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Amanda Hill

Amanda HillProfile Photo

Amanda B. Hill is a well-known and respected healthcare attorney in Austin, TX. With more than 20 years of experience practicing healthcare law and coaching and training doctors in patient satisfaction and leadership, Amanda is uniquely positioned to assist doctors with their most pressing and essential issues. Amanda built Guard My Practice because she saw a need – doctors want to feel safe and protected in their businesses but aren't 100% sure how to stay out of trouble. She's seen it all and helped others get through it. Her passion is becoming a partner and trusted confidant to medical groups and doctors to help them navigate through uncertainty and toward peace.

Dec. 4, 2023

X’s and O’s of Job Transitions with Amanda Hill

Clear and written agreements are the cornerstone of trust in professional relationships. However, some misconceptions often lead professionals astray. Many believe that verbal promises hold the same weight as written agreements, a notion...

Episode page
April 24, 2023

How to Guard Your Practice with Amanda Hill

Doctors play a crucial role in safeguarding the health and well-being of their patients. However, it is also essential for doctors to guard their practice since medical practices are complex businesses and managing finances can be challenging....

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