Jan. 14, 2025

Secrets to Spiritual and Financial Harmony with Jacopo Iasiello

Secrets to Spiritual and Financial Harmony with Jacopo Iasiello

Join Alan Carroll on the "Mindful You" podcast as he interviews former Italian soccer pro turned multimillionaire entrepreneur, Dr. Jacopo Iasiello. Discover how waking up early and transcendental meditation fueled Jacopo's success. He shares his 4-step approach to balancing health, wealth, and happiness, plus insights from his book on building inner strength before chasing external goals.

Order the book at https://healthyrichandhappy.com

And if this episode resonated with you, please share it with others!

About Alan:

Alan Carroll is an Educational Psychologist who specializes in Transpersonal Psychology. He founded Alan Carroll & Associates 30 years ago and before that, he was a Senior Sales Training Consultant for 10 years at Digital Equipment Corporation. He has dedicated his life in search of mindfulness tools that can be used by everyone (young and old) to transform their ability to speak at a professional level, as well as, to reduce the psychological suffering caused by the misidentification with our ego and reconnect to the vast transcendent dimension of consciousness that lies just on the other side of the thoughts we think and in between the words we speak.

Personal: https://www.facebook.com/alan.carroll.7359

Business: https://www.facebook.com/AlanCarrolltrains

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/aca-mindful-you/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mindfulnesseminar/

Web Site: https://acamindfulyou.com/