July 2, 2022

Tammy Tay Lost Money on NFTs. That Hasn't Stopped Her. | Blockcast EP 2

Tammy Tay Lost Money on NFTs. That Hasn't Stopped Her. | Blockcast EP 2

Tammy Tay first made her mark as a successful influencer in Singapore, even if she hates the word. Now, she's dived face-first into the world of NFTs and DAOs - while our other guest, Xeppy of UnfilteredNFT went from Dungeons and Dragons to Web3 Educator all within a year.

🎙️ Hey there, Blockcast listeners! 🎙️

Before you dive deep into the crypto chaos, here's a little heads-up from your pals at Blockhead. While we love unraveling the blockchain tapestry and sharing our findings, remember, our chats are just that—chats. They're not financial blueprints or crystal balls. So, whether you're a crypto veteran or just dipping your toes, always do your own research and consult with a pro before making any financial moves. After all, in the world of crypto, it's always best to take things with a pinch of satoshi... or salt. Dive in responsibly! 🚀🧂