Aug. 30, 2021

Episode Ninety-Six - Telethon returns

Episode Ninety-Six - Telethon returns

Telethon are back! I say this both referring to the fact that they were one of the first guests on Fly On The Call, way back in episode two, and that they just released their ripper of a new record, Swim Out Past The Breakers. For those unfamiliar with the band, they are a hard rockin', poppin', genre swappin' good ole time! The new album has plenty of features, flourishes that couldn't have been added with a standardized studio experience, and much more to keep your ears busy.

Telethon are back! I say this both referring to the fact that they were one of the first guests on Fly On The Call, way back in episode two, and that they just released their ripper of a new record, Swim Out Past The Breakers. For those unfamiliar with the band, they are a hard rockin', poppin', genre swappin' good ole time! The new album has plenty of features, flourishes that couldn't have been added with a standardized studio experience, and much more to keep your ears busy. 

Telethon: Website | Spotify | Twitter | Instagram | Bandcamp

House of the Future, Pt. 3

Fly On The Call is brought to you by Sound Talent Media and promoted in conjunction with The Alternative. Artwork by Mikaela Jane. Theme song by Kailynn West of Tiny Stills.

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