The Rothschilds are quietly moving their offices out of American cities and are no longer investing in the USA? If this is true, this could be the greenlight to collapse the US economy.
The Rothschilds are quietly moving their offices out of American cities and are no longer investing in the USA? If this is true, this could be the greenlight to collapse the US economy.
Time is running out. The devil is about to make his move. News sources confirm Iran may have hacked both the Trump and Kamala Harris' campaigns. All signs lead towards war with Iran. Also, a growing number of Edomites are exposing the small hats.
Russia is sending military equipment to Iran, as they prepare their militaries for war with the US and the State of Israel.
The daily news confirms we are in the last days of Esau's kingdom. The state of Israel is drawing the US into a war with Iran. Cisa and FBI report claims there could be major Outages during the election.
The daily news confirms we are in the last days of Esau's kingdom. The state of Israel is drawing the US into a war with Iran. Cisa and FBI report claims there could be major Outages during the election.
This episode deals with various topics. Just News and Prophecy.