Welcome to the Win The Content Game
Sept. 12, 2023

77. How to turn your audio-only podcast into visually captivating short-form videos

77. How to turn your audio-only podcast into visually captivating short-form videos

If you're stuck trying to get greater reach and engagement on social media for your audio-only podcast, this episode is for you. And we promise, no audiograms!

You're a busy entrepreneur with a podcast you love. You've got a loyal audience and insightful content that adds value to your listeners. But you know you're missing out on a huge opportunity to create short-form video content for social media from your audio only podcast. And here's the kicker - you just don't know how. This episode covers the strategy and how to for doing just that. 

 In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Learn how to transform audio podcasts into short-form video content that  broaden your reach.
  • Discover how to use visually striking backgrounds in your short-form videos to engage more viewers.
  • Get tips on how to incorporate attention resets to sustain audience engagement 

Creating short form video content is crucial for marketing your podcast. We can't be the best-kept secret, and short form videos grab attention and reach new audiences. - Deirdre Tshien

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Resources mentioned in this episode 

🎁 Watch our Memojie short form video here

 🎁 Try Capsho's Creative Studio here

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You may have heard that a few weeks ago, we launched Creative Studio. Yes, if you're not sure yet what that is, it is the new part of Capsho that identifies sound bites, segments for YouTube, and quotes from your long form audio or video content. And since we've launched, we've had so much amazing feedback on how effectively Capsho has been able to help expert content creators like you quickly and easily create those short form videos for social media. But one thing we've been asked time and again is how we can use this feature for audio only podcasts. In fact, it was on our live announcement of Creative Studio that I was first asked this question.

And you may know, because I haven't really kept it a secret or anything, that I don't love audiograms. And by that I mean those cards with headshots on them and a waveform. I've never been a fan because they don't really pattern interrupt and they generally don't entice any type of action from your audience. So when I was asked this question about how captcho's Creative Studio could be used for audio only podcasts, then I knew I had to get my good friends the Bizbros to help me out. So Luis Camejo did some training with me, and I'm super excited to tell you all about it and how we create pattern interrupting and enticing videos when all we have is the audio.

So if you have an audio only podcast and struggle with how to create short form videos that will capture the attention of your audience, then this is the episode for you. My name is Deirdre Tshien, CEO and co founder of Capsho the Fastest way to repurpose and market your expert content. And this is the Grow my podcast show.

Hey, you. Holy smokes. I'm excited about this episode because this is something I didn't even know I needed. If you've been following me on Instagram at all, you might notice that I don't really do any really much short form video content at all. And there's a reason why, because I actually had no idea how to do it.

How could I create content out of an audio only podcast? Which this is, by the way, with these episodes, we don't record video. It's audio only. And it took a friend of mine, Louise, from Bisbros, to show me how. And once he did, well, let's just say my life has not been the same again.

Is that too dramatic? Okay, so to help me explain how we create short form videos from this audio only podcast, I have my co founder Bona Rai with me. Hello. We really should create video out of this because I don't think that's a good the different ways that you do your little Len Ins. I know the audience are missing out.

They really are. Okay, so let's get into how we are looking as well to create audio only clips from this podcast. Yes, because I'm going to be honest, I was really stumped about how to do this because there's not a lot out there. The whole trend right now is to create video podcasts, which, by the way, I am totally on board with. Again, do as I say, not as I do.

And you do have them with your guests? I have them with my guests, yes. But there's no way I'm coming on video. That's the problem that you have with this part of the podcast. Yeah.

And generally we record on a day where I'm just like, I don't want to have to get camera ready. Yeah. I just want to be in my pajamas. So talk about a compelling reason to crack this because there's no way we're going on camera. So we have to figure it out.

We have to figure this out. If you also only have an audio only podcast, if you also hate having to be camera ready when you record your podcast, then you're in the right place. We are going to walk through how it is that we are doing it and going to do it. Yes. All right, so step number one.

Well, okay, actually, before we even get into the steps, why is this even important? Let's talk about that and I'd love to get your thoughts upon it. Why is it important if we have an audio only podcast to even think about doing? Creating short form video content? Yeah, I think it'd be so it's almost like the key reason, which sounds really, really obvious, is that we have to market we have to market our podcast even if we have a really great listenership, even if we have a really loyal audience.

Those are all really great things. But like, with everything that we do, we can't be the best kept secret. So we really have to think about how do we reach people that may not know about us just yet. And it's not about becoming a social media influencer, but essentially short form video works really well for that. I mean, I love our podcast episodes where we do.

I think we add a lot of value in these episodes. But again, that's only as good as people knowing about them. The fact of the matter is, short form video is the most powerful way that you can grab that attention, especially for people that don't know you in a really targeted and specific way. Yeah. Love that I have nothing to add.

I think that's totally on point. You pops. This should be a video podcast because my face is nice for me. Just wetting. That's a bit extra.

So you're in a dramatic mood. You did say that. I am. I am in a bit of a dramatic mood. Okay.

So, yes, it is incredibly I think that's right. Like anything that we do, and hopefully you can tell the whole theme of what it is that we do. Myself personally, bono personally, but also us as a co founding team of Capsho is we're all about marketing. How is it that we get the word out there for whatever it is that we're doing? Yes, the podcast, but also our business, fundamentally, how do we create all of this content to amplify our message?

And creating short form video is such a core part. I was going to say core poor, I guess. Such a core part of that, creating short form video. So it's actually really cool to be able to think about, okay, audio only. How do we crack that?

So let's get into how we do it. So step number one is and this may come as no surprise, but you've got to use capture sound bites to identify the most potent parts of the episode. Like, you just got to yeah. And on a serious note, though, that was the biggest thing, aside from editing and things like that, it was like, okay, we should do this. And to your point, he said, we struggled with this, but then so much value across the 30 minutes episode.

But really, it was quite overwhelming to say, okay, we set out on the weekend and we record. Okay, now I've got to remember, try to identify which are the bits that are going to be powerful and as the people who created it, even as the people who created it's. Hard to remember that. Totally. And then it's really overwhelming, and you're like, other things come up and it's all too hard.

And then you just put it in the never done bucket. Yes, 100%. I find that after podcast recording, there's either one of two thoughts or reactions that I have. Either I was like, yes, killed it, or, man, probably not the best, but you know what? It's dud pay for effort.

And either way, either way, either of those situations, I always don't remember what it was either. It was like, yes, it was the best, but then maybe it's because there's just too much goodness. Like, how do I know which part I need to also was good or not that great. I probably didn't say anything of value. And then you get really, actually pleasantly surprised at all the valuable things that you did say.

Yes. So either way, it's hard to identify the best clips to take out of your podcast without spending gosh. Luis was saying his team spends, like, 3 hours on a 30 minutes, 1 hour episode. I can't remember, but, like, a lot of time. And we've massively cut that down.

I think his team spends like, 20 minutes. Now they just go into capture. They just figure out which of it because we've already given them the, hey, these are the ones that we recommend. Now we do surface a few, and it takes 1520 minutes to go through those and be like, this one, this one, this one, this one. Exactly.

And so there you go. Capture has done the heavy lifting for you. So just use it. It's there. And we did draw the line, because I know that when we were originally kind of workshopping this part of Cap show, my brain can't help it.

It goes to like, I want to solve it all. Let's actually clip the video, and then we can almost auto edit things, et cetera. But honestly, that is not our skill set. We are not experts in that. But what we are experts in is how do we use our marketing knowledge?

The way that our content hunting trap framework, what it is, that what action we want our audience to take. How do we use that to then help to identify the best parts of the episode? That I think is honestly our expertise. That's the thing that we excel at. And so it just made way more sense to focus on that than try to build this big behemoth of something that was probably not going to be that great.

Exactly. So leverage our skills, leverage our capabilities, and just use capsho soundbites to identify the most potent parts of your episode. Okay, so that's step number one. If you haven't used capsho soundbites or you've never even used Capsho, then go and log into your account. If you don't have an account, go to freegift.capsho.

You'll get an extended free trial so you can try out the soundbites. You can see what it's about. And it's amazing. It's amazing. I had Kevin Schmidlin actually just texted me yesterday.

He's like, oh my gosh, this is life changing. He's like, I'm going to be Chief Capchovian. Yeah, that sound bites feature is just blown his minds. Kevin creates great short form videos he does to see what he does with his. It's going to be amazing.

Okay, so that's step number one. Now step number two, this is actually the crux of it all. And so we're going to talk about step number two when we come back from this break. Okay, so we're in the middle of talking about step number two, which is really the difference in, I think, how we create these audio only clips. Because when you have a video podcast, like when you have video, you kind of already have the bass.

You have the background, right? It's the video. When you have audio only, that's the bit that's missing. You don't have a visual background. You don't have a base.

So this bit, this step number two, creating your background is actually the core part of what makes audio only clips different to video only clips. Yes. So let's talk about that, about how we're thinking about it from our perspective. Now, as I said in the intro, I'm not a huge fan of audiograms, and by audiograms, I mean, I think we see them all, but it's like the square. It doesn't even have to be square.

It can be whatever shape, but essentially it'll have my face as a host it might have the guest face as a host. It might have the episode title, like episode 78, audio Only Videos. How to create audio only videos. And then there's like a waveform. There's something that kind of like as our voices speak alongside, the waves happen, or the colors, whatever that is.

And I'm not a huge fan of audio of that, to be honest. Because A, it's kind of done. It's pretty played. I think people know now what it is that you're trying to do. And people are just desensitized to that now.

But also because it doesn't really capture any kind of attention. It doesn't capture attention visually. It doesn't really capture attention. Audio. Is that the way to say it?

Audio. Audio. Yeah. Audio. Audibly.

Audibly. Okay. Yeah. Grammar lesson. Jeez, I thought they'd grow my grammar show.

Wow. Okay. I'm appalled. That was pretty good. So audiograms not recommended.

Now, it's not to say that you can't do them. I'm really struggling today. I apologize. This is not I'm dramatic. I'm stumbling over my words.

Grammar has escaped me. It's a shabazzle. But if you're following along, well done. Audiograms not recommended. But you also can do them if you have nothing else to like if you're super temple of a background.

Exactly. So let's talk about some other options of backgrounds. Yeah, so I think I was thinking about this, and I think the reason people default to the audiogram, which essentially just becomes, to your point, an animated version of the episode cover, let's be honest, is because people want their brand. I think and this is a really good conversation that you had with Luis where he said, okay, let's start with that. To say, let's think about a background that still feels on brand for you, but it doesn't necessarily have to be like your podcast name to your point where it's the episode cover or the show cover, because, again, it's already done.

And there's other places that that make sense. So I think the way Luis talked about it was to say, okay, if you think about Capsho the Grow My Podcast Show or like Deirdre Tshien as the brand, it's bright, it's fun. So let's just actually just start let's just use this example where the background is purple because Capsho Purple and Grow my podcast show has it in, as well as that's the background we immediately know, hey, that's going to make it pop. Okay. Immediately there's color and it's simple.

So it's already visually visually arresting. Yeah, exactly. But it feels on brands, I think it's the first step is just to think about rethinking, about reframing what branding means. It doesn't have to be a logo, but again, it's bright, it's fun. And then he was like, let's contrast that with really big capitalized block letters, essentially, that's just like really bold and will pop on the purple background.

And that's going to be almost like our base background. And I was like, that's cool. I probably would watch fun words on a page versus an audiogram. Well, that's the thing. When he showed me that, I was like, oh, my, how did I never think about this?

Because even when I flick through stories, I actually do find myself stopping on things where it's literally blank background and just words. Because I'm like, I want to know what's being said. I'll follow along the words exactly, or on Facebook, and they have the color block with some words on it. Again, some of that's overdone in some groups, but essentially it's like, that works. It does stop the scroll, even just for a second.

And hopefully what you're saying is compelling so people stay. But if nothing else and I was like, that was simpler than we thought. So I think that's probably the simplest one to start with. And maybe bright colors and bold lettering isn't your branding, but that's okay, really. I think you apply the same approach and say, what does feel on brand for you, but will be visually arresting for the audience.

Yes. And if nothing, I almost don't even want to go into any other examples because I think this in and of itself is, like, the best place for any of us to start. And so simple, and so it really, really works. Yeah. I will mention one that we tried, and I'll link this in the show notes.

I don't know if you remember. Probably we tried doing it with our memoji. Anyway, I won't explain it. You'll have to go and watch it in the show notes. Yes.

That's going to become our bonus content. If you want the bonus content of a particular short form video that we tried. It was audio only. Yeah, because we were trying to figure this out. Really clever.

Anyway, it's a great FYI, though, my memoji does not look like me because we had this thing where I designed Deirdre's memoji and she designed mine. I made hers look like her. She decided not to make mine look like me. So, just in case you're wondering, step two, love the caveats there. Yeah.

Okay, good. Fine. I'll have to come up with my own anyway. All right, so step number two, create a background for your audio only short form video that is super simple. Just be on brand with the colors and use really big visually catching fonts and text.

So let's keep it simple. Just start there, and then step number three is all about and we discussed this, I think, in, gosh, an episode, maybe a couple of episodes ago, is all about attention resets. Now, what do we mean when we say attention resets? I don't want to be like, reset your attention, but that's essentially what it is. And I think it's just kind of thinking about your own viewing behavior or sometimes the listening behavior.

But essentially, and this is just a sad fact of the world, our attention is increasingly divided and concentrating on things for long periods of time can feel difficult. But essentially it's just helping your audience retain and keep engaged with your content by having visual resets along the way at different places, essentially. And figuring that out can be a little bit tricky, but essentially it's about how do you visually change up what they're watching to continue to reset and re-engage them. Yeah, totally. I'm so I ever since the Masterclass with Louise went out, and I've been noticing on LinkedIn and Facebook that we have a few capshovians who have been implementing it.

So shout out to likes of Gloria. Shout out to Sean. Sean Block. Like, I've been seeing what you guys are putting out. It's been so cool watching you do the things.

It does work, to be honest. I'm not their target audience, but even so and I'm seeing the cool stock images or gifs and stuff that they're using, and I'm like, wow, I'm hooked. I'm actually watching to the end. To the end, yeah. So this stuff works even, I mean, definitely you want to do it more so for your target audience, but even when they're not, it still works.

I mean, I'm probably not going to be the person who's necessarily maybe listening to the full episode or something, but even just getting that nugget then and there already in my mind, I'm like, oh, that's what this person talks about. That's what this person's an expert in that's already seated with me. So if I know someone who would be great for that, yes, hey, I'm super happy to talk about them in that way. And as you were saying that, I just thought about this fact where with social media, I think there's some don't quote me on the actual numbers, but a huge percentage of content essentially leaves people feeling worse than they did before they watch the content. Right, and that could be for various reasons, but I think really the aim here is to your point, they watch a piece of content, whether it's short form video, whether it's whatever, where they feel because it's been funny, it's been fun, or it's been really informative because they've been engaged throughout and they feel better for it.

I think that's the thing. So they may not kind of go, oh, I can't wait to listen to Gloria's episode. But you create an impression in their brain almost subconsciously, that it's content that makes them feel better than before they watched it. Yes, I love that. That's a really great way to think about it.

Yes. Okay, so there you go. So those are three super simple steps to start getting your audio only podcast out there to start marketing it through short form video. So step one is just go ahead and use capsho soundbites again, if you're not a capshovian, go to freegift capture. Get your extended free trial so that you can see what the hype's all about because soundbites will make it so simple because it identifies the ones for you.

Step two is to create your background. And we've just kept it to one. Like, we could have fully ratled off a few examples, but we're like, no, let's not overwhelm anyone. We want you implementing it. So just choose just go with what is your main brand color.

Use that as a background and just use big contrasting colored text on top of that. And then step number three is to then just use attention reset. So how can you, throughout the video, put things in like, Brolls, like stock photos and gifs and emojis and other things to visually reset people's attention so they keep watching to the end of your short form video? Okay. Three super simple steps, I think.

Yeah, it's exciting. Yeah, go ahead. In the show notes, we will also leave the bonus for the memoji short form video that you have to go watch. And we will also link to freegift.capsho. For anyone who has not tried capsho, go and do it so you can see what the soundbite Hype is all about.

That's it from us. Thanks for hanging. My name's Deirdre Tshien. I'm Bona Rai. And as always, stay awesome.