April 1, 2022

The Devil's Cave ... and His Nose too

The Devil's Cave ... and His Nose too

Caves are dark, isolated and easy to get lost in. There are many reasons to find them frightening, but there are caves that are feared for one specific being. The Devil himself is said to live in caves, known as "Cuevas de Diablo (Devil's Cave). Today, we tell you about a Devil's Cave in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico, the Devil's Nose in Ecuador and the Devil's Door in El Salvador. First we bring you a listener story, if you have a story you want us to read, please email us at Espookytales@gmail.com

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Music Credit: 

Silent Night (Dark Piano Version)-Myuu      

I, Crime Scene (Piano Version)-Ghost Stories Incorporated

Visit http://www.marcvdmeulen.com/royalty-free-horror-music for royalty free horror music  

Link for sources

Episode art credit: "La cueva del Diablo" by LALO VAZQUEZ is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.