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Oct. 9, 2023

81. The Hidden Marketing Power of Quotes

81. The Hidden Marketing Power of Quotes

In this episode, we reveal the unexpected marketing power of quotes. Discover how leveraging poignant quotes can create deep emotional connections, stimulate innovative content ideas, and dramatically enhance engagement and visibility.

In the early days of my podcasting journey, I was just going with the flow, recording episodes, and hoping for the best. Little did I know that I was sitting on a treasure trove of content that could be repurposed in multiple ways.

The hidden treasure was the quotes from my podcast episodes.

As I dug deeper, I found that these quotes were thought starters, inspirations for creating more captivating content. They acted as a springboard for creating social media reels, blog posts, and even new podcast episodes.

The power of quotes surprised me. It was like unlocking a new level in a video game, opening up a world of possibilities. Not only did they help increase engagement and visibility, but they also paved the way for a deeper connection with the audience.

 In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Master the process of creating connections with your audience via meaningful quotes.
  • Utilize Capsho to its fullest potential in finding the best quotes for a variety of applications.
  • Learn the 3 best ways to package and present quotes for maximum impact.

EXCLUSIVE BONUS CONTENT: Want to reignite the conversation with a previous  podcast guest and get them reshare their podcast episode? We created a bonus template for you on how you can share your quotes with your guest.  Click here to unlock it

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Resources mentioned in this episode 

🎁 Get the examples of those quote cards and carousel posts here

Get your Bonus Template here

🎁 How to get podcast discoverability here

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You know, when I started my podcast, I had to just believe that it was going to help me market and grow my business. I had no proof that podcasting was actually going to help me get discovered. In fact, at the time, I was experiencing the exact opposite. I was putting all this time and effort into podcasting, but it wasn't growing, which meant that my business wasn't growing. I wasn't quite grasping the power of podcast from a marketing perspective because to me, it wasn't working.

I had turned on the microphone, I had recorded episodes, I'd published it on my hosting platform. I could see it in itunes, and yet nothing. No one was listening and no one was finding out about me or my business through my podcast. Now, this was me three years ago, and today I'm no longer this naive, hopefully, because now I know almost all the hidden marketing powers of podcasting. And I say almost because every day I find myself pleasantly surprised about a new hidden marketing power that I unearth or that someone tells me about.

And so I wanted to dedicate this episode to one of their very small, yet most potent hidden marketing powers of podcasting. Something that can get you exponential growth in raising awareness for your podcast, creating engagement on social media, and help inspire further episode topics. What is this one very small hidden marketing gem? Stay tuned to find out. My name is Deirdre Shen Sierra and co founder of Capsho, the fastest way to repurpose and market your expert content.

And this is the Grow my podcast show.

Hey, you. I am so excited to talk to you about this gosh super, this super powerful yet hidden marketing gem. And we're going to go into why these are so powerful. And yes, by we, I mean myself and my Capsho co founder, Bona. Hey, Bona.

Hello. I'm excited. I know, right? Okay, so we are here to talk about the one and only drumroll, please.

Quotes, right? I know, you're probably like, what on earth? Either you're like, oh my gosh, mind blown, I have never thought about quotes. Or you're like, Come on, Deirdre, I'm a Capshovian. I know all about this quotes thing.

I know you do. Potent quotables. I get the power of it. But do you? Do you get the hidden power of the hidden power?

I know. Okay, so we're going to go into the why and how, three whys and three hows of just how powerful quotes in and of themselves are. And the funny thing is that when we podcast, we don't really think about like I don't know, I never really thought about quotes as a thing, right? It was only in building Cap show and having AI really help us that it's like, oh my gosh, the opportunities that this opens for us is just again capped by our imagination. And so we're going to go into three of some of the really cool ways that we can use quotes in bigger and better ways to, as I said in the intro, to help us exponentially grow our podcast, get it in front of more people, and therefore get people knowing about our business and what it is that we do.

So should we get into it? Let's get into it. All right, first one, our transition is unprecedented at the moment. No, I think the first kind of getting maybe the obvious out of the way. The reason quotes are so powerful is that they build emotional connection.

They work for a reason, to your point. I think when we first think about it, we think it has to be someone inspiring, someone famous, and we're actually connecting with it because it's something they said. But it's actually if you take the person away, the idea is resonating. So they do that because a direct quote builds a connection with a human who is talking about something that you care about. Now, how do you bring that to life?

Obviously, quote cards. Put the quote on a card. Sure. That's definitely one way of doing it. And sometimes there's just power in that simplicity.

So don't feel like you need to get super fancy with it. That's definitely one thing that you can try in another episode. We talked about embedding that into your blog post. And you can do all sorts of different things with that, like make it more animated. You can make it in a reel.

So I think that goes without saying. Now, the other thing that you can do with it is you can turn it into a clip so something that people can listen to or even watch. And one thing that I found interesting, that a podcaster I saw do on social media is that they actually used the audio as, like, the audio for the real and then it was going over. I think it was related to I can't remember the actual clip itself, but it was talking about sort of empowering yourself during the mundane things. And it was played over a clip of someone doing mundane things and how there's power in that, but it's their audio that they set on the it was a quote that's super cool.

I hadn't even thought about that. Which is like, Duh, that's cool. Yeah. And then you kind of go, it doesn't have to be trending audio. And your aim isn't to make it a trending audio, but it's your audio.

Yeah, it's original. It's original. And this isn't just doing the thing that we all do, which is you clip your own video and that's what you put out there. I just want to make this really clear that what Bonner is talking about is you actually have a completely different visual. And if you're into reels or shorts or TikTok, then you might see when we say trending audio, there's like, audio that gets created, whether that's music or just words like the spoken word.

And people use that and they overlay it with their own creative, their own videos, their own whatever. And so I hadn't even thought about that. That you can actually create your own original audio through this clip, through this quote, and people can use that in a whole variety of ways. Exactly. And if it does start trending, like awesome, oh my gosh, right?

Like even more eyeballs on you, your profile, your podcast, your business, which is amazing. I hadn't thought about that. So there you go. When I said the hidden marketing power. So hidden.

So hidden. And I am always, as I also said, pleasantly surprised each and every day on what gets unearthed. Totally. And I think that's the thing because when your aim is just to say, get it in lots of different formats because there's a power in something that you're saying and that's the audio, maybe. But then how do you maybe visualize it for people?

So I thought that was a cool way to do it, but you can also just and don't feel like you have to crack that straight away because maybe that's but you can just turn it into a visual of whether it's yourself talking or that as well. So I think that works too. And then if you do want to stay in the static realm, another great way of bringing your quotes to life is also to have a carousel. So you can do this a couple of ways. If it's a longer quote, you can stretch it out over what a carousel posts on social media is, for those of you who don't know, is when it's more than one image and then people scroll through to the end to read a couple of different slides.

And what that does is it builds almost a little bit of a curiosity journey. Or the other thing that you could do is if you have a couple of related quotes, or more than one related quotes, you can sort of put them together into a carousel post where it reinforces that particular, I think, point as well. So we'll definitely share a couple of great examples that I've seen on social media of people doing that. And you can even have one example that I saw worked really well is they posted every Sunday and it's based on a particular this is like what I do on Sundays. I shared this Sunday thought with you.

And then it's just a carousel post of a longer quote broken up. So I was like, that's really powerful because now I sort of look forward to it on Sundays. So again, there's different ways you can visually and audibly bring to life for people. So cool. Wow, okay, my mind's already blown.

And we're only on the first one. Emotional connection will do that to you. Okay, so that is using quotes to build emotional connection. And by the way, just in case you didn't know, and you might have missed it. If you are a Capchovian, then you would know that inside of Creative Studio, there is a potent quotables tab that you can go and get all of the quotes that can help you with this.

All right, so let's get into the second type. Yes, the second type, actually, this was something that Capshovian and good friend of Capsho, Katie Brinkley, shared with us. We were like, that makes so much sense, is when certain quotes that you may not think are fully complete to just publish as they are. Because we all have those quotes. I mean, not us personally, because we always finish our thoughts.

Oh, of course, yes. And I am always I talk in sound bites. Yeah, exactly. And I am not at all someone who stretches things out more than they need to. I'm so succinct and succinct when I speak.

I know, but if you're not and Capsho will do this, we'll play it back to you in painful detail. Like, here are the supposedly potent quotables. But again, they can also be thought starters. So how Katie uses them is to sort of take a look at them and say, that's actually a really interesting concept. Or yes, I do remember sort of mentioning that and taking that as inspo for more content creation.

It could be something really quick and quippy and you're like, I can turn that into a short form piece of content, like a reel, maybe. Or it's something that actually warrants a deeper conversation and actually might warrant a long form piece of content. So I think that's actually a really great place to go into your putting quotables on Capsho. Have a look at all of them because it's like there's enough there that you can scan them relatively quickly. Pick the ones that might use for step one that are just good to go and then ones that you're like.

These are really, really actually, I'm glad that it reminded me that I started talking about that I should go into that more. So it almost becomes like a little note taker for you. Yeah. So the example that Katie shared, it was actually as part of the social media challenge that we recently did, and that will come back around for anyone who's missed it. We'll do a replay for sure.

But basically she did an episode with Wave Wild, who's a TikTok expert. And Wave was saying that she actually scripts her TikTok videos. And I think there was a quote related to that, so scripting, I think, a TikTok video. And so what Katie did was she showed this quote and she was like, okay, well, I can do a reel to be like, how to script a TikTok video? And she could do one of those pointing style videos where it's know, step one is this, step two is this, step three is this.

So she's just taken that concept and gone even deeper in a short form way, or she could even go like, okay, well, she scripts some of her podcast episodes as well. So similar thing, we're talking about scripting here. So it's also triggered this thought or inspired this deeper dive on a related but separate topic around scripting for even a podcast, or just scripting for anything really that you're doing for media more generally. You can kind of see then when you read a quote. And so that's what we encourage everyone.

Don't just blindly go into and look at these potent quotables and be like, oh, okay, well, I'm just going to blindly copy and paste and do whatever with them. Really think about, hey, if you want to be a little bit more creative, maybe with your short form videos, with your reels, or if you read something and be like, oh my gosh, you know what, that's going to be a great episode topic for another episode, go ahead and do that. Please open your mind to the possibilities because that's a fun, I think, of captcho. Why captcho I think is so fun for a lot of our captchovians is because it does actually free up. You don't have to be creative in this way of like, oh, let's go through a transcript and find the quotes that hopefully is concise and succinct and not around the grounds as Deirdre and Bona talk.

You don't have to do that because Capsho does it for you. So now you can use that creativity to do these other add ons, almost more content, more value that you can be writing your audience. This is where you should be using your creativity now, which is super cool. Okay, so I just wanted to drop that in there. So that's the second type.

So just to recap, the first way that quotes are so powerful is because they build that emotional connection. And a really easy, tangible way to bring that to life is, as Bonna mentioned, to create short clips, quote cards, carousel posts. The second way they're so powerful is because they just provide thought starters. And you can use those thought starters to create even more social media reels or as a potential episode topic, your next episode topic. So what is the third hidden power?

Very hidden. And I think this is we sort of know it intellectually, but it's hard to do, is we all know that for the reasons we outlined earlier, the quotes create credibility for the person who is and this is where I was like, oh, this is really interesting for the person who is being quoted, but also the person who is quoting. And let me go into that a little bit. So basically, it creates when you are the person being quoted. And I know this has happened to you as well, Deja, when you've been on podcasts like, oh, I did say shows.

Well, actually, it was really funny. I was on a call with Alexand Philippe again, I feel like we mentioned him on like every episode, the bestie of the show. Yeah, he is a very, very good was because he is a capsho and he uses capsho himself. And he was saying how he was looking at the quotes that Capsho was pulling out. And even though he does guest episodes, a lot of times, it was actually quoting him because he does talk in sound bites.

Actually, he is he talks about someone who's concise and succinct. Oh, my gosh, Alex is concise and succinct. Alex is a bulletless walking around human form in the best way possible. Pretty much, yeah. And so he was saying he even was like, I was reading what Capsho, these quotes that Capsho was pulling out and he's like, oh my, I said that I sound so smart.

And I actually asked him afterwards, do you have a recording of this call? Because I want to clip that for this episode that I'm doing. Unfortunately, he didn't, so you won't be able to hear that. But that is actually what happened. Yes.

And I think that's such a good example of that because yeah, the person being quoted in this case, him as the host. But it does give that sense of significance, not a sense of self importance, but it's just to say, oh, okay. It really elevates the content for you in your mind. And then for the person who is quoting the other person, it builds social proof and credibility for you because you're sharing a particular topic like you're sharing a crystallization of a topic that you do share about, but it's this other person, there's this third party validation for that. So it's this two way thing that makes it really, really powerful.

And that's why in terms of how you want to really maximize that is to make sure that especially when you have for interview shows or presentations you're doing, where you're featuring other people, is to make sure that you create assets for them and encourage them to share it. And they should, because to your point, it does give them that sense of significance, reminds them of the value that they added to you and your audience and give them the ability to add that value back to their audience. And then when they do that, it gives you that third party validation and social proof because they're sharing about that and together you're bringing the message forward. Yeah. And if you haven't listened to episode 61 of this podcast, I had Kelly Mossa, who is also a good friend of ours, on, and she was talking about why guests don't promote episodes.

And one of the reasons why, which is really interesting, actually, to learn this, is that a lot of guests don't feel like they added value or that they were smart. And I think a lot of this is because it's human nature, right. It's not like we come off I know that when I come out of a podcast episode, a lot of times I'm like, I'm not saying I absolutely nailed that I added so much value. That's just not what runs through my mind. And so a lot of times, guests won't share about that podcast episode because of that reason, because they might have felt like they for whatever reason, whether it's their own self limiting beliefs or whether the host maybe didn't ask the right questions, we don't know.

Could be any of the spectrum of any of those things. But they didn't feel like they added a lot of value to that audience. And so using quotes to play back to them, hey, you said all these really smart things like, this absolutely blew my mind. Please share this with your audience so they could hear as well and get all of the value that I got out of it personally. And you're giving them the proof of the really smart things that they said.

There's just so much power. Again, we talk about the hidden marketing power of quotes. That is the power of why you want guests even on well, some of the reason why you want guests even on your podcast is so that you can leverage their audience. But that doesn't work if they don't promote your episode and your podcast, right? So you want to do everything in your power to help them promote it.

This is one of the things which is how do we make them feel really good about what it is that they said, the value that they provided. And we can do that with quotes, so we can do that by reminding them of how smart they sounded, right? Like, to Alex's point, it's like, hey, actually, you didn't think you were don't say this. It's not like they're not telling you that they didn't think that they sounded smart, but you were so smart and you provided so much value, and here's the tangible proof of the value that you provided. Please share this episode.

Why wouldn't a guest do that when they are reminded of their awesomeness? Yes. No, absolutely. And even just doing it retrospectively, I was like, we should just go on a little bit of a tear without guests 100%, because podcast episodes are green evergreen. Yeah, exactly.

So there you go. Hot tips. Being a guest guest on the podcast affected emails. Yeah, but also go and do that yourself. Go back through all of your old episodes and actually just reignite it with your old guests.

Just to be like, hey, I listened to this episode again. Here were some really smart things. I'd love for you to share it again. I know it's been two months, six months, a year since it's been out, but I'd love to reshare this. So yeah, amazing.

I think even if you did this last bit, I think this in and of itself is going to get you so much more visibility for your podcast than I mean, we want you to also do the first two things that we spoke about. But even if you just did this third thing, so much value and you're welcome. Stop laughing at me. But I don't think I'm laughing with you. I'm always laughing with you.

At you. All right. Okay, so what we're going to do is in the Show Notes, we're going to drop a few things for you. We're going to drop some examples of those quote cards and carousel posts and maybe even if we can find sort of an example of what we mean when we said like the original audio and how people can use that to create their own content off the back of it. Okay, yeah, we'll drop that in the Show Notes.

So just go to the one link that's in the Show Notes and it'll take you to our website, the web page for this episode, and we'll have all of the examples there. And we'll also maybe give an example of for the third tip from the guest perspective, maybe like, I don't know, like a template. We all make that a bonus. Okay, if you want a bonus template on how to share quotes with your guest in a way that makes them want to share it, then get that in the Show Notes. But you're going to have to opt in for it.

So that's our bonus for today. It's going to be worth it. It's going to be so worth it. Go ahead. Go to the show notes.

It's got all of the examples that I mentioned, the bonus template of how you can share your quotes with your guest so that you can reignite the conversation with them and get them maybe to reshare their podcast episode. Yeah, that's it from us. And by the way, if you wanted to try capsho for free, if you're not already capshovian, come on now, what are you doing? Go to http://freegift.capsho.com. You'll get an extended free trial there and you'll get the quotes.

You'll see the potent quotables that we create for you inside of Creative Studio and you can start doing these things yourself. So go ahead and do that now. All right, thanks for hanging with us and as always, stay awesome.