Sherapy Sessions: Cutting Toxic Family Ties

Eye Opening

At first, I was a bit taken aback by some of the content surrounding personality disorders, particularly as I've been diagnosed with BPD due to my toxic family background. However, after over a year of dedicated healing work, I've come to realize that there's a broad spectrum within the disorder, and I now believe I'm on the milder end, while multiple family members fall on the severe side. This realization has given me a greater appreciation for Dr. Sherrie's work, and it's taken away the initial sting I felt when BPD was mentioned in her episodes. This podcast has been a valuable part of my healing journey, helping me understand and navigate the complexities of family dynamics and mental health. Highly recommended!

Sept. 27, 2023 by Heresmynickname8182 on Apple Podcasts

Sherapy Sessions: Cutting Toxic Family Ties

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