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Feb. 13, 2023

47. Leveraging ChatGPT for Your Podcast

47. Leveraging ChatGPT for Your Podcast

Have you been hearing all the hype about ChatGPT and wondering how to best use it for your podcast? In this episode I will share my own ChatGPT journey and show you how you can use AI to refine (not replace), structure, and amplify your podcast content creation!

When ChatGPT by OpenAI burst onto the scene in late 2022, I found myself feeling a little bit nervous about what that meant for my business, an AI-powered podcast copywriter and marketer, Capsho. 

Early users were sharing glowing feedback and the hype around it was impossible to ignore. 

Not only that, some of our basic level users started to cancel their plans citing “I’ve decided to use something else” as a reason. 

So I put my fears aside and tried it out. 

And in doing so, I was able to see clearly what it was really useful for and what it wasn’t useful for. 

I went through the entire Gartner Hype Curve in a matter of days 😅

So if you have been curious, worried, unsure, excited about ChatGPT and what it means for podcasting, this episode is for you! 

You will learn the following:

  1. What ChatGPT is and how it works for podcasters 
  2. How to use ChatGPT to get the best results for your podcast 
  3. The unexpected entrepreneurship lesson I learned from this experience 

EXCLUSIVE BONUS CONTENT Want to listen to an episode that ChatGPT scripted for me, along with the title and the show notes it scripted? It was quite the experience! Click here to unlock it

Related Grow My Podcast Show episodes you may enjoy:

How Experts should use Artificial Intelligence to grow their podcasts

In this episode you will learn how experts who podcast should be using it to further fuel their originality and cement their expertise!

Building an Authentic Brand for your podcast with Mark Asquith

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Resources mentioned in this episode 

🤝 You can try ChatGPT here

🎁  Unlock the bonus clip here

💬 Send me a message here

❤️ Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here 

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I've had some of you ask me about this new app that has been breaking the internet called Chat GPT. If you haven't heard about what it is, it's a smart and interactive AI powered app that is eerily good. It's eerily good. You ask it questions or to write things and it writes it for you. I've seen some of the output, especially the funnier ones, and the poems, the ballads and the sonnets that it writes, and they're pretty epic.



In fact, I was on a call recently with Larry Roberts who works with Podfest, and he'd kind of been nerding out himself on it. And he was preparing this talk on it for Podfest and wanted to pick my brain. So if you went to Podfest and you joined the talk, you would know what I mean. Now, specifically on this call that Larry had with me, he was really keen to hear my thoughts on what it would mean for Capsho, because by all reports, Chat GBT can soon replace not only us, not only Capsho potentially all humans. And I remember by the end, he seemed really surprised by my responses.



He seemed surprised that I wasn't feeling more threatened, that I wasn't completely freaking out. And I'm going to be honest with you, when it first went live and it was all that I saw in my Facebook and LinkedIn feeds, I did have a bit of a freak out. I went into a downward spiral for about two days because I felt myself getting swept up in the hype. And like everyone else, I thought that this may potentially be the end of humanity as we know it. And if that was the case, then it would certainly be the end of Capsho.



But now I firmly believe that it won't be. So if you're keen to hear my thoughts on Chat GBT, and specifically how we can use it as podcasters, how it works with Capsho as it is right now, and even more broadly, what it could mean for you and your podcasting and your business, then this is the episode for you. My name is DJ Shen, CEO and co founder of Capsho, the fastest way to grow and market your podcast. And this is the Grow my podcast show.



Hey, you. Well, it has been a week. Let me tell you. It has been a bit of a week. I've been on a little bit of an emotional rollercoaster ride that I'm sure as a fellow entrepreneur, you can probably totally relate to.



There is this brand new thing that breaks the internet. This incredibly well funded, VC backed behemoth of a company that has taken the internet by storm. And then there's us. Incredibly cash strapped, totally brood, strapped from the ground up, new company just six months into launching with the same same but different offer. And it's kind of interesting in these moments to see how you react in these situations and also how other people around you react.



Like, that was actually what I'm a couple of weeks past that. And I'm like looking back and I'm like, wow, that's really interesting to see how I reacted and what other people around me were doing. So for me, usually even when I hear about a new direct competitor, like a direct one, someone who's actually serving the podcasting community with their show copywriting all that right, they're pretty much a direct competitor. I'm actually not too concerned. And I don't mean that in an arrogant way.



I mean that I know what we're doing, I know where we're heading, and as long as we stay in our lane and of course, I know we're going to make it kind of way, if you get what I mean. But I also can't help but respond to people around me. So for example, I was at a meetup recently and there was someone I knew there that I know. She was so lovely. She was trying to be so supportive and encouraging.



You know, when they get that pitting look on their face, they're kind of like looking at you like, oh, you poor you. And they're like, you know, competition happens all the time. And I was like, my mind wasn't even thinking that. My mind wasn't thinking that. But I couldn't help but let comments like that get to me because I'm like, oh my gosh, maybe she's right.



Maybe it's like, this is going to be the end of us. And that was really when my two A spirals, my downward spiral happened. But then I started thinking about I started thinking through it a little bit more clearly now. Chad GPT is this awesome resource, this amazing advancement in technology that can help us as podcasting entrepreneurs 100%. This isn't about me or Capsho.



This is about you guys. And honestly, you, you are who I've committed myself to serving. And so I put my big girl Pandies on, I dusted myself off and I got to work trying to find the best way that I, and therefore you, can use a tool like Chat GPT to help with our podcasting. As an aside, as I was going through this process, I was 100% laughing at myself because I was now at the receiving end of what a lot of Capsho users had felt, especially at the beginning. It's something that we call the Hype cycle.



The Gartner hype cycle to be more specific. So when we launched six months ago, I was pretty excited because I knew we were changing podcasting as we knew it. But I also knew that we had launched with an imperfect product and I didn't understand why people weren't more excited about it. I mean, don't get me wrong, they were excited. Almost too excited, actually.



They were so excited that by the time they would try it, their expectations were so high and we were getting feedback that the outputs weren't what they expected, that they were still having to spend time editing the outputs. And I was like, what do you mean? Of course you just love to spend time on it. It's AI, it's not going to read your mind, it's not going to be perfect, and it's not designed to replace you. And that was what was going through my mind.



I was so frustrated at times, and then as I was trying Chat GBT, I felt myself having the same response as a user. I was like, oh, how funny, how funny. This is karma right there. Okay? It's so fascinating.



So I totally know now what my original users were feeling at the time when their expectations were so high. And it just was not for one reason or another, it wasn't working for them or what they had expected it to do. Because I was feeling that in the moment with ChatGPT. And as I said, the reason why we have these reactions is because of the Gartner hype cycle. And what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to put a picture of that in the show notes and a screenshot so that you can see it and see what I mean.



But essentially there's a new thing that gets launched. And when that happens, there's all this hype and excitement about it and people's expectations are really high. And then you start using the thing and you realize it's just not meeting those super high expectations. And that's when people rage, right? Or at least that's how it feels like when we have users churn, for example, right?



And so that was my experience with Chat GPT. I had heard so much about it. There was so much hype, especially about how this could potentially be the end of Capsho. So my expectations were really high. And when I tried it, don't get me wrong, it's actually really awesome.



It helped me, actually as another side, it helped me write a birthday message for a friend. And so, oh my gosh, that sped the process up so, so much. But I know now that this will not replace what we do with Capsho. In fact, the more that I played with it, the more I realized what a great compliment it can be to Capsho. So actually, this episode is going to be a little bit different.



Usually I have the three steps or tips on any one given topic. But what I'm going to do instead is I'm going to start with the one lesson I've learned as an entrepreneur from this experience and going through this emotional roller coaster. And then I'm going to go into the tactics of where Chat GPT can fit into our podcasting workflow alongside Capsho and why. So hang with me. We're going to take a quick ad break and then we will get straight into all of that.



Okay? So I want to actually start this part of the episode with my one learning as an entrepreneur facing into something that at the time felt like it could be make or break for our business. And hopefully you can learn from my learning too, right? Okay. I thought it would be important for me to be vulnerable and share all of this from entrepreneur to entrepreneur.



You're listening to this, you're in my community so I know that we're in the trust tree, right? We're in the trust tree. So going through this mini meltdown actually made me realize something. It made me realize that we had strayed from what we had started out solving. And this happens quite a lot in business and let me know if this is happening.



Yours too. And you can do that by going into the show notes there's like a leave me a message link. I'd love to hear your experience. When we started, we built it specifically with experts who podcast in mind and by experts I mean coaches, consultants and service providers. People who have a message that they want to share with the world to amplify it so that they can make a difference for their clients.



And it makes sense because that's the world that we had come from. I started my first podcast for my previous coaching business and I grew that business off the back of podcasting and my content dripping strategies. So it makes sense that that was how Capsho was started to help make that whole process that I was doing simple and easy. But then I started meeting all these other types of podcasters who were also looking for this type of solution. Podcasters who had a more narrative style, podcast who were hobbyists, who unfortunately didn't need or understand the power of content marketing.



And I couldn't help, I couldn't help but want to help them too, right? Like whenever people are like, oh, do you do this and do you do that or are you going to do this? I'm like, yes, I do want to help. I want to be able to do that. So we started morphing the product to help solve for some of these people too.



And oh gosh, looking at that is the worst thing that we could have done. That's the worst thing that we could do, especially at this stage of the business, right? Like we're only six months in, we cannot afford to be straying from what it is, the core thing that we are trying to solve for. Because what I know now is that how and why we are so different from anyone else, including a chat GPT is because we know our one client inside and out. That is the long and short of how we differentiate ourselves and stave off any kind of potential threats that might come our way.



We have to know who it is that we serve and be committed. Just keep serving them at the expense of all else. And it's painful. It is so painful. I know, like, again, as a fellow entrepreneur, you probably know that because if you have something that sounds great and other people want, it's painful to turn them away, right? I didn't for a long time, but that's what I'm realizing now as we're starting out.



The more you try to spread yourself thin, too thin, the more that you're actually providing opportunities to get buried sooner rather than later. So for us, I'm committed to going back to the start serving podcasting entrepreneurs only for a really, really good period of time, a long period of time until we really cornered that market and only then start to think about who else we might be able to serve. So you'll start to see little changes here and there and how we talk about things in my emails, on this podcast, even on our website. And with this renewed sense of purpose, we're more motivated now to go all in on building this community, this community of podcasting entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs.



So if you haven't joined our Facebook group yet, then go and do that because I'm actually going to start sharing more of my entrepreneurial journey in there with you. The ups and downs as they happen. My learnings kind of like what I shared on this podcast episode, but I'm going to do it in my Facebook group more. So my learnings and how I'm actually working through them all, because that is definitely where the trust tree is going to be. So I'd love for you to share your ups and downs with me too.



Like, let's do this together. So come and join us. We'll leave the link to that group in the show notes. Okay, so that was the one lesson I learned from my mini, but my mini meltdown is, go. Be true.



Be true to who it is that you serve. Really know who that is inside and out. And honestly, that's not only for business, but also for your podcast as well. You've got to know who it is that you're talking to on your podcast. Okay, so that's that I just wanted to start there just so I could, you know, tie in a little bit of that emotional ride that I was on.



And now we're going to get into some tactics. Okay, so let's do that. Let's get into some of the tactics. Because this episode was meant to be about Chat EBT and what it could mean for podcasting. And I thought, well, why not go straight to the source?



So I actually asked Chat GPT how it could help create a better podcast. And this is what it said. As a language model, Chat GPT can be used to generate written transcripts of podcasts, making it easier for podcasters to create subtitles captions and searchable transcripts. Additionally, Chat GPT can be used to generate new content for podcasts by analyzing existing content and providing suggestions for new topics or segments. It can also be used to generate personalized podcast recommendations for listeners by analyzing their preferences and recommending content that they are likely to enjoy.



Okay, so what Chat GPT said is technically true. Technically true, kind of. For example, as it is right now, the layperson like you and I can't have it generate a written transcript, because when I asked it how, it told me I had to access the API, which is something that developers do. So it's not wrong per se. It can do that.



It's just not practically correct. So let's scratch that first publish suggestion, and then its next suggestion was around content generation. It can provide suggestions for new topics or segments. Now, this idea I actually like. I like this idea because the great thing about AI is its ability to help us actually structure our thoughts, or to give us that starting point to jump from.



As long as a human right, we do step one. This is great. I'm like tying it all back in. I thought that it didn't have anything to do with step one, but it does. So this is how it how it does.



So as a human, no AI can tell us how to do step one or like to do step one for us, right? We need to know who it is that we are committed to serving, exactly who. So we have to do that work. And then, so we know who we serve, we know what they actually care about. Then when we get to what types of things they want to hear from us, that's when Chat GPT can help us.



It can help us refine and structure that thought process into specific content ideas. That's what I did. Even for this podcast, for example, right? I know who exactly I'm talking to, which is you listening to this. I know that right now, this is what you care about, because I don't know who it's been flooding the internet, literally.



And so I had Chat GPT help me structure only this part of the episode. Like, it didn't help with any of the rest. But this second portion, this second step, I guess, is actually what I had Chat Chippy homie with, and I actually provided their answer to you about what their thoughts were. So that was pretty cool, right? That was pretty cool.



But honestly, that's where I would stop. As you've heard, apart from a little content or idea nudge, the rest of this episode was all me. It's a little scary to think about what we could be using Chat GPT for, like writing a whole podcast episode, for example. But I am a firm, firm believer that content creation must sit with us humans. It must.



In fact, if you wanted to read and hear a whole podcast episode that Chat GPT did create for me, the script, the title, and the show notes, then you can access those in the show notes of this episode. So I'm going to put that as the bonus so you can go and have a look at what it's actually created for me there. So, yes, let's use chat GPT. Sorry. And what I should say is, when you see it is good, but it's also not great.



It's AI. I think we should all know we've hopefully gone through the Gartner Hype cycle, right? We've had this like our peak of expectations are really high with everything, and hopefully we've gone through the trough of disillusionment. So we're kind of getting into that part. We're working our way towards the plateau of productivity where we get what AI can do, but we also get its limitations.



And so that's why I say that the episode is really, really good for something that really I didn't have to put a lot of work into, but it's not great. It's not something that can actually connect with my audience. It's not something that I would use to I would ever actually publish as a podcast episode, because it doesn't create a connection, it doesn't give that vulnerability, it doesn't have my thoughts. So that's why that's where I would stop. I wouldn't actually get Chat GPT to create content for me, I would just use it as an idea nudge.



And I hope that you listening to this part of this community that you believe in that too. Okay? So, yes, let's use Chat GPT to help us with our content ideas. And that's it. That's step two.



So step one is knowing exactly who it is that we serve and so we know what it is that they care about. And then step two, because AI can only work really well from a starting point as we know it right now, obviously won't evolve. But right now it needs to be prompted. It needs to know its own starting point. So you need to give it that, which is why step one so important, who know who you serve and what they care about, and then you can have AI help you, right?



In this case, you can then use Chat GPT for content ideas. Step two. And then from this, from this we create our own content, our own podcast episode. And then step three is really where Capsho fits in. Because Capsho is all about amplifying.



We're all about amplifying our users expertise, not replacing it in any way. And as you know, Capsho is always going to be anchored in your thoughts. Your podcast episode, that is your IP. That is your words. That's your experience.



That's your expertise, and doing it in a way that can seamlessly fit into your workflow to the point that if we can't help save or make you your subscription investment each month, then we're clearly doing something wrong. Now, there are some other ways that I think that Chat GPT can also play a part in the podcasting process. There is I have some other potentially cool ideas that I'm thinking about. So I'm going to spend a bit more time tinkering with it and I will keep you posted, especially if you come join the Facebook group. So that's that's kind of so step one, I didn't think that it was going to be a three step process, but has ended up being three step processes, which is pretty cool.



Okay, so step one, know who it is that you serve, commit to that because then you can really nerd out on all the things that they actually care about. And then that step two. That's when Chat GPT really can come to life for you because with that starting point, it can help you with content, it can help you structure your ideas and your thoughts. You would still then create your own episode, you would still talk about your own stories and bring your own experience and expertise to that topic, but it can at least give you that starting point. And then step three is when you use Capsho to do the rest of your podcasting workflow in terms of more from the content marketing perspective.



Create your Show Notes and your social media captions and your emails and your blog post and your LinkedIn article and your YouTube description and all of those things. And we have some really cool things coming down the pipe as well, by the way, to help you in that. So that's the three step process to how it is that Chat GPT can really help us as podcasters right now. And there are other ways, and as I said, I'll share them with you as I go, and especially more so in real time if you come join the group. So don't forget to access the bonus in the Show Notes, which is an actual episode that Chat GPT scripted for me on what it could mean for podcasting, along with the title that it created and the Show Notes as well, so that you can see firsthand what it can do and the power of it.



And this is what I'll leave you with. Okay, so here's a joke that I asked ChatGPT to create for this episode. Why was the podcast host script feeling lonely? Because it didn't have ChatGPT to generate some company.



Okay, on that note, my name is Deirdre Tshien. Stay awesome.