Welcome to the Win The Content Game
March 13, 2023

51. Content Dripping: How to turn strangers into listeners and listeners into leads

51. Content Dripping: How to turn strangers into listeners and listeners into leads

Are you overwhelmed with all the content you need to create? Find yourself posting just for the sake of it with no strategy? 

This episode will cover my Content Dripping Framework that is going to help you systematically build know like and trust with your audience using a simple but effective content creation and release strategy.

"Give and give until you have your audience feeling guilty for not paying you."

I had been struggling to organically grow my podcast and business until I realized that while there are no shortcuts, a strategic approach to content creation and publishing is the differentiator in creating an authentic brand that cuts through to your idea audience. 

At the heart of this realization was my Content Dripping Framework and a very special tool that helped me implement it in an hour a week. Content Dripping has been the key to my success and I'm excited to share it with you.

In this episode, you will learn the following:

  1. How to use Content Dripping to build your audience and income without hard selling.
  2. How to “trap” your audience and make them feel guilty for not paying you.
  3. What it means to “furnish your publishing house” and delight your audience.

Related Grow My Podcast Show episodes you may enjoy:

Replay Episode (The Secret Hack to Get Instant Downloads of Your New Episode as Soon as You Promote It)

Deirdre will cover her framework - Content Honey Traps 🍯 - that uses your podcast content to COMPEL your dreamiest clients to follow you from your social media to your podcast and to your conversion event… so that you have a consistent stream of buyers waiting to throw their credit cards at you!

Replay Episode (How we made over $200k in our first year of podcasting!)

This is the story of how a podcasting newbie transformed her first business podcast into a lead generation machine, closing over $200K in her first year If your host Deirdre Tshien (recording at her dining table with a $53 microphone) can do it, you can too! 

Resources mentioned in this episode 


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Quite a few episodes ago, I promised you that I would share my new framework, the one called Content Dripping. The time has come. And it's actually pretty funny when I think about how this all came about because I actually forgot all about this. I shared in episode one of this podcast, which I then and replayed in episode 37, how I managed to do over $220,000 in my coaching business in its first year leveraging a podcast. At the time, I credited the success to what I call Content Honey Traps, and I still do, by the way.


Content Honey Traps is a big part of how I was able to get in front of my ideal audience and compel them to spend the time consuming my content. But Content Honey Traps was just one part of it. I completely forgot about the second part until very recently. Actually. What happened was I just happened to be looking through a list of new Capsho members and I actually recognized a few of the names.


And these were names that went all the way back from our first Beta group quite a few months back. Names that were from the summit that I had last year, a few weeks before we even opened Capsho Up for Beta. So that was even a longer time back. These were people who had come across Capshop months and months ago and had only recently finally pulled the trigger to invest. And that reminded me of a conversation that I had had back at the end of 2020 with a new client called Michelle.


She was a client for my previous coaching business, the one that I did over $220,000 in. So she had just signed up. But I knew that she had been part of our community for already a few months. I had seen her name in our Facebook group, I'd seen her engagement posts where I had promoted my podcast, I'd seen her commenting on my YouTube videos and even my blog posts. And so when I asked her what made her finally invest, she said this one thing.


She said, I was getting so much from all your free content, I felt guilty for not paying you. Plus, if this is how good your free stuff was, I knew I was missing out, right? That's pretty cool, right? Anyone else want this type of response where you're not having to actually even convince anyone to buy? You don't have to hard sell anyone in a service.


They just they feel guilty for not giving you their money. And so let me tell you that this is possible. It's totally possible. It's possible when you are content dripping And I'll just clarify right now that Content Dripping is not about just blindly repurposing your podcast. As you'll soon hear, it is a deliberate and intentional strategy to use your podcast content in a way that will build your audience and your income.


So if that's something you're interested in learning, more about then I'm excited for you to hang with me. My name is Deirdre Tshien. I am the CEO and cofounder of Capsho, the fastest way to market and grow your podcast. And this is the Grow my podcast show.


Hey you. I am so excited. I'm so excited that you're here with me because I get to nerd out on my favorite topic marketing and specifically Content Dripping, my framework that honestly, I cannot believe that I even I actually forgot about this. So this framework outlines exactly how I was able to grow my podcast and my income. This is it.


If you're trying to do any type of digital content marketing to grow your podcast and your business in content dripping, it's exactly what you need. Now, as I was thinking about this topic, I started thinking about the last few coaching investments that I had made when I had first started my previous coaching business. I knew I needed help. I needed it bad and I needed it quickly because I had no idea where and how to start. I came across someone who had Content Honey Trap me to attend her challenge and I made the quick decision to invest.


Fortunately, that program was worth every penny that I spent on it. So that was my first ever coaching investment. The more advanced I became, however, the more discerning I became. I wanted to ensure that I knew exactly who it was that I was investing in. So I started following certain people, listening to their podcasts, watching their YouTube videos, reading their blogs, following them on social media.


The more I did this and got value from what I was learning, the more I started feeling guilty that I wasn't giving them my money. I now knew exactly how Michelle felt and what she meant when she said she felt guilty for not paying me. Has anyone else felt a little bit like this too? Have you ever quote unquote, taken so much from someone that you know that you need to give back to them? That's how I felt before investing in the last three programs.


So then when I did finally inquire about their programs, it was already with the intention to buy. Getting me on a sales call was honestly the easiest conversation ever for them. Now, thinking back on my own buying experiences made me realize that as experts with a coaching, consulting, or service based business, we all have different types of buyers. There are those who are fast twitched, who can find you through an ad, for example, or a social media post or something really quick, and they're in, right? The super fast twitch, they don't even really think about it.


For those buyers content. Honey, traps work. It works for them. They just need to know that what you offer them is for them and they're hooked, right? They're in.


Again, if you want to recap just really quickly on exactly what content hunting jobs are and how to implement them. Head back to episode 37 and 38 of this podcast. Now, for the majority of buyers, however, they need more. They need to come to know, like and trust you. They need to believe that you're not just hype, that you are giving, that you can add value to them without having them to even pay yet.


And when you do all of that, they come to trust you. They know you. They like you. And let me tell you, when you have this that sales conversation, it is an incredibly easy one. This is where Content Dripping comes in.


This is what Content Dripping will help you achieve. So if you want to learn exactly how Content Dripping works and hang with me, we're going to take a quick ad break. And when we get back, I will dive into the Content Dripping framework. Okay, we are talking about Content Dripping in this episode. This is the strategy you need to implement in order to finally get a return on the time that you are spending on your podcast.


This is the strategy that will get you so much know, like and trust credits with your ideal audience. So much so that their decision to invest in you, it becomes a no brainer for them. This strategy is all about how you can intentionally and deliberately extrapolate your podcast content in a way that compels your audience to not only find you and follow you, but to also buy from you. And the strategy boils down to two components, just two components for you to remember trap and Delight. Now, if you're already attending one of my web classes, then you would already have a pretty good idea of what it is that I'm talking about.


In fact, I highly recommend to everyone, everyone on here listening, go and register and watch the webcast. Because I go pretty in depth into Content Dripping, the whole strategy behind it, how to implement it, and how to really optimize it as well. So I'll leave the link to that to register for that webcast in the Show Notes. So go into that right now. Right now.


Don't sit around and say you'll do it later. Just go head over to the Show Notes, click on it right now. Go register. And in the meantime, let me give you an overview of how we trap and delight. So Trapping is all about creating an insatiable hook that your audience cannot resist.


In other words, using Content honey traps See now why I go on so much about content. Honey. Traps. Again, go and listen to episode 37 and 38 of this podcast to get reacquainted with them. Content Honey Traps was what I credited to the growth of my first podcast and coaching business.


And while it definitely contributed to the growth of my podcast, the second part, that part I got about was really actually what helped my business delight. Once we've trapped our audience. They're in our world. They're listening to our podcast. They know now all about us.


We then continue to delight them through giving. This is how I figured out how to get an ROI on all that time that I was spending recording, editing, and publishing my podcast. So let's use the time we have now to go a little bit deeper into how we delight our audience. And we do this through what I call our publishing house. Yes, I'm giving you the full permission to go ahead and start your own publishing house.


Pretty cool. Pretty cool, right? Okay, so what exactly does this mean? So your publishing house, it's somewhere or a series of somewheres where you can invite your audience into. So it's a house, shall we say, and let them explore all of the rooms that you have in there.


And what you're going to be doing in all of these rooms is delighting them. Because once you have them trapped with your content honey Trap and let's say that's your podcast, you have them in your podcast sitting room. It's the sitting room of your house. And what happens is a lot of people make the mistake of stopping there. That's it.


That's all they focus on. They just focus on getting people into their sitting room. And have you ever sat in someone's sitting room and felt invited into their world? Have you ever felt like you got to really know someone by being just in their sitting room? I don't know about you, but I'm nosy.


Nosy. And if I want to get to know someone, I want to see their kitchen. I want to see the mess in their bathroom and their bedrooms. Right? Because the city room is the thing that they do up really nicely and polished.


Again, it is like a podcast. We edit them. We make it sound or polished. But really, people want to get to know you at a deeper level. And that's what we're going to do.


That's what we're going to help our audience do because they're nosy and they want to know the messy you as well. So if you're serious about not only growing your podcast but also your income, you have to do more to create that powerful, know like and trust with your audience. What we want to be doing is leading them from our podcast sitting room to our email hallway, and then to our YouTube room and to our blog room and to our LinkedIn room and our Facebook room and so on and so forth. Right? You get the idea.


These are all the different rooms where we are going to delight our audience. So I've spoken about delight. Okay, you might be like that's great Deirdre. How do we delight them? How?


We delight them through providing value and giving to them. I already mentioned giving once. This is so core. Okay? We want to be giving to our audience.


Give and give until you have them feeling guilty for not paying you. This is landing. So here are the three ways that we are going to give and delight our audience in all of the rooms of our publishing house. So the first way is we educate. People want to learn new things and you want to become the thought leader in that space.


So we're going to educate them. The second is through telling stories.


This is how we let people see our mess, quote unquote see our mess, right? We want to be telling them stories, not just success stories, but more so the vulnerable fail stories. We want to be letting them in to the scary parts of what made us who we are. And the third way is through directly engaging with them as well. More and more, the future of things like social media and how we interact with the audience isn't just a one way push.


Again, this is a lot of the mistake that a lot of people make is and I did it myself, so no judgment here, but we just push to them on social media and then we're like, great, tick, job done. That's not how people come to know like entrust you. You need to start engaging with them. I start having conversations with them, whether that's on social media or even I do a lot of my conversations through email, actually, and a lot of back and forth there. So you want to think about how can you engage with them in a meaningful way.


And you might be thinking that this sounds a little bit overwhelming. Like how in the world are we going to create all of this content to furnish, to fill out our house, right? Don't worry. It was really overwhelming for me too, especially as someone who does not like writing. I actually don't like writing.


And honestly, that's exactly why we created Capsho. Capsho is how we have been able to sustainably create the content that we need in under an hour a week from just this podcast, from our podcast to be able to content drip, to trap and delight our audience. So let me break it down for you really quickly. And by the way, you don't have to use Capsho, of course, but I mean, come on now, why wouldn't you? Why would you not when we specifically designed it for this purpose, right?


Okay, so this is how it works. So when you upload your podcast episode, Capsho creates an episode title player description, show notes and promotional social media captions and emails for you. These were all created using the Content Honey trap framework. So these are the assets that you're going to use to trap your audience. Makes sense.


And the rest of the assets that Capsho creates is then going to help you furnish your publishing house that you can delight your audience in all the rooms that you have. So for example, you'll get engagement and educational, social media, captions, engagement, emails, a full blog post, LinkedIn article and YouTube description. These are the assets specifically designed to delight to delight through educating through storytelling and engaging with our audience. And as an aside, I recommend publishing these assets in weeks two and three after your podcast episode went live. So you promote and you content hunting.


Trap your podcast episode in the first week, get all those initial listeners onto your podcast, and then when that hype starts to die down, that's when you publish content designed to provide value, designed to delight your audience. This is a content dripping framework. This is how we're going to extrapolate and extend the life of our podcast episode, build our audience and our income, and finally get an ROI on the time that you are spending on your podcast. Pretty awesome, right? Okay, so given that, I would love to hear from you if you head over to the Show Notes, I have a link where it says leave me a message.


I'd love to hear what you're currently doing for your content, and if you have any questions, leave me a message with those two so I can answer them. I might even create another podcast episode, mention you, read out or play the recording of the message that you left me and then I can answer your questions. So I just went through the content dripping framework. Okay, so hopefully that's landed and you understand now what is involved. This is your next step.


Are you ready? Go to the Show Notes for this episode. Scroll down a little bit until you see in caps FREE EXCLUSIVE WEBCLASS. You'll see that in Caps free exclusive webclass. Click on the link and register for it.


It is 90 minutes, but it is 90 minutes well worth your time because I go deeper into Content dripping, into the strategy, specifically which platforms you want to be focusing on and how to use your show notes to turn strangers into listeners as well. Go into that right now. Like right now. That's it for me today. Once again, my name is Deirdre Tshien, and as always, stay awesome.