I am a big fan of The Mike O'Meara Show and before that the Don and Mike Show, with that said; I give anything connected to TMOS and MORE broadcasting a chance. After listening to the early shows, I was disappointed. While Marc and Lowell have a great rapport with each other from over two decades of friendship, Marc's drinking got in the way of the funny and quality of the show. I came back 2 months ago and WOW! They have hit their stride and aren't looking back. With the recent visits from both Lowell's sister, Jamie and their best friend, Jonah, I am all in. Their show has a nostalgia quality to it without being old or maudlin. Love the stories about their time at camp and their history together reminds me of the same type of history I have with my best friend. Keep up the good work and I look forward to show every week.
April 14, 2012 by JRosenbaum on Apple Podcasts