Welcome to the Win The Content Game
Aug. 8, 2023

72. The new YouTube SEO Strategy for Podcasters that Google loves

72. The new YouTube SEO Strategy for Podcasters that Google loves

Are you looking to reach a wider audience on YouTube? You need to create YouTube segments - the new way podcasters are getting discovered on YouTube and on Google. This episode shows you the 3 simple steps to repurposing your podcast into YouTube segments.

YouTube is for people who are ready to take action. They're searching for answers and you can be the one to provide them.- Bona Rai and Deirdre Tshien

This episode is a deep dive into how to create videos from your podcast for YouTube (that isn’t just a replay of your entire episode). I cover  the need to identify specific questions that people are searching for on YouTube, and how Capsho can simplify this process for podcasters.

 In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Learn the difference between getting your podcast found and your MESSAGE found (and why the latter is more important)  
  • Find out how crafting concise, impactful clips from your podcast can help new audiences on YouTube and Google find you
  • Understand the importance of integrating intros and outros to your YouTube clips for better audience interaction.

Related Grow My Podcast Show episodes you may enjoy:

How to Repurpose Your Podcast for YouTube

 I am sharing my 3 step strategy to repurposing your podcast content for YouTube, and getting discovered through keyword research.

 How to avoid Pod Fade with PodPros Founder Alex Sanfilippo

Alex San Fillipo started PodPros to help podcasters avoid Podfade and succeed in the industry, but found that the path to success is full of its own challenges. 

Resources mentioned in this episode 

🎁 Try Capsho's Creative Studio here

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You could probably tell from the title of this episode that we're going to be talking about YouTube and well, I'm going to be completely honest here, but I am not a YouTube expert, at least not in being a creator for YouTube. I only really know my experiences from being a consumer of YouTube videos. And being a consumer has shaped the strategies we've created to get ourselves found on YouTube. In fact, if you've missed the episode on that, then you definitely need to go back and listen to episode 35 aptly named how to Repurpose Your Podcast for YouTube. Because in this episode today, we are going to extend those concepts and delve even deeper into how.

Yep, we are going to be decoding YouTube for you. For you as an entrepreneur who podcasts. So if you have been wondering how in the world you can get your podcast and importantly your message found on YouTube, then this episode is for you. My name is Deirdre Tshien, CEO and co founder of Capsho, the fastest way to repurpose and market your expert content. And this is the Grow my podcast show.

Hey you. So how happy you could be here with us. And by us I mean my co founder Bonnarai and I. Hey, Bonna. Hello.

Now I know how to speak into the mic. Yes, it only took a few episodes. Now we are talking about YouTube today about how as entrepreneurs who podcast, we can be leveraging it to not only get our podcasts found, but more important to get ourselves and our message found. So let's talk about that for a second. About what that and because as we know, YouTube is the second largest search engine, so it's worth spending some time figuring this platform out.

Add to that this whole video podcasting thing and where it is that YouTube is heading, which if I'm going to be honest, I was a bit confused about all of that because we were always able to put our podcasts onto YouTube. So what's the difference between then and now as you see it? I actually don't know that bit. I'm just like maybe they're making it more of a thing and it's like officially you can do it versus to your point before functionally you could do it. But it's just people looking for videos as opposed to people specifically searching for podcasts.

Possibly. But it still baffles me a little bit potentially because we're not consumers in that heavy consumers in the podcasts on YouTube space as well. Yeah, that's right. And maybe we're not heavy well, we're not heavy consumers because I guess it's not fully intuitive for us to go to YouTube to find podcasts. But I guess they are starting to try to get more and more into that space.

And apparently it's actually and I think we're the anomaly here actually because I think it's actually bigger than the actual podcast players when it comes to people listening to podcasts. Or watching anyway. Yeah, watching crazy. Yeah, it's a bit crazy. Yeah.

So it is a thing. Yeah, because I remember on my trip back to Sydney late last year, I was speaking to an old colleague of ours and he was saying that he watches podcasts on YouTube. Just sounds real weird to say that. Yeah. And I was like, James Podcasts on YouTube.

I was like, why do you think such a weirdo? That's what? Tell me who this is. I forgot. Anyway, but it's a thing.

It is a thing. And they are, I guess, going more and more into it with their podcast, with their player app. We clearly know a lot about what's on YouTube's roadmap this as it relates to podcasts. I think we're getting there. We're not skeptical, we're just confused.

Let's just say let it be known it's us, not them. And by the way, we are not at all wading into the whole debate about video podcasting not really being podcasting, et cetera, et cetera, whatever. To be honest, I create podcasts. I'm an expert who podcasts. I do my podcast because I want to get my message found and what it is specifically that we're doing in Capsho as well.

And you listening to this, if you've been following along with this podcast, I'm sure that you have the same thing. You are just in it to get your message found, to get your voice heard and to realistically sell something off the back of it, whether that's a course, a coaching program, a service that you have, whatever that is you're trying to monetize in that way. And so, to be honest, what video podcasting is and isn't technically and is a podcast that doesn't really matter to us. And so we're not here to debate that. Yes, we're really here to talk about how we can leverage this really powerful platform to get you found.

Yes. And so let's start by drawing a distinction between getting your podcast found and getting your message heard. Because by the way, these are two very, very different things. Yes, and let's talk about getting your podcast found because right now we didn't know, but apparently it is a really popular platform for people to find podcasts through. Who will the thug it.

And really the way that gets done is through, I guess, the basics of knowing search engine optimization.

We've been leveraging that for a while. And that's really by putting pretty much whole episodes up onto YouTube and just optimizing the title, description, et cetera, so that your audience, your ideal audience, actually finds your podcast and then can start listening to your podcast as a podcast. So that's to get your podcast bound. And then there's the whole thing about getting your message heard. And the starting point for this is really back in episode 35 that I mentioned in the intro, but how it is that we think about that.

And this is actually really important because at the time. And when you go listen to that, back to that episode, I didn't make this distinction at that time. I was just literally just thinking about how do we leverage the YouTube platform in the way that it can best be leveraged? And that was through how do we create really potent shorter form? Because generally podcast episodes are 30, 45 minutes by nature form, right.

How can we almost find the most potent parts in those episodes that just go straight to the value, go straight to the education? Because the best performing videos on YouTube are how to's and they are tutorials and generally they are things that people need to, you know, really powerful things are like how to hammer a nail into the wall. Yes, our area of expertise. Exactly. Thank you for picking that metal.

Yeah, but I need to because I need to watch someone do it because I don't know how to do it. What's the hammer? What's the nail? What's the wall? Exactly, yes.

It's like an actual demonstration of something. It's kind of like even show me how exactly to use this particular feature inside Capsho. Right. You need to actually see the screen. It's one thing for us to just try to be like, step one is to click on this button and then click on this button.

But it's always, especially for a lot of us who are visual learners, to actually see it happening in action. So that's why in episode 35, we mentioned our strategy. The way that we do it is that particular way because of the fact that these are the highest performing videos on YouTube. And so when we talk about getting your message heard in this episode, in this context, it's kind of an extension on that. It's not any different.

But we have some really cool ways now that we can do this a lot easier. And by the way, the reason why this is about getting your message heard is because yeah, from that short form, three minute, five minute video, you can talk about your podcast and you can lead people to a podcast. But really importantly, it's kind of actually the podcast is secondary. The main thing about these particular videos is that you're trying to get found deliberately so that people can then connect with you, learn from you, and then want to follow you more. And where they follow you is kind of up to them.

It could continue being on YouTube, but they could be like, actually, I really like listening to podcasts, so let me go find, you know, a podcast player. Yes, sorry, you said that like you wanted to say something. You're like, Harry? Yes. Let me say something so you could validate if my eyes really were that crazy or did you just exaggerating as usual?

No, I was just saying that I think it was a mix of me going, yes, that really hit. But also I wanted you to finish your sentence, but now I interrupted enough that you've probably forgotten. No, but I really want to call that out because I think to your point, we've talked about this before, but when people are consuming podcasts, whether it's on YouTube, whether it's on whatever, they might just be like watching them versus listening to them, but they're in much more passive state of mind. So you listen to podcasts when you go out on your runs or on your walk. I do that as well when I'm walking or I'm doing something else where you know something and I'm like, okay, let me just passively consume and it just kind know, knock the ideas around in my head.

And that's great. Podcasts are really, really helpful for that to build, know, like and trust. We know Capshovians as well, have certain routines around when they listen to the Grandma podcast show. That's great. Sometimes even when they're working and doing other things.

But really, YouTube it's your point is for people who and it might be the same people who's already listened to the episode, or new people, hopefully, where they're in a state of taking action and they're know they're either Googling or YouTubing something to say, I'm ready to hammer that nail on the head. I've got the nail, I've got the hammer, I need to know where, how hard to strike it, all of those sorts of things and I just need it now. So that's great because these are people who are ripe for taking action and you're the person that's going to come in, clutch and help them in that moment. That's how you want to think about these shorter YouTube videos. Yes.

Love that. Okay, so let's get into how to do this, shall we? Yes. How to create these short form YouTube videos. Because two weeks ago we spoke about short form videos for social media.

This is specifically for YouTube instead. And we're not talking about shorts, by the way. We're talking about like landscape three to five minute videos designed for YouTube. Good distinction. Yes.

Okay, cool. All right, so step number one is to identify the question that you are answering and validate it as being searched for on YouTube. So there's kind of two parts to this. So we kind of like it's a two for one step number. Double whammy.

Yeah. Okay. So basically this is really important and hopefully you know by now the way that we think, because it feels like every step one is always like, identify the question or identify the purpose. So this one is all about identifying the question. Now, why is this important?

Because it's just by nature of how do I say this? Search engines were designed to answer questions, right? That's what you're searching. You're searching for something. You're searching for the answer to a question like what is the meaning of life?

Okay, no worse questions. Dramatic, but really and especially YouTube is generally there to answer a question. Yes. So the way that you want to actually position your video is actually to answer a question, so it's a little bit different. I mean, I know a lot of people do do their podcast episodes to also answer questions.

Like I know that we do. That's definitely how I think about it, but also know that there are a ton of guest narrative style podcasts. So narrative by way of it's telling stories. Yeah, not the format. Not the format.

That not necessarily about answering a specific question. It's just like, hey, let's just talk about this. I've got this really great guest on who has a really interesting journey and life, and let's just talk about it. Which is totally cool, by the way. I love those kinds of podcasts.

But then afterwards, what's really cool and what's really interesting is that any of those episodes will always answer a question. And generally not just one, but like a few. Yes. And so what you want to do is you want to take that and you want to go, okay, what are some of the questions that were specifically answered by this podcast episode, and how were they answered? And by the way, is that a question?

Did I say that all made? Okay, cool. And by the way, how is that question something that people actually want to know the answer to on oh, well, I mean, even if it's on Search, because at Know, the great thing is Google and Know obviously owned by the same people, and YouTube videos will still show up for Search. Yeah, provided they make sense in the context. Yes, that's right.

So that's the first step is really to identify the questions that you're answering and validate that it is actually something that's being searched for on YouTube. Yes, I think really good example. Like you talked about, it's very easy for us to refer to the Gremlin podcast show because we're familiar with the content. And to your point, it is more highly geared towards how to why, what to do, that sort of thing. But I was even thinking about one of our captovians.

I think one of her episodes that we were taking a look at while working out Cap show for this was Gloria, and she has a very different podcast. So. Gloria Rand. Hi, Gloria. And she has a very different podcast for the Grow My podcast show, where she does still help female I think she focuses on females.

Sorry, Gloria, if it's more than that, but primarily female entrepreneurs. And really she helps people who are listening strike the balance kind of between spirituality and practically implementing it, basically. And this particular episode that I was listening to was around her guests talking about grief and managing grief and processing grief, but specifically with a focus on art therapy and using art for that. Now, when you just listen to the conversation, it's a beautiful conversation between two women supporting each other and holding space. But quite a few questions get answered there for people who are specifically looking for help with that.

And it was so then say, yeah, the conversation on its own is great, but it's really about how do you identify very specific questions that people may be searching for either around art therapy or some way of helping them acutely manage grief through someone who can relate. Right. And there could be very specific parts of that episode that would do really well as a YouTube clip. Yes. So good.

Okay, so that's step number one. Identify the question you're answering and validate it that it is being searched on YouTube. Step number two is to then answer the question. Simple enough? Not so simple.

Well, simpler. Simpler because guess what? Capsho now does this for you. It's just magic anyway. So, okay, let's talk about this because it's really easy for us to say, just answer the question, do it.

But who's got time for that? So back in episode 35, it was kind of quite simple. I was talking quite specifically to how I do this podcast, for example, which is like, as you notice, as you can tell, pretty much each episode has a step one, step two, step three. And so in episode 35 when I was talking about this, I was like, well, just do your podcast this way, why wouldn't you? And then just pull out those steps.

Just pull out. For example, we could have probably just done if we had just taken step one that we just recorded or spoke about. That could be a question in and of itself that we answered just in the five to ten minutes that we spoke about that step. But I also know that that's not realistic. That in fact, the majority of people do not do podcasts the way that I do that are quite systematic and quite formal structured.

Yes. And so we had to come up with another way to do this, which is really just leverage AI, leverage Capsho to do this for you. So what Capsho does essentially is that it will, based on the question that was identified that you answered in your podcast, it will pull out sections from your podcast that when pulled together actually creates a three to five minute video that does answer question and how it does that. And even if you didn't want to use AI, it's going to be a lot, it's going to take you a long time just use Capsho. But if you really, really don't want to, then essentially how it's broken down is you want to be able to tell a quick story about how about why this question is really valid or why the answer you have to it is really valid or incredible, but some kind of quick story that then leads into the actual value.

So you want to very quickly get to the punchy bit to the this is what you do and this is how to do it. So again, Capsho will identify that for you. But if you don't want to use Capsho, then really just it's basically those two things, like tell a story, give value. Yes, that's it. That's it.

Build connection, give value. Yeah, that's right. That's it. So step number two is answer the question. Strike that out.

Replace that with use, Capsho. Use Capsho's creative studio. Okay. Such so simple. I mean, you guys, we've saved you.

It's so much time. Okay, so then given that, let's get into step number three. So step number three is to add your intro and outro. Now let's talk about this in turn because again, what Capsho gives you is like, it's going to be the meat of your YouTube segment, your YouTube video. But like with all things, we need to be able to provide context.

We need to be able to hook someone in. We need to give people a call to action. And that is best done by actually recording the bookends to that video and editing it together. Yes. And so let's talk a little bit about what should be in that intro and what should be in that outro.

So essentially that intro the main thing you want to be doing, like the number one thing, if it could do one thing, it needs to hook people in. It needs to create curiosity. It needs to have content honey traps in it. It's true. And so how I think about it is, again, two to three sentences, super short.

The first is some kind of hook. How do you get people, how do you call the right people in, people who are interested in the specific question that you are posing that you will be answering with your video. And then what is the outcome that they're going to get? Yes, from this video, you want to be able to paint that picture, like, literally, by the end of this video, you will XYZ you will be able to know the difference between art therapy and normal therapy to battle grief. I don't know if that was you will know the difference between hammering a nail into a jiprock versus a brick wall.

Yeah, I don't know what jiprock is, but that's just me. I don't know. Yeah, that sounds impressive. Yes, I want to know that video or by the end of this video, you will know how to hammer a nail into wall without breaking it. Yes.

That's very important, right, without tearing a hole out of it. I don't know. There's a ton of things that ton of outcomes that might depending on how you answered it. Yes, that's really what you want to be putting in your intro and having a lot of empathy for your audience who is trying to figure out if this is going to be worth five more minutes of their time. And we all know how important our time is.

So it's just them going, is this in the right video for me? Am I in the right spot? Basically, for sure. Okay. And then there's the outro.

And the outro is there's a few different ways that you can look at this, depending again on what the outcome is that you want. Right? Like as I said before, maybe your outcome is that you just want people to start to listen to your podcast. Then that needs to be in your outro and you need to be able to point people specifically and not to your podcast in general. But the beauty is that if you use Capsho and it's actually pulling out or creating a YouTube segment based on this particular episode, your outro needs to say if you want to hear the story or if you want to hear more of the value or if you want to learn the next two.

Whatever it is, listen to this particular episode. So listen to episode 72 of the Grow my podcast show. Quit them to a specific episode for them to pick up. And the great thing, again, as I said, because these YouTube segments are created from that episode, it's a no brainer to just point them to that same episode. I feel like not having an outro is definitely the biggest wasted opportunity because these are people that have made it through to the end of your video.

They have stayed for the hook. They're like, yes, that's me. They watched you through. Maybe they skipped some bits, but they watched all the way through and they're probably going, oh, this was great. I'm glad I stayed for this.

What do I do next? And YouTube really kind of pushes you to have that. So it's in their best interest that people keep watching or whatever else. So it's such a wasted opportunity to not have one. And when you do have one, for it to not be clear.

So this is really your time to shine, to say, oh, you're still here. Amazing. Do this now and point them to the very next action you want them to take. And people will do it. I do it.

I mean, I'm seven videos in and I'm like, I'm still watching how to guasha my face, maybe in a different way now because, yeah, you just keep going. So I think that's really, really important. Yes. Okay, so do that if you want people to listen to actually go to your podcast now if that's kind of a secondary thing for you and you just want people to hang around and spend more time with you on YouTube. The great thing is that when you use Cap show, it will actually pick out three, it will create three YouTube segments for you.

So what you could do is you could do all three or even two, and you put them, line them up in your playlist and you just literally direct people to watch the next video on your playlist. Yes. Just like, hey. And then I answer this question. Watch that.

And then I answer this question, watch that.

And to be honest, I would probably recommend doing that when you're on YouTube because again, YouTube wants to keep people onto YouTube. So as much as possible, get them actually watching the next video on YouTube because you'll get rewarded for that. And you will get put in front of more people because your watch time has increased. So this is actually I would highly recommend this because as well, Capsho's made it really easy for you to do it. Yeah, no excuse now.

No excuse. Literally no excuse. Okay, so those are the three steps to we've just decoded YouTube for you, have we not? We have except for the little confusion at the front, but overall we have parts that matter about what this whole video podcast, I don't know. Anyway, not important.

Let's get into the let's recap the steps, shall we? Step number one. Okay. And we're also going to recap on what the purpose of this is. The purpose of this is to get people to just hear your message and to find you.

Okay, let's park your podcast. Let's park everything else. This is about you and you getting found and your message heard. So step number one to that is to identify the questions that you are answering and just validate that it is actually being searched on YouTube. Because if it's not, then, well, you could be wasting your time.

I mean, it might still be useful to put up there just if people stumble upon it or if you want to send people directly to your YouTube channel for it to be there. I think that's also that into blog posts or something. Yeah, exactly. So that's step number one. Identify the question you're answering.

Step number two is to answer the question. And to do this, just use Capsho. But if you can't, then you want to be telling a quick story and giving value. But really just use Cap show number two. And step number three is to then bookend that segment, that video with an intro that hooks people in and an outro that keeps people binging on your content.

And again, Capsho creates these for you. At least a script. You still have to record it yourself, but get the script from Capsho, make your edits, record it, and then edit it in your video editing tool of choice. And that's it. And then you publish that onto YouTube and you're good.

So easy. It is so easy. Oh, my gosh. All right, so we are going to leave the links definitely to go try an extended free trial of Capsho's Creative Studio. Go try it out.

And I think in the next one that we'll do together bonna we'll actually talk about audio only because this is actually something that we've grappled with. Yes, ourselves. So we will share what it is that we're doing. Maybe by then, some results? I don't know.

We'll see how we go with timing, but yeah, so lookout for that. That'll be probably in a couple of weeks time. We're going to talk about audio only YouTube videos. All right, then. Thanks for hanging with us.

My name Deirdre Tshien. I'm Bona Rai. And as always, stay awesome.