Feb. 5, 2024

The Story I'm Making Up Is...

The Story I'm Making Up Is...

S10E251: The Story I'm Making Up Is...
Jenn finds a did you know fact that she is amazed by, popular first dance songs, the fire in the sky, cosmetic procedures for animals, ChatGPT credited for an engagement, a filthy marriage, and heavy metal for y...

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Grim Dystopian: Metal for your Filthy Earballs

S10E251: The Story I'm Making Up Is...

Jenn finds a did you know fact that she is amazed by, popular first dance songs, the fire in the sky, cosmetic procedures for animals, ChatGPT credited for an engagement, a filthy marriage, and heavy metal for your filthy earballs!

(00:00:00) - Intro

(00:00:57) - Wet Specimens, SONG: Over Pale Bodies

(00:03:26) - Sinistrum, SONG: Abomination Rising

(00:07:22) - Conversation 1

(00:14:50) - Okrütnik, SONG, Krwawy Pontyfikat

(00:19:20) - Messiah, SONG: Christus Hypercubus

(00:23:36) - Junta, SONG: House of Knives

(00:25:40) - Conversation 2

(00:30:30) - Grandma's Pantry: Insatanity, SONG: Shemhamforash

(00:36:34) - Conversation 3

(00:44:25) - Shores of Null, SONG: Darkness Won't Take Me

(00:48:37) - Verwoed, SONG: The Child

(00:55:32) - Negative Prayer, SONG: Violence


00:00 - Intro

00:57 - Wet Specimens

03:26 - Sinistrum

07:22 - Conversation 1

14:50 - Okrütnik

19:20 - Messiah

23:36 - Junta

25:40 - Conversation 2

30:30 - Grandma’s Pantry: Insatanity

36:34 - Conversation 3

44:25 - Shores of Null

48:37 - Verwoed

55:32 - Negative Prayer