Come Embrace, The Fun, at Briden Farm, where the Tea is Always On, and The Coffee is not Far Behind

Three Days Later and Lara and All 8 Piglets are Well

Thankfully, Lara, our female Berkshire Pig, and her eight new piglets are all doing well three days after her natural farrowing earlier this week. This video gives insights into why…

Three Days Later and Lara and All 8 Piglets are Well thankfully! We chose to let nature take its course with Lara our Berkshire Pig when she farrowed a few days ago and became a Sow giving birth to eight healthy piglets. Traditionally female pigs are placed in farrowing crates. Held, pretty much without being able to move, with piglets only able to access the sow and nurse coming in from the sides. The idea is that it keeps the sow from laying on, and crushing, the piglets. So, when you allow things to proceed, as naturally as possible, not crating the Sow, there is increased risk of the piglets being crushed. So, with Lara, sing a first time Mom and still having all her piglets three days later, it’s a miracle of sorts. For which we are thankful. We’re. Also hoping that by allowing Lara to raise her piglets this way, that perhaps her daughters will be more apt to make excellent Mothers also, having learned from their Mom, Lara. When Lara approaches her piglets to lay down she lays near them, often pushing up the hay under the piglets and sometimes softly tossing them to the side. Then once she rolls over on to her side the piglets return to their nursing with Her. This video sort of shows how she does this.