Dec. 29, 2021

From lawyer by eduction to crypto and blockchain full time - Vytautas Zabulis, CEO of HFinance

From lawyer by eduction to crypto and blockchain full time - Vytautas Zabulis, CEO of HFinance

Vytautas Zabulis enjoys ultrarunning, mountain climbing and finance (with a little surfing in between). Lawyer by education, he's done a few exits, has been involved in crypto since 2015, and is now immersed in blockchain full time from 2018. He's also an investor (investing privately to seed/private/early stage). And is the cofounder + CEO of Hfinance.

Vytautas Zabulis enjoys ultrarunning, mountain climbing and finance (with a little surfing in between). Lawyer by education, he's done a few exits, has been involved in crypto since 2015, and is now immersed in blockchain full time from 2018. He's also an investor (investing privately to seed/private/early stage). And is the cofounder + CEO of Hfinance.

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VytautasProfile Photo


Ultrarunning, climbing and finance (surfing in between)
Lawyer by education, did few exits, crypto from 2015, blockchain full time from 2018.
Investing privately to seed/private/early stage. Board member of few companies (where i am cofounder) + CEO of Hfinance.