Happy Face Presents: Two Face

Shine on Becky

I remember reading about Diane Downs when her crime was still fresh, and my first reaction was, What mother would not literally die to protect her children. Aside from all the noise of a bushy haired stranger there is no one else on planet that had any reason to shoot these children. She did it, case closed.
However I’m so sorry that the baby she carried during the trial, Becky, has had such a hard road to try to understand her birth history. I too an adopted and can only imagine the upheaval she has endured. My heart goes out to Becky. I wish you all the peace and happiness life has to offer. You may never have all the answers, but from one adopted woman to another, I can tell you that how we were parented by our adopted parents will be the guiding light in our lives. My adoptive parents were wonderful people that helped shape me into a loving, caring and honest person. Nurture over nature is true, it is absolutely paramount in a child’s development.
God Bless you Becky, may your life always be safe, and full of love. ❤️

Feb. 5, 2021 by Xoxoxo! on Apple Podcasts

Happy Face Presents: Two Face