Results Junkies

Unique entrepreneurs / investors, great early stage advice

Loving the podcast. Paul and Ed dish out heaps of insight that I find particularly helpful at the early stage. Whether you’re raising seed stage capital or a priced round, you should be listening to these guys.
Probably the best thing about them is that they are both ACTIVE entrepreneurs and ACTIVE investors. This isn’t an investor telling you about how he exited an amazing startup 15-20 years ago; these guys are doing it day in and day out. Paul mentions rolling up his sleeves and writing code again to set up a chrome extension to track his stats. Ed jumps back in the kitchen at one of his 5 Guys locations and cooks burgers. They’re in the trenches and they understand both sides of a deal. Very insightful duo.
Thanks Ed and Paul!

Dec. 22, 2021 by Host w/ Most on Apple Podcasts

Results Junkies

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