the alley bully daddy oh Sally she's a baby and beauty way hey Put in the alley Tries her best to do her duty Put it on the jimbo now so help me Fall One bully in the alley way hey bully in the alley Help me ball one bully in the alley Pulling out the jimbo now for seven long years I've cortex alley way bully alley all she does is tilly dally Bully down the jimbo now so help me Paul I'm bullying the alley way Bully in the alley help me Bob I'm bully in the alley Bully at the jimbo now I'll leave my sal and go go a sailing way Bully in the alley Beat my son and go a whaling pulley down the chimbo now so help me fall One bully in the alley way hey bully in the alley Help me fall I'm bully in the alley Bully down the shimbo now When I come hobo master Sally hey hey bully in the alley we'll have kids and live down the alley Bully down the shimbo now so help me fall I'm bully in the alley way hey bully in the alley help me Bob I'm bully in the alley Bully down the shimbo loud so help me Bob I'm bully in the alley way hey bully in the alley Help me Bob One bully in the alley Bowling down the ship oh my.
Speaker B
Thank you.
Speaker B
So just give you a little.
Speaker B
Just to give you a little bit of info about who we are and why we are set up.
Speaker B
So we've been set up now just over two years to raise money for teenagers Cancer Trust and what's.
Speaker B
What's happened in that time.
Speaker B
We've expanded not just physically we've expanded the group.
Speaker B
We now got 12 of us adding waistlines and the waistline but we will all mention that one in a minute.
Speaker B
So we set our targets to obviously try and achieve certain targets of money over the course of those two years.
Speaker B
And just at Christmas oh yes, we broke 40,000 pound barriers and all that money goes directly to the Teenage Cancer Trust which do amazing work for teenage children who got cancer.
Speaker B
Now part of that mentioned in 12 we did a calendar.
Speaker B
Forget all them women stuff, you've got the real nut coy now.
Speaker B
It's quite.
Speaker B
Yeah, there's one of them.
Speaker B
So show us the inside.
Speaker B
These were for £20 and obviously because it's now February we're quite happy to take £5 or whatever else.
Speaker B
They're very well made, very well sort of look at that.
Speaker B
You don't see that on the high street.
Speaker B
Yes, there is a warning for children my heart and things like that but feel free to read out.
Speaker B
We are also.
Speaker B
Yeah, don't touch.
Speaker B
But we.
Speaker B
We've also got a little Dabber if anybody wants to donate tonight because it is for a good charity.
Speaker B
So we do take cashes up.
Speaker B
But if anybody wants these, we have a few available.
Speaker B
They have sold absolutely amazingly.
Speaker B
So that's those.
Speaker B
And that's not just my team not looking at.
Speaker B
Next up is Chuffer.
Speaker B
Chuffer's got a nickname of Chuffer because he worked for the railway.
Speaker B
Employed by the railway.
Speaker B
Employed, employed, Employed by the railway.
Speaker B
Nobody works.
Speaker B
No one works for trolley.
Speaker B
And he's gonna sing.
Speaker B
Blow the man down Blow the man down Away Blow the man down Blow him right back into old Bristol town Gave me some time to blow the man down As I was a walking down Baldwin street hey way hey Blow the charming young damsel A charming sandstorm submit Give me some time to blow the man down Blow the land down Way hey Blow the man down Blow it right back into old Bristol town Give me some time to blow the man down When I held her in in English she answered me clear to me way Blow the man down I'm from the land dog Urban to the Shakespeare Give me some time to blow the man down Blow the man down Way hey Blow the man down Blowing right back into old Bristol town Give me some time to blow the man down well, I slipped her my flipper and took her in tow Chippy way he blow the man down and yard arm to yard arm away we may go it makes some time to blow the hand down Blow the man down Bully Blow the man down Way hey Blow the man down Blow him right back into old Bristol town Give me some time to blow the man down well as we were going she said unto me Jimmy hey hey Blow the man down the spanking full rigour just ready for sake Give me some time to blow the man down Blow the man down Blowing right back into old Bristol town Give me some time to blow Realized that old packet was passing the bar Jimmy way hey Blow the man down the mate doc be down with the end of a spark Give me some time to blow the man down Blow the man down Police.
Speaker B
Blow the man down Way hey Blow the man down Blow him right back into old Bristol town Give me some time to blow the land down the next song will get you involved.
Speaker B
Everyone on the bar.
Speaker B
Well, not on the bar.
Speaker B
That's not demand.
Speaker B
Everyone at the bar.
Speaker B
This will all be part of you getting involved in this one.
Speaker B
So this is a little ditty you might know.
Speaker B
It's called Pay me my money like he said.
Speaker B
So this is a different song.
Speaker B
I'm gonna sing some bits and you're gonna come back to me, all right?
Speaker B
So you're gonna say, hey, me.
Speaker B
Let's practice this.
Speaker B
Pay me.
Speaker B
Pay me.
Speaker B
Speaker B
Come on, Practice.
Speaker B
Pay me.
Speaker B
Pay me.
Speaker B
Yeah, they're right.
Speaker B
Once more for luck.
Speaker B
Pay me.
Speaker B
Yeah, they're good.
Speaker B
Speaker B
You're all signed for next week.
Speaker B
Speaker B
I all I heard the captain say Pay me my money now Tomorrow is our sailing day Pay me my money now Pay me pay me, pay me Pay me Pay me my money down Pay me or go to jail Pay me my money down Pay me my money now the captain's got me down with a bus bar Pay me my money now Pay me, pay me, pay me Pay me Pay me my money now Pay me or go to jail Pay me my money now if I've been a rich man's son Pay me my money now I'd sit down the river and watch it run Pay me my money down Pay me, pay me, pay me pay me Pay me my money down Pay me or go to jail Pay me my money down If I've been Mr.
Speaker B
Gates pay me my money now Pay all my money in in crates Pay me my money down Pay me, pay me, pay me pay me Pay me my money down Pay me all go to jail Pay me my money down 40 night, 40 nights at sea Pay me my money down the captain earned every dollar from me Pay me my money down Pay me, pay me, pay me pay me Pay me my money down Pay me or go to jail Pay me my money down Pay me, pay me, pay me, pay me Pay me my money now Pay me or go to jail Pay me my money he was excellent.
Speaker B
He got the team.
Speaker B
Okay, okay, okay.
Speaker B
Speaker B
Next one up is.
Speaker B
There we go.
Speaker B
He's finished.
Speaker B
Speaker B
When I was just a little lad and so me mommy told me Away, haul away haul away, Joe if I didn't kiss the girls my lips will go all moldy Away, haul away all away, Joe Hooray.
Speaker B
Hey, haul away we'll haul away together Away, haul away we'll haul away, Joe oh, away hey, Haul away We'll haul away, haul away we'll haul away, Joe I used to date her Cornish girl But she's your fan, lazy Away, haul away we'll haul away, Joe and now I'm with the Bristol girl and she just drives me crazy Away, haul away haul away, Joe all the away hey all the way we're all away together Away all the way we're all away, Joe all way, hey, all the way we're all for basic weather Away all the way we're all away Joe Lou was the king of friends with the for the red the Lucha away all the way.
Speaker B
All the way Jo and then he had his headcloaks off this ball is constitution on the way.
Speaker B
All the way.
Speaker B
We're all away, Joe all wait hey.
Speaker B
All the way.
Speaker B
We're all away together away.
Speaker B
All away.
Speaker B
We're all away, Joe all the way hey.
Speaker B
All away.
Speaker B
We're all away together away.
Speaker B
All away.
Speaker B
We're all away, Joe.
Speaker B
Call yourself a second mate, you canny tie up a whole like Away, haul away haul away Joe.
Speaker B
You cannot even stand up straight with the past you see us rolling away, haul away.
Speaker B
We'll haul away Joe away hey, hold away.
Speaker B
We'll haul away together away, haul away.
Speaker B
We'll haul away Joe away hey, haul away.
Speaker B
We'll hold the west together away, haul away we'll haul away, Joe.
Speaker B
Well now can't you see the dark clouds are gathering away all away.
Speaker B
All away, Joe.
Speaker B
Well now can't you see the storm clouds arising away all away we'll haul away Jo away hey, haul away.
Speaker B
We'll haul away together away, haul away.
Speaker B
We're all away, Joe, Joe away hey.
Speaker B
All the way.
Speaker B
We're all the best together away.
Speaker B
All the way.
Speaker B
All the way, Joe Away hey.
Speaker B
All the way.
Speaker B
All the way together away.
Speaker B
All the way.
Speaker B
All the way, Joe Away hey.
Speaker B
All the way.
Speaker B
All the way.
Speaker B
All away.
Speaker B
All away.
Speaker B
Next bill and this is where you will all know and if you don't know where have you been?
Speaker B
The weatherman I don't know this but to see the name of the ship was a Billy Ot the wind blew up her soon may the weatherman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum.
Speaker B
One day when the tongue is done we'll take our leave and go.
Speaker B
She helped him too.
Speaker B
We slummed shore and down on her a right whirl for the captain born all hands in small we'll take that whale in trouble.
Speaker B
Soon day the whale had come to bring us sugar and tea and rum One day when the tongue is done we'll take our leave and go before the boats have hit the water the whale's tail came up four hands for the side pipe as she dived down longer soon day the weatherman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum One day when the wagon is done we'll take our leave and go.
Speaker B
No line was cut, no well was breathed.
Speaker B
The captain's mind was not of greed he belonged to the whales When Preachy took the chicken toll soon nay the weather might come Bring us sugar and tea and one day when the tugging is done we'll take our leave and go foul for two days or even more the line went slack then tight once more all boats were lost There were only four but still that well did go soon day the weatherman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum One day when the tongue is done we'll take our leave and go as far as I've heard the fight's still on no line's been cut and the whale's not gone the wellerman makes his regular call to encourage the captain's crew and not soon may the wellman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum One day when the tongue is done we'll take our leave and go soon day the wellman come to bring us sugar and tea and rose One day when the tongue is done we'll take our leave and go Next.
Speaker B
What we're going to do next is introduce you to Doc.
Speaker B
And why is he called Doc?
Speaker B
Because he's a doc.
Speaker B
You are catching on quickly.
Speaker B
And of course, if any of you are ailing this evening and you fancy an appointment for a consultation, I can offer you a telephone appointment in about seven and a half weeks time if you're lucky.
Speaker B
£50 at the back.
Speaker B
No, sorry.
Speaker B
I'm just going to sing a little ditty which is designed for audience participation.
Speaker B
So please, please feel free to join in.
Speaker B
The words are nice and easy.
Speaker B
But before I start, we have got musical royalty with us this evening.
Speaker B
Oh yes, young K.
Speaker B
Dean, fantastic.
Speaker B
It's just a funny bit they do.
Speaker B
Those of you who have listened to our podcast, the opening and closing number of.
Speaker B
There are dozens of this man's work.
Speaker B
Which we hope to anyway.
Speaker B
I thought I heard the Reverend say We're outward bound at break of day we're upward bound for Frisco Bay we're outward bound around cape horn John Kanakanaka 2 Ria you'd wish to God you'd never been born John Canakanaka 2 Ria 2 Rio we're a Bristol ship and a Bristol crew John Kanakanaka 2 East City red John Kanakanaka 2 I A there's Novi river van skip makes three John Kanaka Naka 2 Ria there's fish and OT and then there's me John Kanaka Naka 2 RIA 2 RIA John Kanaka Naka 2 Ryan there's chilli and there's chiaffa too John Kanaka Naka 2 A Old Bill and Ogi, complete the crew.
Speaker B
John Kanaka Naka 2 Rio 2 Rio 2 Rio John Kanakanaka 2 Rio when we get to Frisco Bay oh John Kanakanaka 2 Rio we'll bail off ship and draw our hey.
Speaker B
John Kanaka Naka 2 Rio Nakanaka 2 Rio Just one more verse and then I'm through.
Speaker B
John Kanaka Nakatula with aboard the Bristol Shanty crew We're going to do one last stop.
Speaker B
Come on.
Speaker B
For this session and it give you opportunity then to get all your change out your pockets.
Speaker B
If you want to donate, fold it.
Speaker B
Fold it nicely and put it in the bucket.
Speaker B
But we've got Chaffer singing the last shanty.
Speaker B
We think it's all right.
Speaker B
Uncle used to tell me when I was just a lady A sailor's life was very hard the food was always bad but now I join the navy I'm aboard a man of war and now I find a sailor ain't a sailor anymore don't haul on the rope don't climb up the mast if you see a sailing ship it might be your last Just get your cities ready for another run ashore A sailor ain't a sailor Ain't a sailor anymore Achillic of our mess he says we have it's loft it wasn't like this in his day when he was up aloft we like our bunks and sleeping bags but what's a hammock for Swinging from the Decatur lying on the floor to all on the rope don't climb up the mast if you see a sailor ship it might be a Just get your cities ready for another run ashore A sailor ain't a sailor Ain't a sailor anymore Then we had an engine at first Went up and down with more technology that engine went around we like our steam and diesel but what's a main yard for a stoker Ain't a snooker wind a shovel anymore don't haul on the ropes don't climb up the mast if you see a sailing ship it might be a lost Just get your sailors ready for another run ashore A sailor ain't a sailor Ain't a sailor anymore Then we had an Elvis lamp so we could do it right we also had a radio we signaled day and night we know our coats and snipers but what's a semaphore A bunsen tosser doesn't toss the bunsen anymore don't fall on the road don't climb up the mast if you see a sailing ship it might reveal us Judge get Your series ready?
Speaker B
Ready for another run ashore.
Speaker B
A sailor ain't a sailor ain't a sailor anymore.
Speaker B
Two cans of beer a day, that's your bleeding balloon.
Speaker B
Then we heard an extra one because they stopped the talk.
Speaker B
So we'll put our civic plates on and find a publisher.
Speaker B
Cause a sailor's still a sailor Just like he was before.
Speaker B
Don't haul on the rope, don't climb up the mast.
Speaker B
If you see a sailor ship in my repeal house.
Speaker B
Just get your cities ready for another run ashore.
Speaker A
Ahoy there, matey.
Speaker B
Hello, shanty peeps.
Speaker B
I'm Paula from them Bristol Girls.
Speaker B
This year, once again, we are going to celebrate Saint Piran's, the patron saint of Cornwall.
Speaker B
And we're going to do it with five fabulous participants.
Speaker B
The Bristol Girls, Porto Bristol Shanty Crew, the Frampton Shantymen, the Seven Wailers and Ben Nicholls.
Speaker B
This is going to happen, as usually on the 5th of March.
Speaker B
And it's going to be a fantastic gig at the British Legion in Frampton Cottrell.
Speaker B
We would love to see you there.
Speaker B
Speaker A
Ahoy there, matey.
Speaker B
You are listening to Shipshape and Bristol Fashion.
Speaker B
Find out more by visiting Pobshant Podcast.
Speaker B
Now let's get back to the show.
Speaker B
14 ships that sail the sea proudly bearing Gay Monk's name.
Speaker B
But there's one that will never again.
Speaker B
O the island company o Ellen Valley, lost in the Irish Sea.
Speaker B
At 1am in Ramsey Bay, Captain Chill was heard to say.
Speaker B
My contract is to deliver the mail.
Speaker B
In this rough weather, we must not fail.
Speaker B
O Ellen Valley of the island, come for me.
Speaker B
O Ellen Valentin, lost in the Irish Sea.
Speaker B
Ocean liner sheltered from the storm On Arlen Van.
Speaker B
And on the waves were born.
Speaker B
Good evening.
Speaker B
Hang on.
Speaker B
Just get the batteries.
Speaker B
Get the Ocean liner sheltered from the storm.
Speaker B
Helen Mallon, on the waves was born.
Speaker B
I'll start that again.
Speaker B
Start that again.
Speaker B
Ocean liners sheltered from the storm.
Speaker B
Ellen Van on the waves was born.
Speaker B
Her holds were fallen batten down as she headed for for Liverpool town.
Speaker B
O Ellen Val The Island Man.
Speaker B
Speaker B
Speaker B
Lost in the Irish Sea with A crew of 21 Manxmen passengers Liverpool businessmen.
Speaker B
Farewell to Moaner's Isle.
Speaker B
Speaker B
This little ship was bound for hell.
Speaker B
Speaker B
El imagined of the Isle of Man.
Speaker B
Speaker B
O Ellen Valley, lost in the Irish Sea Less than a mile from the Ob Sh By a mighty wave Ellen Vallon was hid.
Speaker B
She sank in the waters of Liverpool Bay.
Speaker B
And there she lied until this day.
Speaker B
O Ellen Valen of the Isle of Man.
Speaker B
Company O Ellen Valian, lost in the Irish Sea.
Speaker B
Few Manx men Now remember the third day of the month December, that terrible storm in 1910 Helen Vallon sailed for the very last time.
Speaker B
O Ellen Valin of the Iron man company O Ellen Valen, lost in the Irish Sea.
Speaker B
O Ellen Valen of the Iron Man Company O Ellen violin lost in the ice.
Speaker B
Now we got a local song.
Speaker B
Can be more local than.
Speaker B
Yeah, it's a local song only in the fact that it's named after this part.
Speaker B
Okay, it's a bit further afield than local, but let's go for it.
Speaker B
I'll build with Nova Scotia.
Speaker B
The sun was set, the birds they sang in every tree.
Speaker B
All nature seemed inclined for to rest but still there was no rest for me.
Speaker B
Farewell to Nova Scotia, you see mountains let your mouth chase the captain and dreary be.
Speaker B
For when I'm far away on the ocean tops Will you ever he recite or a wish for me?
Speaker B
I grieve to leave my native land.
Speaker B
I grieve to leave my comrades all and my poor aged parents whom I love so dear.
Speaker B
And the bonny, bonny lass I do adore.
Speaker B
Farewell to Nova Scotia, you see bound frost Let your mountains dark and dreary be.
Speaker B
For when I'm far away on the briny ocean troughs Will you ever heave a sigh or a.
Speaker B
Oh, the drums beat loud and the war still alarm and the captain calls, we must obey so farewell, farewell to Nova Scotia.
Speaker B
Speaker B
It is early in the morning I am far, far away.
Speaker B
Farewell to Nova Scotia, you see my.
Speaker B
Let your mountain stark and dreary be.
Speaker B
For when I'm far away on the briny ocean tops Will you ever be Messiah?
Speaker B
A wish for me.
Speaker B
I have three brothers and they are at rest Their arms are folded on their breast.
Speaker B
But a poor simple sailor just like me must be tossed and driven on the deep blue sea.
Speaker B
Farewell Nova Scotia, the sea bound coast Let your mountains dark and dreary be.
Speaker B
For when I'm far away on the bloody ocean.
Speaker B
Will you ever he.
Speaker B
Specifically for this table we have the ref with Pill pillars.
Speaker B
All right, Here we go.
Speaker B
Now, those of you are Bristolians or adopted Bristolians will know I will never My father.
Speaker B
You can't drop that.
Speaker B
Will not.
Speaker B
Across the River Avon.
Speaker B
River Avon.
Speaker B
From Shirehampton side is a lovely little place called Pill.
Speaker B
I know people have come here to hear this song all the way from.
Speaker B
He is a native of Pill.
Speaker B
And there used to be a ferry used to go across from Peel to the Shire action side.
Speaker B
And the Peel lads would go over, have a few points in the grand lighters and go back and have a few more points in the Jupiter.
Speaker B
So this is a little song written by Ash Cutler called Pill.
Speaker B
Speaker B
Oh, and the nights be dark and storm me.
Speaker B
And the bitter north wind blows across the fields through Shirehampton where the muddy Avon flows.
Speaker B
There the Pill lads gaily ride over on the ferry to the other side.
Speaker B
The boat starts swinging.
Speaker B
You'll hear them singing.
Speaker B
I'm rolling on the tide.
Speaker B
We're rolling with Pill.
Speaker B
Speaker B
I love these still.
Speaker B
Even though I'm leaving.
Speaker B
They'll build a duffy still.
Speaker B
When the fairy boat starts heaving a rain down pours thunder roars, lightning flashes bright.
Speaker B
You'll be headed by far in the Duke of the Star that on the old pale ferry tonight.
Speaker B
Take me where it's warm.
Speaker B
Warm and cozy.
Speaker B
Down with them happy boys where the cheeks be red and rosy.
Speaker B
Hey, cobblers, cobblers, hobbledy hoys aware to chill in winter sweet creeps along the riverside and chills your feet.
Speaker B
You'll hear the sound for miles around.
Speaker B
A coming down the street.
Speaker B
We're coming pale pill at us be still even though I'm leaving.
Speaker B
He'll feel a lucky still.
Speaker B
When the fairy boat starts heaving a rain down pours thunder roars, a lightning flashes bright.
Speaker B
You'll be better by far in the Jupiter Star than on the old filled ferry tonight across the sea.
Speaker B
Seven seas I've wandered back to Pill.
Speaker B
I shall return when my ard earned cash I've squandered for envelies.
Speaker B
Lads I year a captain, captain carry me.
Speaker B
Take me up the river past Portbury ed her south past the mouth.
Speaker B
Happy I shall be where I be.
Speaker B
He'll fill my lovely st.
Speaker B
Even though I'm leaving.
Speaker B
They'll Pill.
Speaker B
I love thee still.
Speaker B
When the fairy boat starts heaving a rain down pours thunder roars, a lightning flashes bright.
Speaker B
You'll be better by far in the Duke of the Star than on the arm long hill fairy to.
Speaker B
So next up is fish Rolling down to old Molly.
Speaker B
Remember April's best right.
Speaker B
It's a damn tough life.
Speaker B
Full of toil and strife we whalermen undergo.
Speaker B
And we don't give a damn when the gale is done.
Speaker B
How hard the winds to blow.
Speaker B
We are homeward bound from the Arctic wrack.
Speaker B
On a good ship tour and free.
Speaker B
And we won't give a damn when we drink or run with the girls of old Marie.
Speaker B
Rolling down to old Mary.
Speaker B
Rolling down to old Mary.
Speaker B
We're from.
Speaker B
We're back from the Arctic Rock.
Speaker B
Right now we should O Maui now we sail with A northerly the gale through the ice the sleet and rain Then tropical lands Then coconut frond we soon shall see again Six hellish months we've passed away on this cold camp Chatgar Sea and now we're bound from the Arctic ran Rolling down to old Maori Rolling down to old Maori Rolling down to old Maori Homeward bound from the Arctic raft Rolling down to all the wind how soft the breeze of the tropical seas now the ice is far astern Then Walla ba ba ban is awaiting our return Even now they're big brown Iceland look out Hoping some fine day to see our bagging sails Running for the G Rolling down to Omaui Rolling down to O Maui Rolling down to all Maui we're homeward back from the Arctic Going down to Omari and now we sail with a favoring gale towards our island home Our whaling's done our void bell Our main mast front are whaling and we make our thoughts who roams that goodness?
Speaker B
Hang on, hang on to an arch right once more we and now we say with a favoring catch towards our island home Our waiting stunned Our main sails broke and we ain't got far to roam Our stunned soul bones is carried away what there's before that sound A living day after a dollar over battles down to all my river Rolling down to all my Bound from Arctic trap Rolling down to all my and now we're anchored in the bay with pinnacles all around with chants and soft a lower slay they greet us Homeward bound I'm now ashore will have good fun we'll paint the beaches red Awaking in the arms of a wall on a big fly Rolling down to all my river's Rolling down to all my wings we're homeward bound from the Arctic ramp Rolling down to Omari Rolling down to Omari Rolling down to old Maori we're home we're bound from the Arctic ground Rolling down to old Maui We've now got the dock rest the beat up mirror that was easy for me to say river is the king of rivers All Somebody O He ekibo Captain is the king of captains O the Essebo Captain is the king of captains all but eternal now we are Somebody O Somebody O Johnny somebody oh Sally is the queen of Sally so miya Sakibo Sally is the queen of Sally's all Bali channel Cape Cod girls ain't got no cones with codfish bones Found a way for Australia Heaver up navaly bully boys Heave away all away Heave her up and don't you make a noise.
Speaker B
Find a way for Australia.
Speaker B
Cape Cod boys ain't got no sleds.
Speaker B
Keep away all the way.
Speaker B
Slide down the dunes on codfish heads.
Speaker B
Found a way for Australia.
Speaker B
Keeper up my bully bully boys keep away all away Beaver up and don't you make a noise.
Speaker B
Found a way for Australia.
Speaker B
Cape Cod folks ain't got no ills.
Speaker B
Keep away all away.
Speaker B
The Cape Cod doctor gives them cod fish pills.
Speaker B
Found a way for Australia.
Speaker B
Heave her up, my boy Boys, heave away all the way.
Speaker B
Heaver up and don't Jamaican noise.
Speaker B
Found a way for Australia.
Speaker B
I wish I was a rating aboard a man o war.
Speaker B
Sun's gone away aboard a man o war.
Speaker B
I wish I was a rating aboard a man of war.
Speaker B
Sam's run away aboard a man of war.
Speaker B
Praise work, brave boys.
Speaker B
Brady work I say Sam's got away boys.
Speaker B
Brave work I say stand on a way aboard a man of war.
Speaker B
I wish I was the captain of all the man of war war.
Speaker B
Sam's gone away of automatowar.
Speaker B
Oh, I wish I was a captain of automatowar.
Speaker B
Sam's gone away aboard a man of war.
Speaker B
Brave work, great boys.
Speaker B
Brave work.
Speaker B
I say, Sam's gone away aboard a man of war.
Speaker B
Pretty work, brave boys.
Speaker B
Pretty work.
Speaker B
I say Sam's gone away upon a man of war.
Speaker B
I wish I was an admiral aboard a man of war.
Speaker B
Sam's got away aboard a man of war.
Speaker B
Oh, I wish I was an admiral aboard a man of war.
Speaker B
Sam's gone away aboard a man of war.
Speaker B
Brady work, brave boys.
Speaker B
Brady work.
Speaker B
I say, Sam's gone away aboard a man of war.
Speaker B
Speaker B
Work, brave boys.
Speaker B
Ready work I say.
Speaker B
Oh, the Ebo river is the king of rivers.
Speaker B
Oh, the Eso river is the king of rivers all.
Speaker B
Now we've got a songwriter in his own being.
Speaker B
He is a legend.
Speaker B
He is a legend and not in his own mil break.
Speaker B
He is a genuine legend.
Speaker B
We've got Nobby singing February.
Speaker B
Look at February.
Speaker B
February in South Australia I was born.
Speaker B
Keep away all the way.
Speaker B
South Australia and Cape Horn.
Speaker B
We're bound for South Australia all the way.
Speaker B
You rolling king Tuskegee.
Speaker B
As I walked out one morning fair lead away all the way.
Speaker B
Well, there I met Miss Nancy Blair.
Speaker B
We're bound for South Australia all the way.
Speaker B
Rolling kings leave away all the way.
Speaker B
All the way.
Speaker B
You'll hear me.
Speaker B
Same with Ban for South Australia.
Speaker B
And as we walked around the town.
Speaker B
Peep away all the way.
Speaker B
Bouncer up and banter head off.
Speaker B
Bound for South Australia all the way you rolling kings Give away all the way you'll hear me sing we're bound to surf Australia and as we walk along Heave away, haul away With a bottle of whiskey in the end we're bound for south Australia Haul away you rolling kings Heave away, haul away, haul away you let me sing we're bound for south Australia and then we're bound around cape horn evil way all the way I wish the gods had never been born.
Speaker B
We're bound for south Australia Call away your rolling king Leave away all the way all the way you hear me say we're out the south Australia.
Speaker B
Some of you probably know this, Some of you don't.
Speaker B
But shanties came about by singing songs which would help the crew do the menial tasks, like the pull in and all this on the ropes.
Speaker B
Now, one of the.
Speaker B
It's alleged to be the oldest shanty which features in Currently, I don't know if anyone's watched vikings.
Speaker B
Ever seen vikings?
Speaker B
If not, no.
Speaker B
It's cracking.
Speaker B
It's really good them into.
Speaker B
But this is reputed to be the oldest shanty actually discovered at the moment.
Speaker B
I weren't born when it was made obvious I just right My mother told someday I will buy a galley with good oars sail to distant shores Stand upon the prow noble bark I steer steady course to the haven too many a foe my mother told me someday I will buy galley with good oars sail to distant shores Stand upon the prow noble bark I stand steady horse to the haven you may foemen human My mother told me someday I will buy with good oars sell to distant stores Stand up on the proud noble bark high steer Was you ever in Quebec?
Speaker B
Launching timber on the deck where you break your bleeding neck Riding on that donkey Away we go donkey riding, donkey riding way hey away we go riding on the donkey save us you ever in valor po where the girls are black and blue and they waggle their bustles too Riding on a donkey way hey away we go donkey riding, donkey riding way hey away we go riding on a donkey say was you ever in london town where there girls they do come down See the king in his golden crown Riding on a donkey way hey away we go donkey riding donkey riding riding way hey away we go riding on a donkey say, was you ever in merv or bay Screwing, talking all the day A dollar a day is a white man's pay Riding on a donkey way away we go donkey riding donkey riding way away we go riding on a donkey ever gained valley where them guys put on A show.
Speaker B
Waggle them down some show and go riding on a donkey Donkey Day one of you.
Speaker B
Over in Cardiff Bay where the girls loot out Hooray.
Speaker B
Here comes Sam with 10 weeks pay.
Speaker B
Riding on a tongue where we go donkey riding, donkey riding Here we go riding on a donkey say boss whoever in Miramar Tree where they ties you to a tree Have a pretty girl on your knee Riding on that donkey Wait.
Speaker B
Donkey riding way hey.
Speaker B
Where we go riding on that donkey?
Speaker C
Speaker B
Hey, Was you ever off Cape Horn where the weather's never worn?
Speaker B
You'd wish to God you'd ne'er been born Riding on that bone cape Way hey.
Speaker B
Away we go Donkey riding, donkey riding way hey.
Speaker B
Away we go riding on a donkey Way hey Way we go donkey riding, donkey riding way hey Way we go go riding on a.
Speaker B
Okay, this is a bit of an experiment.
Speaker B
So we thought we'd try a few new songs to a receptive audience.
Speaker B
Did my mother told me just now and completely balls that up.
Speaker B
So thank you.
Speaker B
Supposed to be a former song.
Speaker B
Speaker B
And this song is from a musical actually donkey r in the west called Operation Minceme.
Speaker B
It's a bit of a quiet one.
Speaker B
Find a girl and build a home, son so my father said to me but the winds they bear me onwards and they call me to the sea not for me the plough furrow not for me the feather bed not for me the farmer's daughter to the waves My heart is wet if it's down, it's down together if it's up, it's up as one so sail on, boys through stormy weather Sooner journey will be done Lift your heart to the horizon Leave your mares upon the shore this one life is for the living and we ask for nothing more.
Speaker B
If it's down is done together if it's all face up as one so say long boys we still be brothers soon the journey will be done if it's down, we stand together if it's up, it's up as one so to say.
Speaker B
Long boys, through stormy weather Sooner journey will be done.
Speaker B
Nobby is now going to do the corn crate.
Speaker B
That's not a dance.
Speaker B
It's not a strip tease.
Speaker B
It's a corn crate.
Speaker B
More importantly, he wrote this.
Speaker B
We can't remember the words.
Speaker B
I did.
Speaker B
I never remember the words.
Speaker B
Sometime, right?
Speaker B
You think we're joking?
Speaker B
A general steam navigation that used to come into Bristol bringing wine from Bordeaux and places like that and unloading for Harvey's wine cellars.
Speaker B
February before he starts.
Speaker B
Oh yeah.
Speaker B
I should say this has actually been recorded by Woo.
Speaker B
He is a prolific songwriter.
Speaker B
Summer sky and setting sun Corn crates Teams on the Bristol run runy for the waiter's train sailors they have earned their pay or see the Bristol town loading down the runo or see the rest of town Rolling onto the deep green day Water hills her recliff bay seems up on her way from the moonlit night to the break of day oh Sea Bristol town, load it down the brandy oak or sea Bristol town load it down the brandy the brandy O Then the captain I heard tell that's the sound of the King road bell Steaming on by Vincent's Rock to the brandy shed in the Bristol Dock 4 Sea to Bristol Town loading down the Brandy O 4 Seas of Bristol town loading down the brandy O the Brandyo Time for the Bristol Bristol city dock by Hopwells in the Cumberland Lock down the reach in the harbour side safe and sang for the Severn pipe O Sea Bristol towing down the Brandio O Sea the Bristol town floating down the brandy O the brandy O Captain said make fast for now for the corn crates he a pleasant crab now ashore we'll have good fun Drinking of a bottle of rum O See the Bristol town loading down the Brandio O See the Bristol town loading down the brandy O the Brandio O See the Bristol town oh, see the Brandio or see the Bristol Bristol town rolling down the randy the randy sea Bristol town rolling down the old ISO again the smartest ship that you can find is she's the market of the of the Blue Star Line Clear away the dragon Let the bull guide run With a hay ring, a jig and a chom ching gun hey like oh boy, you must learn with lies a little on my knee Clear away the track and make the bullshit run over a good bound for so keep fear hey now hoa.
Speaker B
He must stand with gold we're shale and Briscoe beer Clear away traffic There's a bull run With a hay rigging chink and a chauncing gun hey now, how are you my With a lie to the Earl of my knee Zero weather tight and let the bull run and when we're out in New York town hey now, how are you, my son?
Speaker B
We'll bounce the Bowery girls around Clear away the track and let the bull tine run With a hay rig, a jig and a chaunting gun hey now, how are you?
Speaker B
Most done with a lively all up my knee Clear away the tartan Let the bullshine run While the mud Margaret Tim's on the blue Star line Hey now ho are you master she's narrow J behind earth time Clear away the tractor Let the bull tide run With a hay rick a chain and a chaunching gun hey now how are you master with a liar It's a needle on my knee Clear away the track and let the bull run.
Speaker B
And when we're back in Bristol town Hey now follow all you must done I'll stand your whiskies all around get away tracking as a bulltown run With a hay rigga jig and a chomp chain gun hey now ho I you must run with Eliza Leo on my knee Clear away the track and let the bullshine run With a hay jinga jig and a jerk chicken gun hey now oh why you must run with an I on my knee.
Speaker B
Hey doggy.
Speaker B
Okay, one of the great things of being part of this crew is I get to produce a podcast.
Speaker B
So if you are interested in hearing more of us, there is a podcast that you can find.
Speaker B
But we are deeply honored to have Cale with us this evening.
Speaker B
Speaker B
Hey now.
Speaker B
This man has decided to write us a wonderful theme tune.
Speaker B
I'm supposed to be on the podcast.
Speaker B
It'll be next month.
Speaker B
Now he's going take us through the song and we're going to join it in the chorus.
Speaker B
Head over to you.
Speaker B
Well, some of you know me.
Speaker B
My name is Kayla Dean.
Speaker B
I wrote a song a couple of years ago and someone from this band somehow heard it.
Speaker B
That'll be a good theme tune for a podcast.
Speaker B
And K, where are you in the calendar?
Speaker B
I didn't see you.
Speaker B
Well, going to have to wait till 26 for that one.
Speaker B
He was the leap year.
Speaker B
Just so you're all aware, my friends have this really funny bit where they say it's my birthday even when it's not.
Speaker B
It's absolutely hilarious.
Speaker B
It is, though.
Speaker B
So apparently these guys know this song because it's on their podcast.
Speaker B
Do I know the song?
Speaker B
No, you're not drunk enough.
Speaker B
Shape and Bristol fashion boys along the harbour side from heaven goes to underfall Even all heaven fall alive.
Speaker B
That's your hello, town of the giant laugh.
Speaker B
This specialty is certified in shape and crystal fashion from the home in Bristol we set out from the quay A ship is full of spices done for America.
Speaker B
Sugar in the hole below first mate of the crow it sails on fo and capstan rays it's soft to see we go shape and Bristol fashion.
Speaker B
You may talk about a sailing ship.
Speaker B
Your strengths and all the flaws.
Speaker B
Only the greatest vessel can navigate this gorge so steady on the jigme boys Keel over on your side My shipment is to kill me lads all on the morning tide Ship shape and crystal fashion Always along the harbor side From Bristol fashion Across the broad Atlantic the trade winds blow us we travel with the gale Sailing for southwest and north Far over the Atlantic that's where we make our ground but it won't be long at all until we're Bristol homeward bound Shape shape and Bristol fashion boys along the harbor side From Avon board to wonderfall even more Fly till the barrels down below Haul away me laddy boys Save a drink from me Haul away me laddy boys Haul away.
Speaker B
You're free all the way, me laddy Borage for me Happy birthday to you.
Speaker B
So as far as I was aware, my birthday is on the 3rd of September 1990.
Speaker B
I don't think the years it takes that much.
Speaker B
Right, okay.
Speaker B
This is one you all know.
Speaker B
Oh, it was actually.
Speaker B
Actually made famous by the Doublers, but it was actually recorded and written originally in Bristol.
Speaker B
So you know it.
Speaker B
Joining now I'm returning with golden great soul and I never will play the world over no more and it's no name never no name never no more Will I fail all rover no, never I went into an ale house I used to frequent Not Sam.
Speaker B
And I told Sam my money was spent I asked him for credit he answered me now put my hand in my pocket Poured out Sovereign's bride and the landlords I said we have whiskey and beer of the rest but the word said I spoke sure beer O n I went home to my parents Confess what I've done I'm sure he will welcome his and if he forgives me as oft times before Then I never will play the W no more and it's no day never no day never no more When I play our rover no never no more on this no never no they never no more no never know more Right, this is our last song.
Speaker B
Unfortunately, we don't know anymore.
Speaker B
We don't know.
Speaker B
You used us all up.
Speaker B
And it's back to chopper.
Speaker B
This is.
Speaker B
This is full participation for you.
Speaker B
And we will talk you through what you've got to do.
Speaker B
Speaker B
You've all got clench.
Speaker B
You're right.
Speaker B
Speaker B
Right fist.
Speaker B
Speaker B
Please be.
Speaker B
And the chorus goes.
Speaker B
It's all part of being a pirate.
Speaker B
You go.
Speaker B
Right, let's give it a go then.
Speaker B
It's called part of being a pirate.
Speaker B
I don't see much.
Speaker B
Speaker B
Speaker B
Be so careful with what you say.
Speaker B
Speaker B
He's lost it.
Speaker B
He's gone he's gone.
Speaker B
It's all part of being a pirate.
Speaker B
Speaker B
Good for you.
Speaker B
You're good with your fists.
Speaker B
Being a pirate.
Speaker B
It's all fun and games till somebody loses.
Speaker B
And I.
Speaker B
It hurts like the blazes it makes you poor faces.
Speaker B
You can't let it mate.
Speaker B
See ya cry now, natty Black patch.
Speaker B
We'll cover that hatch and make sure that socket stays dry.
Speaker B
Being a pirate is all fun and games till somebody loses an arm.
Speaker B
Here we go.
Speaker B
It's all part of being a pirate.
Speaker B
A pirate.
Speaker B
A pirate parrot can't be a pirate with all of your heart.
Speaker B
It's so part of being a pirate.
Speaker B
A pirate can't be a pirate with all of your hearts.
Speaker B
Being a pirate is often in game.
Speaker B
So somebody loses an ear.
Speaker B
It rolls down your neck and it lies on on the deck.
Speaker B
When somebody hopefully says what's that?
Speaker B
You can't wear your glasses.
Speaker B
You don't pull the lasses, it's such a shag.
Speaker B
So you hear.
Speaker B
Be a pirate Is all fun in games till somebody loses an ear.
Speaker B
It's so far to being a pirate.
Speaker B
A pirate.
Speaker B
A pirate.
Speaker B
Speaker B
A pirate.
Speaker B
Work with all of your parts.
Speaker B
It's all part of being a pirate.
Speaker B
A pirate.
Speaker B
Now be a pirate with all of your parts.
Speaker B
Being a pirate is often in game.
Speaker B
So somebody loses a hand.
Speaker B
It spurts and it squirts and it hurts.
Speaker B
I reckon no fashionable look in it.
Speaker B
No fashionable.
Speaker B
But now you can't play in a band.
Speaker B
Being a pirate is all fun in games till somebody loses a hand.
Speaker B
It's all part of being a pirate.
Speaker B
A pirate.
Speaker B
A pirate can be a a pirate with all of your parts.
Speaker B
It's all part of being a pirate.
Speaker B
A pirate, a pirate.
Speaker B
You can be a pirate with all of your heart.
Speaker B
Being a pirate is all fun in games.
Speaker B
Till somebody loses a leg never quickens.
Speaker B
Cause you're hopping about on a peg.
Speaker B
Now you never get married.
Speaker B
Cause too long you've tarried and now you can't kneel down and be a pirate.
Speaker B
Is all fun and games until somebody loses a leg.
Speaker B
It's so part of being a pirate.
Speaker B
A pirate.
Speaker B
A pirate.
Speaker B
Can't be a pirate with all of your part.
Speaker B
It's so hard of being a pirate.
Speaker B
A pirate.
Speaker B
A pirate can be a pirate with all of your heart.
Speaker B
Being a pirate is all fun in games till somebody loses.
Speaker B
You don't choose it, don't want to lose it.
Speaker B
You're hoping that somebody spots it.
Speaker B
Then a dot comes along and he sews it back on.
Speaker B
Or he stretches it tight and he Being a parrot is all fun and game till somebody loses a bosses it's so far to be a pirate can be a pirate with all of your part it's so fun of being a pirate, a pirate, a pirate can be a pirate with all of your Being a pirate is all fun in games till somebody loses a head early too early, too early Falls with a thud that's better than blood Timing makes your beard all sticky and red now you can't curl your hair because your pencils are there that you're probably dead Being a part of his old fun and games till somebody loses a pir it's so hard of being a pirate, a pirate, a pirate it can be a pirate with all of your parts it's so hard of being a pirate, a pirate, a pirate.
Speaker B
You can't be a pirate and we all love your that's it everyone.
Speaker B
If you enjoyed it, we are the we are Fishermen's Friend.
Speaker C
So that's it for this month's episode of Shipshape and Bristol Fashion.
Speaker C
We hope you really enjoyed it and if you did, we would really appreciate a review on the platform that you're currently listening to.
Speaker C
Now the way to do that is just go in, click on review or click the rate button.
Speaker C
That will allow you to give us a hopefully a five star review of this podcast.
Speaker C
It really does.
Speaker C
It certainly motivates us to keep creating this podcast and it's really good to hear what you think of the of the show itself.
Speaker C
But more importantly, it does actually help us be discovered in the world of podcasting.
Speaker C
As you heard in the middle, we are clearly strongly promoting the up and coming Trelawney Shout event that then Bristol Girls and others are hosting.
Speaker C
We will be there.
Speaker C
More information about that will be on our social media.
Speaker C
But please do mark that in your diary and come along and support it.
Speaker C
As a Cornish boy, I am absolutely all in favor of an opportunity to be in Bristol and to celebrate the patron Saint of Cornwall, St.
Speaker C
Speaker C
Our social media is a great way to catch up with live updates of what the crew are up to.
Speaker C
So to do that, go onto your Facebook, search out the Port of Bristol shanty community, join us and then you'll get to see live updates.
Speaker C
You'll even get a sneaky happy birthday when it is your time of the year and big shout outs for big celebrations.
Speaker C
And of course to do that, pop onto Facebook, give us a search and you will find us.
Speaker C
But we're not just only there, we are also available on other social media platforms like X instruments, Instagram, TikTok, name them, we're there.
Speaker C
We would love to you to interact with us where possible because it's a great way of catching up with us and seeing what we're up to.
Speaker C
So thank you very much for listening.
Speaker C
Shipshape and Bristol Fashion will come back next month.
Speaker C
But until then, fair winds and following seas and see you next month.
Speaker B
Shipshape and Bristol Fashion, boys?
Speaker B
Along the harbor side?
Speaker B
From even gorge to underfall?
Speaker B
We'll even hold the line?
Speaker B
Secure the barrels down below?
Speaker B
Wind and tie and chum this vessel?
Speaker B
She is certified?
Speaker B
In shipshape and Bristol fashion?
Speaker B
So haul away, me laddie boys?
Speaker B
Haul away, you're free?
Speaker B
Haul away, me laddie boys?
Speaker B
And save a drink for me?
Speaker B
Haul away me laddy boys?
Speaker B
Haul away your free?
Speaker B
Haul away, me laddie boys?
Speaker B
And save a Dr.