June 21, 2023

How Do We Learn New Language?

How Do We Learn New Language?

Unlocking Linguistic Mastery with Dr. Rebekah Josberger and Dr. Karl Kutz

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MU Talks

Welcome to MU Talks, an engaging podcast that unravels the mysteries of higher education and its transformative impact. Join hosts Alin Vrancila and Renee Duffy for this episode as they engage in an insightful discussion with experts Dr. Rebekah Josberger and Dr. Karl Kutz. 

MU Talks is your gateway to thought-provoking conversations about curriculum development, student engagement, and the evolving role of technology in education. Driven by their profound expertise, Dr. Josberger and Dr. Kutz offer invaluable insights into the ever-changing educational landscape especially as it pertains to language acquisition. Whether you're a student, educator, or simply passionate about the future of learning, MU Talks provides a platform for exploring ideas and perspectives that inspire and inform. Join us as we embark on an intellectual journey, uncovering the frontiers of higher education one episode at a time.