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Feb. 28, 2023

49. The HumAInity Era: How to use AI to fuel your creativity

49. The HumAInity Era: How to use AI to fuel your creativity

If you consider the power of artificial intelligence is only in creating workflow efficiency, think again. In this episode, I go into how podcasting entrepreneurs can use AI to elevate their creativity when it comes to content creation. 

You will learn the philosophy behind Capsho 2.0, how it is set to revolutionize podcasting and best practice for using the full potential of AI to grow your podcast.

Being a Co-Founder of an AI-powered software, content creator and entrepreneur has given me a very specific perspective as I grapple with the question of what role Artificial Intelligence should play in the act of creating content.  

Especially as it relates to creating content that helps us build authority and influence which, in turn, we are monetizing. 

"We want to amplify your story, bottle up what it is that you bring to the universe and to the people that you serve, and power you to create all of this content. Content that is still based on you, still based on your story, still based on your experiences, still based on your expertise and the value that you can provide." 

In this episode, I cover the following: 

  1. Capsho’s position on the role AI should play in content creation
  2. The philosophy behind Capsho 2.0 and how it is set to revolutionize podcasting 
  3. How to use the full potential of AI to grow your podcast and business 

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How Experts should use Artificial Intelligence to grow their podcasts

In this episode you will learn how experts who podcast should be using it to further fuel their originality and cement their expertise!

Leveraging ChatGPT for Your Podcast

In this episode I shared my own ChatGPT journey and showed you how you can use AI to refine (not replace), structure, and amplify your podcast content creation!

Resources mentioned in this episode 

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Hey. Hey. So this episode is going to be a little bit different. I actually did a Live in the Facebook group, The Podcasting for Entrepreneurs.


Facebook group? And I thought it was actually a really important one to share on this podcast as well. I am super excited with what's coming with Capsho. If you're listening to this right now, we're probably in the midst of testing it in Beta with some of our Capsho collective memory members. But there are probably going to be some issues.


And I actually, honestly, even when I decided to do the Live in the Facebook Group, there were already some issues that were coming up. As always happens with a software product. We're a little bit behind as we're testing. Things are coming up. Things aren't working and we actually have to push the launch of Beta back.


But what I wanted to do was I still wanted to give people a little bit of a sneak peek, a little bit of a preview as to what's coming with Capsho 20. I couldn't do that from sharing a screen perspective, but I could at least do that by talking about the philosophy behind Capsho 20, why we were doing this, the difference that we firmly believe that it's going to make. And that's what I did with the Live on, which is kind of the philosophy behind Capsho 20 or Capshos role in this, what I call the humanity era humanity, but with AI humanity era. And so this podcast episode is going to be a little bit different because we're just going to go straight into a replay, an audio replay of that Live that I did to the Capshoiens, to the Capsho community. My name is Dju Shen, if you didn't know that already.


CEO and cofounder of Capsho. This is the Grammar podcast show. And with that said, let's get into the recording of that Facebook Live.


Hello everyone. Hi. Capshovians, which I think is always I don't think we announce. This is the announcement. Take this as an announcement that Captchovians won.


So you will henceforth be known as Captivians. Thank you for joining me on this. And if you are Joint, please say hi. I'm going to try to see if I can get into the actual event as well. So I can see who is saying hi.


But yes, say hi to me. I'm really excited about this particular session. I know obviously this group just started, so we haven't been doing a lot of this. But I knew that I had to hop on and talk to you about the why behind some of the things that we'll be doing and some of the changes that you'll see. And hopefully they're all exciting things, they're all good things.


So, you know, nothing to be, to be scared of. But we've been talking about this whole Capsho 2.0 thing, which right now as we speak, literally, our developers are furiously trying to get something working because we want to be able to launch it into beta for our Capsho collective members this week. And then we want to be able to start showing you sync peaks of it next week. So I thought, why not start the conversation, the dialogue now with the why, what is the philosophy behind Capsho 2.0? Because it feels a little bit silly to say given that we're only gosh seven months into having gone live, so we went live seven months ago and now we're already doing a 2.0 version of it.


So it seems a bit silly, but I thought this had to happen and there's a reason behind it all. So hang with me. We're going to take a quick ad break and then we will get straight into all of that.


Yo, what's going on? This is Vinny Potashivo, host of I Have a Podcast and I want you to meet every podcasting entrepreneur's best friend. Capsho the fastest way to market and grow your podcast. An AI-powered podcast copywriter. Capsho turns your episode audio files into an episode title, a description, show notes, social media captions, emails, a blog post, a LinkedIn article, curated quotes, a YouTube description, and a full transcript in under ten minutes so you can reach more people on more platforms in a lot less time with your podcast.


In fact, Capsho was created by marketers, so every piece of copy it writes is designed to hook your audience in and have them press play ASAP. So try Capsho for free. It's at www.capsho.com. Sign up takes less than 30 seconds and there is no credit card required. Head to Capsho.com and sign up for a free trial today.


To tell you a little bit about the philosophy or to get into it, I'm actually going to start with the journey behind Capsho. And I don't know if many of you know the story, I'm sure that if you've maybe heard me guess on other people's podcasts and stuff, I have gone into this, but I kind of wanted to lay the context for you. So, long story short, Bonner and I, we found ourselves with an agency business and we had an agency business for Ecommerce business owners in the digital marketing space. We transitioned that into coaching. When Covert hit, et cetera, it just made sense to go fully online.


And we thought that really helping from the ground up, helping Ecommerce business owners who were just starting especially from the ground, just really into their heads around digital marketing and things like that was the way to go. So that was really what we did from 2020 for the next 1218 months or so. Now, through that journey, I've always been a big believer that the only way that we can actually build a brand and really get the kind of visibility that we want, no matter what business we're in, especially in Ecommerce, is to be able to tell our stories and to connect with our audience. And this is a little bit, it's a little bit of a mindset shift, especially in the ecommerce space, because we're so used to hiding behind our product. I know, I definitely did that when I had my first business.


It was in hospitality, but it was very much a product based business. And my husband and I at the time, we didn't want to be the faces of it. It was all about the desserts and building the hype around there and that felt easier. But it's also such a commoditized way of trying to promote your products that the next competitor that comes along or the next new thing that comes along and your last year's news, or last month's news or yesterday's news, you know what I mean? So I just kept telling our clients they have to tell their story, they have to tell their stories.


But I also know that storytelling is not a natural thing for a lot of us, I say that I know to a group of podcasters. So you're a very different audience. I think you understand storytelling, you understand the importance of it. By the time I was speaking to product based businesses, right, like Ecommerce business owners. And so they would say, yeah, I understand DJ, I understand that I have to tell my story, but I don't know how.


How do I do that? So we tried everything that we could to help them to the point that Capsho, I would call it 0.5 Capsho version 0.5 was the first that we actually worked on. And what that did that we actually launched that I don't think a lot of you know. We launched that at the end of 2021. Literally, at the end of 2021, we launched Capsho Zero Five.


And what that was, was we would essentially help our clients through telling their stories. And there were a lot of different ways that they could tell their stories or types of stories that they could tell. They could tell their hero's journey story, or their origin story, or they could tell a particular moment in a story about a moment in time, or there were all these different ways that we were trying to help our clients tell their stories. It was a very, very manual process. Like, literally we would be like, wow, how were you feeling when at the moment that this started?


And they would like to type in, I was feeling boiled by and it's like, what happened next? And then they would type that in and it was very manual. But essentially at the end of that, the software itself would actually create a bank of social media captions and emails for our users to actually use to promote, to connect with their audience, because it was all about them, all about their stories. And it was when we launched it, we thought it was, as always, the best thing in Slice Bread. And we were like, this is so exciting because every entrepreneur, this is going to help every entrepreneur be able to tell their story, be able to connect with their audience.


And that didn't happen, right? We were trying to launch this thing to everyone that was going to help everyone. And when we spoke to our coach at the time, he very, very astutely said, this is not going to work. You need to niche down. And I think hearing him say that was almost the reason or the excuse or the permission, I should say, that we needed to do what we needed to do to kind of rethink.


We're going about doing this because ultimately for us, I've had five different podcasts during my time, so I knew the ins and outs of specifically entrepreneurial type podcasts, right, where you're the expert and podcasting just made sense because podcasters are natural storytellers. You're already connecting with your audience. I didn't have to go through the education piece. I didn't have to convince you that connecting with your audience, storytelling was what you needed to do. You were already doing it.


And so it made total sense to start to focus on podcasters. And so that's what we did. And that's really how Capsho 1.0 came about. And what was really exciting was AI and leveraging AI, because Capsho .5 did not have any AI in it. It was very much a rules based thing.


But Capsho 1.0 was when we really learnt about AI. And at the time that we did that, AI was always meant to be. It was just a technology, it was just an enabler in solving this particular problem, this particular problem that we found our ideal audience, which is entrepreneurs who podcast we're having. And that's what we did. And that's when we launched Capsho 1.0, which was seven months ago.


Now recently, with the hype of all sorts of AI, especially Chat GBT and all of the proliferation, I guess, of all of these other platforms who are now professing to do what we do. I've started being asked more. And more about AI's role in our lives, AI's role in podcasting, AI's role in our process, and workflow fundamentally like where is AI headed and how do we find ourselves being able to play a part in that? Or not? Like, what does that look like?


And I remember at Podfest I had a conversation with Rob Greenley. So he works with Pod Beam now. And I had a separate we actually like we had we had dinner. It wasn't a date or anything. Just I'm just gonna, like, you know, it was a group.


It was like myself, Bona,Ash the co-founder of Capsho, and the Team from PodBean, there were about four on their side. But I found myself having this pretty deep conversation with Rob, and he actually also raised it. So the next day I was actually interviewed on his new media show and he was really quite interested in being in AI. Right. Capshos in AI.


So, being AI, what were my thoughts about the future of it and where it was headed, almost at a really broad fundamental meaning of life type level. And I remember thinking about it well, actually, it forced me to really think about it, I should say. And I actually have quite a dystopian view of AI, I'm going to be honest, and I did say this the next day on the new Media show as well. But when we see, I don't know if you guys have heard that whoever owns the data is the new oil, right? So whoever owns the most data is just going to win.


And you can see more and more that's happening. We talk about Elon Musk, love him or hate him, but you can see what he's potentially, ultimately trying to do, right? With Tesla, he's going to own the Roads with Twitter now he's going to own one of the social media platforms that is probably closest to human discourse, to how we think, right? Like tweets are kind of like really quick, oh, this is what I'm thinking at the moment. This is how I'm feeling.


I'm just going to put it out there and then there's a back and forth. Based on that, it's probably the closest view. Verbalization. Verbalization. It's probably the closest way that we've been able to get from our things that we're thinking or feeling out onto a page.


And then you can see, even with Neuralink, like he's even trying to take that a step further and putting chips into our brains and things like that, so we can directly communicate with a space. There's a reason why he's super strategic, why he is doing all these, because it's all data, right? The more data that you can own, the more that ultimately you're going to be able to use that data for good or for evil. I mean, hopefully it's going to be for good. But we're human and we always start with good intentions, I think.


But then I think that can very quickly not turn whether it just has a byproduct. And this is why I say I have a bit of a dystopian view of it and I didn't feel good about potentially being part of the problem. Right. Capsho is in AI and we're never not going to be. That is fundamentally how we've built a product, but also fundamentally how it is that we can help create efficiency for you.


But the reason why, apart from wanting to work with podcasts, is because you understand storytelling. The reason why we wanted to work with podcasters was because you were already creating content from a place of expertise and experience and connection. And all we wanted to do was we just wanted to amplify that. That's always been from day one, that's always been our whole aim is just to how can we bottle up what it is that you bring to the universe and to, you know, the people that you serve? How can we bottle that up and just, like, poof, like, really amplify that, really make that go create all of this content, still based on you, still based on your story, still based on your experiences, still based on your expertise and the value that you can provide.


So we've been very intentional from the start that that is what we're doing, that is what we're focusing on. But I know that with where AI is heading even now, like, today with Chat GBT and how people are using it, like, intentionally or not intentionally, I don't think people are trying to use it for evil, by the way. Like, I think we just find ourselves being like, oh, this is a really great way for me to write a book or for me to create art or whatever it is. And sometimes we don't understand the byproducts of that, right? We don't understand that art that the AI generated images was created from artists.


That was the data that was put into it. We don't understand sometimes that, hey, yeah, it can make us write a children's book really, really quick, or it can help us make and write children's books really, really quickly. But do we feel good about the fact that that's actually not us writing it, right? Like, do we feel good about the fact that, you know, we just had to put in a few prompts and that's just an individual discussion that we have to have with ourselves, right? Like, what are we kind of good with?


What are we not good with? I do see more and more that there's going to be what I call a kind of black hat businessing for anyone who's using the marketing space. There's this concept of black hat marketing, which is where people use relatively, like, unethical, depending on people's definitions of ethics, unethical ways of marketing. And I feel like that's what's going to happen more and more in business as well. And so I wanted to make sure that Capsho wasn't going to be part of that problem.


And we have a responsibility. We're in the AI space, and we have to kind of take some kind of stance on this. And that's kind of the philosophy behind 2.0, which is that our fundamental belief is that humans, as much as you've already heard me, talk a bit about my Dystopian view on AI and things like that. So how is it that as humans, we can keep these humans? I know that sounds really weird, but how is it that we can keep bringing to this universe, to this world, the humanness that we need? And when I talk about that, I mean, the humanness is in that connection.


It's in that storytelling. It's in the distilling of information through experience, not the distilling of information through data. Right? It's I mean, that's an important part, but it's it's more importantly, like the way that I know that as podcasters that we provide that value is because we do it through the lens of our own experiences and our own stories. And therefore, how is it that with Capsho, we can keep us humans in this humanity era?


I know Bonner was looking forward to me saying that live, but how is it that as humans, we can keep the human part of this humanity era, right, where more and more, we're just going to become augmented with AI that is going to become our lives. But A, we don't want to become robots, and B, we don't want the robots to take over. I hope we're all on the same page about that. As humans, we need to be the creators. We need to continue being the creators and not relying on AI to create.


Now, I know that some of you might be like, oh, but Capsho is helping me create. Yes, it's helping you create based on your creation already. Does that make sense? Like, we're not going out there. And so we call ourselves a very specialist AI.


It's very specialized on you, your podcast versus a general AI, which is kind of like, again, the chat gate is like that where you just ask it a question and it just goes out to all of the data that's out there and all just bring you back stuff. So we need to be to keep our humanity in this humanity era. And I love it. Yes. And man exactly.


So, yeah, exactly. Thank you. Yeah. The content does inspire the AI. So what you're going to see with Capsho 2.0 is that we are going to get you more involved in it.


And we've been very clear from the start that what we're building is not meant to replace you or anyone in your team, by the way. And we've had a lot of people churn because of this, right? We've had a lot of people who don't understand this. We've had people who said, well, I still need to be involved in the process. I didn't want to do that.


And I'm like, well, in a way, good riddens. Good riddens. Okay. Because again, you have to want to be this is your content that we're talking about. This is your brand.


This is what you are putting out into the world. That is going to be your legacy at the end of the day. And so we are committed to helping make that process faster, efficient, way simpler. But you still have to be involved, right? And so that's why we're always going to say Capsho.


No matter how good we're going to continue making it, it'll always aim to get you. I shouldn't say only it will get you 80% of the way there. So if that bar, that threshold for us, Capsho increases as in. When you see a new output, you're like, oh my gosh, that's actually really good. Think about how much more you can add. Think about how much more you can then level up as a human in the process.


Right? That's our aim is that we want to be level. We don't want to just set a bar here and you're just meeting it. If we raise the bar, you're raising the bar. That's how this is going to work.


We're really, really committed to that. And so what you're going to see in Capsho 2.0 is that you're going to be a little bit more involved now, not to the point where you're spending any more time. I'm trying to say this without giving it all away, because I really want to leave it for the sneak peek so that you can see what it is that we're building and what we mean. But it'll come together. You'll see what we're building and you'll be like, oh, I get it.


I see. Because for example, right now, you might be able to tell that Capsho pretty much gives you a template that is structured in a certain way. It says things in a certain way time and time again. And so we're going to get you more involved in that process. And we will show you how.


We will show you how Capsho Collective members will see it by the end of this week. And for everyone else, we'll do a sneak peek in this group again next week for you in terms of what we're actually building with 2.0. So that's what I wanted to talk about today, which is the philosophy behind Capsho 2.0, which is fundamentally, how do we have the responsibility as people building a tool leveraging AI to really take a stance on this, to take a stance on where we see our role. I don't see a lot of other AI software providers doing this, right? They're just like, oh, cool, I can just use the technology really simply and really quickly and really easily.


Now to do all of these things, which is going to be a good use of AI? For example, I see a lot more software being like, we're going to script up your whole video. And I'm like, really? Is this what we want to be using AI for? To actually create our content for us?


Like actually creating, right? Not amplify, which is what we're trying to do, but actually create our content for us? Where is this world going to go when we can't find the time to even create? And I understand that sometimes we just need that little nudge, that little push. So yes, if you want to use it for ideas and stuff, totally, totally understand that.


But to actually script something, like to actually write for you, I don't agree with that. So we are taking a stance with Capsho where we are going to continue to put you firmly in the center of it all. And we are just going to give you a really cool tool, like a really, really good effective tool to make that process a workflow for you easier. But it is still all about you. It is all about your humanness.


Because we do not want to lose that. If we lose our humanness more and more, that dystopian view of AI that I have, it's going to come true. It is. I don't want it to. That's my view.


I don't want it to come true. But it will. If we don't maintain our humanness and our humanness, our stories, our experience, our value, our connection fundamentally with other people. That is what we need to own. We need to own it.


We cannot give that up to the machines. We cannot give that up to AI. And so that is what we're building. That's the whole reason behind two pronouns. That's what I wanted to jump into this life and talk to you about today.


Hopefully you agree. Let me know in the comments if you'd like. Just like Andrea. It's like if and men. Yes.


Let me know if you have a different view. I'd love to have a conversation about this and where you stand on AI and the future of AI and what you want to be using it more and more for. But, yeah, those are my thoughts. I think you'll be aware of Skynet. Exactly.


So thank you for joining me on this live. I hope you enjoyed this, at least a philosophy and we will show you what that actually tangibly means in the platform in Capsho very soon. Thank you guys once again. And I'll see you all in the group or on email or on any of the other platforms that we are in constant communication with you. I'll see you on there.

