Go listen to RETRO REHAB for all things retro gaming!!
July 3, 2023

Ep. 50 - Most Replayable Games (ft. Jared, "Distorted Rules")

One more time. ONE. MORE. TIME. Aaron and Tommy are joined by Jared, who does "YuGiBoiz" with Aaron, as they talk about their favorite games that are incredibly replayable! Why not listen to this one twice?

Thank you so much for listening! Feel free to leave a comment, follow us on social media, or join our Discord.

Stay awesome and have a super rad day!

Jared (Distorted Rules)Profile Photo

Jared (Distorted Rules)

Host of "YuGiBoiz"

One half of YuGiBoiz. Plays video games. Has no bio or other social medias. A true man of mystery.

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.