The Remarkable CEO for Chiropractors

So it began- 50 years ago

I was a young, new father given a challenging task required by all new parents. I was doing the absolute best I could trying not to fail in my duties when my baby boy reached out to me, looked me in the eye and spoke his very first words: “Dad, trust me. I know there’s a better way. Stop what you’ve been doing. Refocus. Listen to other more experienced fathers and recommit to being the best, most remarkable dad on the planet.”
Stunned, I responded: “Thank you Stephen for those first words of wisdom. Trust me. I know you are going to do and be something remarkable years from now. In the meantime let me finish changing your diapers!”

Love you son. So proud to be your dad. Can’t wait to be adjusted by my grandson, Dr. Sam, 30 years from now when I’m 100!

Nov. 23, 2019 by So-proud Dad on Apple Podcasts

The Remarkable CEO for Chiropractors

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