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Dec. 5, 2020

A Very Merry Netflix Christmas: The Christmas Chronicles

A Very Merry Netflix Christmas: The Christmas Chronicles

When we decided to watch "Christmas Chronicles", we were not expecting a Kurt Russell Santa Claus jail orgy. But that's what we got. And we're all the better for it.

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He's making a list. He's checking it twice. He's gonna find out who has been not in his been nice. And guess what? He's also going to hold an orgy in a jail cell. Hi, welcome to very, very Netflix Christmas the 25 day Netflix Christmas movie, advent calendar podcast. I'm Olivia and with me as always is shot. I'm Shawn. Hello. Hello, everybody. I'm Shawn. So today we watched the Christmas Chronicles, which I've been begging Shawn to watch with me for literal months now. Yeah, I mean, it's just almost every single fucking day is Shawn What are we gonna watch? The Christmas movie? We're Santa Fox that she doesn't say Christmas Chronicles. She always just wants to watch the one where Santa Fox the one that stars Kurt Russell as Santa who fucks every day. So Kurt Russell's absolutely a leather daddy Santa who fucks like he and Mrs. Class definitely have an open relationship because he led an orgy he he led an a metaphorical orgy in a jail cell in Chicago during this movie. So what it really is, is at least what we're led to believe, is that it's a musical song number. We're in the jail cell. Santa gives everyone instruments in the cell. And they sing a song is a really fun, great musical number. But you know, it's a metaphor for him in an orgy with all he is making sure they all have a good time. Yeah. And like he's, I didn't know Kurt Russell could sing. And he's like, he's, first of all the outfit he's wearing. He's wearing a vest. He's above Santa. And he's like, got some of the top buttons on done. And Sean, you said at first, I wrote the quote down specifically, let me let me just pull that up. You said, let's be honest, though. He looks great. In that vest. He looks like a pirate king who's ready to kick some ass he does. He looks like a badass. And then they're singing a song. He seemed like a bluesy Christmas song and one of the lines. He's also got some like female backup singers. He sings take down your stockings, turn out the lights. Santa Claus is coming down your chimney tonight. And it's an orgy scene, folks. I know Netflix. He's coming. He Santa Claus is coming. He's counting like literally and as soon as he said that his backup is back as singers were like, oh, like very orgasmic sign. Like this is a Santa Claus who fucks and everyone knows that he's a leather daddy. Like it is incredible. I love this movie. I need more of this movie. I can't wait for the sequel. See, here's the thing. Just the finish off with this thought when Olivia joked to me before you watch the movie. This is the one where Santa Fox. I thought it could go one of two ways. Either people are just misinterpreting it. And like, Oh, he's just real sexy. Cuz it's Kurt Russell in this movie. Or there's some kind of intimacy scene with Mrs. Claus. What I did not expect and I'm almost happy I didn't is as we said the metaphor or jail cell. Because what Santa Claus was arrested in this movie, too. We didn't we didn't know that. There was a car chase. In this movie. Santa Claus is doing a fast and furious car chase scene in this movie. And then he is arrested by two police officers who one of them is the guy a new girl pi. And Olivia did it believe me when I saw it. I said, Is this other cop with the sheriff and Christmas inheritance? And she said No, it's not. And I'm like, No, I am so sure. We literally just watch this fucking movie. I am positive that this is the cop and Christmas inherent. I went on IMDB. And I was right. Mm hmm. And the reason why this matters, folks, you think this is irrelevant. But if you listen to our last episode, the princess switch episode, we realize that so the catch up real quick. We'll go into it more in depth in this that episode. But essentially there are two competing Netflix Christmas cinematic universes. What are fanfictions Written by angelic God characters, Matt magical God characters so one is the old crone before Christmas, so she has her her own cinema. hovers were constantly man, were kindly mahad princess switch has his own fanfiction cinematic Netflix Christmas universe. So they got we got these two competing cinematic universes. And Olivia and I are like, Well, which one does this one fit into? And this is the only thread it's the smallest thing. But it's the way we figure out which universe we are in. Because those are two. printers switch and Christmas inheritance are two different ones. It's a multiverse with two timelines. Also, I'm crying right now. She's laughing, cuz it's so weird, right? Because if y'all are just jumping in with this episode, y'all really we cover some really important stuff and the princess which will we were we discover, we uncover the two timelines and the Netflix. It's not a universe. It's a multiverse. Yes, everybody gets it wrong. And we thought before we saw this movie, maybe this is going to be in its own thing. No, no, no, it's in one of the timelines. And I think this movie could be in because I'm the old crown. I have a Christmas presents Christmas inheritance. And Night Before Christmas. Oh, we did it. We did. We also forgot to mention the fact that the old crone and the kindly man are us. So it's our future selves. So I'm back in time. So Olivia is old. And I'm kindly mad. in our, in our it's not clear if our universes or timelines are like competing with each other, or if they're like working in tandem, we're gonna find out more with more movies. And so we honestly thought like, Is there another fanfic writer for Christmas Chronicles? But no, it's in one of the timelines because we have the same actor in the same kind of like a like, well, he's literally a police officer, where Yeah, so he has a different name, though. And so we shot actually went back and I listened to him go back and watch all the scenes with this guy in it. And there's not a lot of information, we just know that he has a different name. And we don't really know what year we can't remember what your Christmas inheritances was in, but I think we have to assume Christmas inheritance takes place in 2017. Because that's kind of what happens with the other Christmas movies I want. So when I went back for Christmas inheritance, what I was looking for was okay, it's the same actor, he's a sheriff is in another town or another city. The thing is, we haven't even explained the plot of Christmas. This is important. This is an important one. So in Christmas inheritance, what I was looking for is Is there any backstory on the sheriff? Is there anything to discount anything that could go against because there is some backstory for him? In Christmas Chronicles? He has an ex wife who he hasn't seen the years and he wants to get out there. Right. So there's a bit of backstory there. But there is literally zero backstory to the Christmas inheritance character. We don't know how long he's been there. We don't know anything about it. So theoretically, I mean, it could be one way or another The year is the only distinction. But he could have theoretically moved towns moved cities and changed his name, but stuck in this law enforcement position. Yeah, it's kind of like in the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. James Marsden is like working in green hills, Montana or something. Not to something the first Sonic the Hedgehog level, but he wants to like, because he's a sheriff in Montana, but then he wants to get a promotion to work for San Francisco PD. So if we use that if we just I will come and deer Sonic the Hedgehog into my universe into the old crown universe and use that say, Are you coming during Christmas Chronicles and the old crone universe? Yes, I'm coming. I'm commandeering Christmas Chronicles and Sonic the Hedgehog. Oh, come on. I feel like it's a kindly man universe. This is a kindly man universe I or what if it's both Christmas Chronicles is both? It could be proud. Could it be both? We could both be right. They could take place on a timeline. It's kind of like with the Legend of Zelda we have some games that like because like the timeline, the The Legend of Zelda timeline splits three ways but then it like comes back together at the end with Breath of the Wild. It could be like that. I don't know. But we'll get more info later on. We'll figure out you know, we're still working on this Universe Theory and figuring out which one multiverse sorry I keep keep making that mistake. old crone. I apologize. Anyways. Let's talk about this movie. Where do you want to start? So maybe we should describe the plot. So, um, it's Christmas Eve 2018. And we have a 10 year old girl. I don't remember her name kitty cat. That's her nickname kitty cat and her older brother, Teddy, and they fight and they don't get along Christmas cliche. Their dad is dead. He died. Being a firefighter. They have a mom, but she works as a nurse at a hospital or something. And so she's not home a lot. I will say what I called, like, video camera footage in the very beginning. And as soon as this for this starts playing, I'm just like, the parents are dead, aren't they? They're definitely dead. Now is half right. But Christmas cliche. Yeah, Christmas cliche. And so they're fighting. And then the mom is like, y'all need to get it together. Y'all need to be friendly. And then she has to go to the hospital. So they're, they're home alone for Christmas Eve. The sisters going through old videotapes of their previous Christmases as a family and she notices in one frame she sees sanas hand go out and put a present by the tray. And so she gets an idea. Hey, bro, let's set up a trap for Santa and try to find him. They set up a trap. They find out they get into a sleigh and then they cause a sleigh crash Christmas is almost ruined. And so they work with the Santa who fucks Kurt Russell to save Christmas. I just want to say so when Olivia says Christmas is almost ruined. You think those are petty steaks, right? Oh man. Christmas is almost ruined. boohoo No. It's not Santa Claus establishes. And he says that when? Christmas when he fucks up on Christmas and kids don't get present. Well, I know what happens. Wars happen. famines happen. Bad things. plagues happen bad shit happens when he doesn't deliver presents. My note says the plague and all wars are because Santa's missed his Christmas Eve rounds. That's literally what he's implies multiple times. So it's like World War Two. Santa's slipped up, you know, Vietnam COVID I'm convinced I'm convinced. So this is 2020 that we're recording right? We're recording at the end of 2020. I am convinced because Coronavirus kind of started ended 2019 beginning of 2020 I think that we would stop Coronavirus in his tracks is Santa didn't fuck up for whatever reason. In 2019 is Christmas but he did and that's why Coronavirus spread across the world. That's what I'm all I'm saying is the timing fits pretty fucking well for that. So Kurt Russell Santa Claus. Have a good year this year. I wish you the best of luck. Yeah, come on, dude. You can do it. Yeah. And so they have to save Christmas. But what happens is they don't have a sleigh. He doesn't have his magic because he needs his hat. He doesn't have his reindeer. He doesn't have a sack of toys. So they got a bunch of shit to do in the city of Chicago. Again, we're in Chicago. I love Chicago. Christopher Columbus director trait, you know, also Christmas movie trade because the printer switch was also in Chicago for a little bit. OFAC? Yeah, yeah. Like they steal a car that was stolen. And then they're in a police chase. And there's a scene where like they they go off a ramp and the car is going down into like a snow pile and like it's slow motion and Kurt Russell and Teddy are looking at each other like it's great. Santa is arrested. He spends quite a bit of this movie in jail having an orgy with people at the jail cell. And while this is happening, Teddy in kitty cat, they are like getting the sack getting the reindeer getting the elves to help out which the elves are like little CGI kind of troll doll looking thing. I love the elves and they speak Elvish Santa speaks Elvish in this movie, it's this is like a sci fi Christmas movie. It's amazing. I know. I love that attention to detail and that world building because the majority of Christmas movies do not go that far. And it's timing that it also goes that far. But it says I'm going to take the things that you know about Christmas and kind of put it in a real world possible context. That makes sense where it's just like other Christmas movies are like, well, we're just going to take the tropes and kind of just shove it together. This actually thinks it through almost like so this director directed Harry Potter and it shows and Olivia you noted that like when she's in like the North when kitty cat gets in the North Pole sands workshop I'm like this is very much Harry Potter vibes right here. Like I'm feeling the Harry but you feel them, not just Christmas magic, because it's not just like these characters are doing things just for the plot to go along. It's like you actually sent magic in this world. And it's really, it's It was amazing. It's so cool. I mean, one of the important things about this world building a couple weeks ago, I watched a Halloween movie for my other podcast, and I there's gonna be a hot take. It's Hocus Pocus. I didn't like it. And my co host didn't like it. And one of the reasons why we didn't like it is because it doesn't have the attention to detail that this movie does. Like, they're both kids movies, they're both holiday themed movies. But this one says, like, we're gonna think about this and actually do really freakin interesting things with the holiday, the lore that we all know. And you really appreciate it for it. And what was really cool was how they would travel from city to city because Santa Claus and his sleigh had like a globe. And whenever he wanted to go to a different town, he would press on the globe, and then he would be in the aurora borealis and he would travel to different cities through the aurora borealis. It was amazing. I loved it. This movie is incredible. Yeah. Awesome. Okay, we got before we finish off with the elves. Olivia. I think you know where I'm going with this. There is one elf so Oh, my glare on the movie, the boy Teddy. Teddy. He gets kidnapped by a group of criminals. Right? And they're going to, I think they imply that they're going to kill them. Yeah. And he has a Chris, he has a Santa Claus his Christmas sack with all the gifts. And we established earlier that it's essentially a portal to the North Pole. Again, cool. But the elves start coming out of the sack and like Gremlin style or like Jurassic Park style, like the little dinosaurs that attack people I can't remember their name. But essentially, they start going crazy and attack and all these guys. So the elves are coming out of the sack. And what I love is a they're like bloodthirsty. They're eager to fight and they're throwing like, was it a trunk? They're throwing pool balls at guys. I mean, like that can do some damage. They're going crazy. And there's this one elf. So when they're attacking, they don't know that Teddy is kitty cats brother, right? So they think he's another criminal that they got to take out. So they're there's this one elf that has a little chainsaw. And he starts coming up on 10. So another how ELLs are holding him down. And this little owl with his little chainsaw goes up in his bow to cut Teddy's dick off. Like he's literally on the verge of cutting Teddy's dick off with a little chainsaw. That happened in this movie. That's brilliant. It says like, What is going on? I love this. And then so we didn't have a whole we didn't have a ton of Christmas cliches because this wasn't like a made for TV, romance. Christmas. Maybe this was like a really well done Christmas movie. Like watch with your family. It's great. So I just I wrote down a lot of Sean's quote, and he said, chansa elf is my favorite. They were going to cut his dick off and a Christmas movie. These are bloodthirsty elves. chansa elf is my favorite elf, he will cut your dick off in the name of Santa Claus, which I just really enjoyed. I will say going off of is not so Livia, we have a note document that we share. And we take notes as we watch now Olivia, you made a separate section for me that says shit, Sean says. But in the regular section, there's a bit where you say, and this, folks, this is all the note says, I have no idea what it's I have an idea what it's about, but I'm not 100% Sure. It just says oh my god, that bitches dead. Are you talking about? So it's when it's towards the beginning of the movie, when Teddy and kitty cat are in the sleigh. And then they startle Santa. And so they have like this. This sleigh twists and turns they get caught in the jet wash an airplane and she falls out of the sleigh and she's plummeting to earth and I'm like that bitch is dead. Like she's dead. She's gonna die. That's what that was in reference to also another Shawn quote. So to give you some context, before I say this quote, Santa Claus says many times throughout this movie, he's not a hohoho guy. He doesn't like saying, whoa, whoa, whoa. So I said Santa Claus in Ohio. But he does fuck. There's also a moment we thought Santa I was gonna get in a bar fight. And I was like, slap him Santa slap them. So that was great. I really wanted him to get into a fistfight. Also, Sean said that Santa Claus. Yeah. I mean, it's Kurt Russell. He said he's about to join as the newest Avenger. He's an Avenger. He can't die. And I was like, you haven't seen endgame but okay. I have. I was kidding. I know. When I was getting to. He also said, after he leaves the jail cell, he said that's the true believing adults. They believe in his sexual healing. And also, who doesn't he fuck. It's just a great movie. Santa Claus is a leather daddy. We love it. He's amazing. Speaking of Kurt Russell, Santa Claus being an Avenger, we need to because this is what we've been talking about. And this is one of our categories that we consistently talk about every episode circle, our boy circle versus normally it's versus the other romantic love interest of the movie. Now there's technically no other romantic love interest in this movie. But also, technically speaking, there is a Mrs. Claus and they're definitely making love. Let's be honest. So you can kind of count it. And also, we all fell in love with Santa Claus in this movie. Let's just let's just be honest, like we did we all fell in love. We all fell in love with Kurt Russell Santa Claus. He's so we're, we're we're thrown Kurt Russell, Santa Claus. And Olivia said, Kurt Russell Santa Claus with his bare hands, bare hands versus circle. And I would add to that one handed, he has one hand tied behind his back was just I was just about to say that. Yeah, he's got one hand tied behind his back and he is like, I don't need a weapon. Because I'm going to steal yours and kill you with your own weapon with one hand tied behind my back. And it's like, there's not even a debate. It's not it's not a fair fight. No question. There's no question. Santa Claus is straight up murdering circle string circle favor, walking dead. And then you know how we like to rank our heroes. I was like, we have to include him. We have to include him and sit Kurt Russell Santa Claus. He's fucking number one. He's Yes. was easily number one. He's like, we loved Prince Richard from a Christmas brand spotlight yet Kurt Russell, Santa Claus or Prince Richard. I'm fucking going with leather daddy Santa. Okay, like he led an orgy in a jail. So how could you not, you know? I mean, like, there are many because I love Kurt Russell. Kurt Russell's, one of my favorite actors. I'm glad you finally admit it, because I always say that you love him and you want to marry him and he always say that's incorrect. So I'm glad you're finally accepted. Can't want to marry him. I love you. You want to marry him before Goldie Hawn. The point that I'm trying to make is that Kurt Russell has an incredible smile. He's just so charming. Even if you took a freeze frame of one of his several smiles in this movie, he would still win. But when you have the entirety of Kurt Russell in this movie, you know, like I will say to my I underestimated Chris Columbus and I underestimated Kurt Russell, because I put off this movie because I thought it was gonna be a piece of shit. I'm like, I don't want to I don't think there's going to be any good. I will say I partially blame Netflix because it's a terrible title for a movie. Christmas Chronicles. It's so dull. Anyways, Kurt Russell really out shined? I mean, I really I shouldn't say that. Because I love him. He's always good in every performance. Even like bad movies. He's great. I caught you like every day for a week. I was like, we got to watch this movie. We got to watch this movie. And you're like, No, no, no, I don't want to I do mainly. That's exactly how I sound and by the way, which have you seen breakdown? Because that's probably one of my favorite kirker I haven't seen it yet. So we're gonna watch next year. Okay. 2021 we're watching. We're doing it. Shawn WrestleMania we're doing WrestleMania anyways, yeah, so Kurt Russell, Santa Claus. Basically kicks everyone's ass in any category. We can throw any category out there. And he would win easily even even if we had like, best staircase reveals. I would still throw him in there somehow. He's, like, out of all the heroes and heroines he's like he's the sexiest You said it yourself. Let's be honest. He's looking great in that best. And that's the whole thing is that like, he's like, I'm Santa Claus. Like you don't look like him. And he's like, I know billboards add 80 pounds because he's a fit. does a great job Santa Claus. We love We love fit Santa. But speaking of staircase reveals we need to go over our Christmas cliches. There's Not too many, but there is an important one we need to go over. So we have like we mentioned before a dead parent. We have Christmas baking towards the beginning between kitty cat and her mom. Christmas magic, obviously because we've got fucking Santa Claus in this movie. We've got trauma from a Christmas song because there's one song like kitty cat and Teddy's dead love to sing at Christmas. And they hear it and it makes them sad. And then this one we have a Netflix reference someone is watch I forget who was watching, I think was the valet the parking attendant the valet Yeah, the valet was watching Stranger Things. Which according to logic in our previous episode means that if Christmas Chronicles is part of one timeline, then Stranger Things actually happens in the other timeline. Wait a second. Yeah. But now before we before we finish this train of thought, is one of the seasons that Christmas season. I haven't watched on Netflix. I haven't watched Stranger Things pull at me. Oh, I want to say next season is going to be a Christmas season. I think that's what it is. I thought they were done with three now they're doing another season. But why would they reference a Christmas season in 2018 moving they're just trying to promote Stranger Things? Exactly. But this is our own logic. Olivia This is our own thing. But that means that it's canon. So like if I took if Christmas Chronicles as part of the old crone timeline then Stranger Things as part of the kindly man timeline, I would rather have Christmas Chronicles and Stranger Things that mean Stranger Things as part of the old crone timeline shit. It literally depends on whether you think so let me just I want to get this actor's name right, because it's about the share from Christmas inheritance and one of the cops from so the actor is Martin Roach. So it depends on whether Martin roaches character is the same guy and he changed his name or not that that's the determining factor. What if now hear me out because we haven't seen it yet. But what if Christmas Chronicles two establishes a multiverse in the Christmas Chronicles movies. So that theoretically speaking, all Chrome has one of the Okay, okay, we but we don't know that yet. So the first way because we're trying to do it by era or epoch. So we're epoch whatever we're trying to do by like year, so we got to get through the 20/19. And then we can get to the 2020s. Yeah, I'll let me I can't I cannot wait to watch Christmas Chronicles. So even though it's already out and we can watch it right now. We got to do this right. We got to do this the right way week. Because, you know, in other movies, there's going to be other connections that might help us establish more of that. Exactly. The multiverse. Yes. So I think next we have a Christmas prints too. And that's what we're watching tomorrow. Okay, any other thoughts? Any other things you want to say about this movie? You reference three other movies while we watch this movie? It's a combination of Jumanji, too fast too furious, and the Santa Claus but in reverse, because we thought that he was going to become their new dad and try to like get with the mom. And so like he killed the dad. He killed the dad killing Santa Claus. Yeah, he said if Santa Claus killed the dad, this is going to be the Santa Claus and roses are in reverse. Do you think Santa is going to fuck their mom Santa is going to be their new daddy. Yeah, so man, this was such a good such a good movie. Aren't you glad love this movie? This is I've been trying to get you to watch it for months. I know. I know. I'm sorry. At the same time, I feel like this is one of those instances where we watched it when we needed to watch it. You know? Yeah, if we watched it earlier, we still would have had a good time. But within the context of this podcast, I think it adds that much more to it. You know? Yeah. Okay. Olivia, what would you give this rating wise? If you were going to give a rating? Can I give it an 11 out of 10? Yeah, get an 11 out of 10 like this is number one. Okay. Oh, look, I'm saying it's this movie and then a Christmas prints. This is gonna be so within the context of Christmas movies. I don't know if I want to give an 8.5 or a nine. I feel like nine I really am going to give to like my favorite of favorite movies and I here's the thing. I don't feel like I could justify a nine on a first watch. I feel like a nine has got to be a movie that sticks with me for a long time. This movie's gonna stick with you for you probably will olevia I'll probably give it a nine in hindsight, but right now I got to stick to my guns and given a point five and a half Follow up that was saying the running category of Is this better than Die Hard no this is not better than die hard but a comes awfully fucking close in terms of Christmas movies like this is this can easily be a go to Christmas movie classic so this is gonna probably join my list of number one diehard number two jingle all the way and then number three Christmas Chronicles that's probably what's going to happen so you should give it a nine because I told you while we're watching like Sean we're watching this together every year like this is your Christmas movie now and a Christmas and the night before Christmas. Like we're gonna watch both of those every year I'd get ready. I really just I really just need Netflix to do like a 32nd video of Russell Santa Claus, like Body Slam and circle taking them out. It'd be incredible. And then chainsaw coming after so circles that. Wait, Shawn what I just had a thought? What? You know how the old crone, the old crone and kindly man insert themselves into the story. Yes, as the godlike character with magic. Santa Claus is also God. But then does that mean Santa Claus is the kindly man or Santa Claus, the old crone, because Santa Claus construed the whole thing, because we find out in them at the end of the movie, he didn't need his hat. He made this whole situations that way, this brother and sister could become closer for their mom, I was like that is uncleanness. The only thing that really bothered me about this movie, because that leaves one of two possibilities. Either Kurt Russell, Santa Claus was lying about the possibility of world war three happening because he did deliver Christmas presents. Or he let he let it come so close down to the wire that world war three could have possibly happened? Because he wanted to repair this family. Because Listen, it's a nice sentiment to want to repair a family. But I just don't think a potential war would have justified that. Shawn we might be dealing with another fanfic writer. We'll find out more with Christmas Chronicles too, and with more movies, but we said that old crone and kindly man, they are magical figures writing themselves in these stories to action. So that way, there's a plot and Santa does the exact same thing. So is Santa Claus God, I just want to say I'm gonna be real sexist right now and say, well, Santa Claus is a man. So I feel like he's an extension of kindly man. And he is a kind man. So I kind of want to take them but but but but you could make the argument that this is Mrs. Claus his movie, and her narrative perspective, because she's at the very end. And then Mrs. Claus is old crone. And then you could grab it, I'm just saying. Or we could go like what the Legend of Zelda thing where it's like, yeah, the timeline split. But at some points, they come back together. Olivia. You know what I just realized. Ask yourself who is the protagonist of this movie? Who is the main character kitty cat, right? Yeah. So what if I was actually thinking kitty cat, but I was like, so what if I felt kitty cat kitty cat you around? Which deer the middle kitty cat is you younger you and then you grow to be Old Crow. And then the video camera comes somehow relates the video camera is how you're essentially telling the whole story because also the video camera. It's really weird that she's using a camcorder and 2018 I understand the narrative reason it just doesn't make any sense, which we should explain because she goes back and re watch his home videos on a camcorder. She uses that same camcorder throughout the night to try to get sad like she's filming everything. But it would make sense for you, Olivia when you were younger, and at that age at that age to use a camcorder. So theoretically, this is really the story of you telling this and pitching this to Netflix, which again leads credence to the fact and or idea that this is all Krohn cinematic universe, which means Stranger Things is in your universe. I just really want Kurt Russell of being my cinematic universe. I love Kurt Russell so much. I'm so glad you're finally admitting it. Okay, we always said I love Kurt Russell. We need to start keeping a document of like the different timelines and their movies and stuff. So this is getting way more involved than what I thought it was. I thought we're just gonna sit back watch some Christmas movies and now it's like, multiverse. Magic god neflix guys, you gotta you thought these were simple. You thought there was nothing going on here. You were fucking wrong. So wrong. Netflix has got y'all hoodwinked. They are telling their own story. Everyone thinks that Marvel is winning the game the Netflix Christmas cinematic universe, sorry, the Netflix Christmas cinematic multiverse is decades beyond Marvel. Marvel is a fucking dust portfolio. Got it got shit on this multiverse. This is like flying underneath the radar and that's what they want. They want you to uncover it yourself. It's amazing. Yeah. Okay, we got to go. Sean. We're talking like crazy people. We got to get out of here. All right. Well, love you. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, Sean 20 sleeps till Christmas, which means it's 19 sleeps until Kurt Russell. He's coming down your chimney. He's coming in your chimney. So take down your stockings. Turn off the lights because Kurt Russell. He's gonna be there. And yeah. Take down your stockings. Put up your socks. Because Kurt Russell's comment and he's the Santa who fucks